Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Search. 19

As Caius stood outside Sorrowdown's main gate, he turned and looked back at what was left of the Paratus empire capital. Bram Thorn had filled his body with Elemental energy. His only question now was, what next? How was he to find Jameld Thorn? The first place he should look is Ammath. As a princess, her father would feel responsible to keep the crazy Warlock away from her. But would he hide her in Ammath? Probably not. Then where else might he hide her? Probably somewhere in Fay Shrea. The Queen's castle.
With a destination in mind, Caius whistled and his horse came trotting out to him. As he reached for the reins, it neighed and bucked trying to get away from him. He pulled it close to calm it down then jumped up into the saddle. The horse screamed as his hot legs came in contact with its body and set it on fire. As the horse bucked, Caius was thrown up out of the saddle and into the air. Like a flaming arrow, Caius shot up into the sky. Thinking he could somehow slow his fall, he spread his arm and changed the direction of his flight. He turned up, then sailed left then right and circled the city. As Caius stated up at the sun, he couldn't believe he was flying. Maybe the deal he made with Bram wasn't as bad as he thought. If somehow he could keep the powers Bram had given him, he would have to find a way to kill the crazy bastard. Caius turned east and headed out to Fay Shrea. The eastern course he was flying would take him to pass Ammath and over Eventide. From there he would turn a little south and drop down to look for the floral cities and gardens of fairyland.
As he passed Aesar and Ganymede, Caius thought about what he knew about the Ammath. He didn't know much about Ammath except that it was a very old country. Its history went out beyond a thousand years as one of the oldest of the Fae. As Faire, the Ammath was about five inches tall with the strength of a fully grown human. They had an electrostatic sting powerful enough to overcome a full sized bull.
Aesar looked as normal as ever. In Aesar, Elves went  about their day like it was just another day. In the palace of the high lord, it was time for the guards to change there post. Caius watched as the filed out and made their way all around the palace. As he flew on, the lakeside border of Ganymede appeared below him. Ganymede was the home of a species of Coral Elves. They were distant cousins to Dree and Aquilona. Ganymede's lake had a fifteen mile tunnel that connected Lake Gany to the Shyr Ocean. One had to be a true Prince or General to navigate the twists and turns of the Agis Tunnel.
From the air, Caius could see the homes and market place of the city. It looked undamaged, citizens made their way about their daily chores from farming to ranching. As Caius got closer to the border, things changed. Farms and small ranches were burned and devastated. This had to be the work of Bram and his mad vengeance.
Like an arrow he shot himself out over the devastated land. From what he saw, every tree, all the vegetation had been ripped up out of the ground. No Fairy could possibly still live here, and if they did, they would be to weak to even stand. Jameld can't be here. Then where do I go next? Caius had no idea where to go. There had to be someone out there the Sharpwing's were close to
"Where do I look next you crazy Bastard!!!" Caius screamed. You destroyed Ammath. Where could she be?]
[You watch your mouth.] Bram answered. [Go to Eventide.]
[My thanks Master Thorn.] Caius sent as he locked him mind an shut the warlock out.
[Your words are no comfort to me.] Thorn sent to him. [Just get in and get her out.]
With a nod Caius turned was toward Eventide.

With no idea where to head next, Myor, Quynn, Ranjer, Bly and Rowyn sat in a comfortable pentagon deep in concentration. They're purpose was to find Bram's rings. Leda Redhelm was dead, that meant Bram had one more ring. It also meant he had somewhere between four to six rings and there wasn't much time to mess around. Once he had eight rings he would be almost unstoppable, he would attack. With our count at five, we had to find the next ring to keep him from gaining the advantage.
With his eyes closed, Quyyn was deep in concentration. He had more on his mind than the rings. Where was his parents? Had Bram captured them? Where they in trouble? He didn't know and he had to admit, it was hard keeping him mind on Bram when there was so much at home to worry about. With Bram back on his mind, Quyyn sank himself back into the search. Suddenly there was a voice.
[Yes?] He answered the familiar call. [Uncle? Is that you?]
[Yes.] Aramis answered. [I am here to do you a favor. I can help with your search.]
[How Uncle?] He asked.
[The rings you are searching for are the rings of Life and Death. I will show you where my ring is and Angela will show you how to find hers.]
[Thank you Uncle.]
[Don't thank me yet.] Aramis sent. [This won't be easy. There will be two tasks to accomplish before you get the rings. You will have to be brave and intelligent to gain possession of the rings.]
[We will do our best.] Quyyn said with a smile.
[We are counting on you.]
At that moment, Quyyn smiles as he opened his eyes.
"I know where the rings are."

Like a Phoenix, Cauis burning his way across the sky. He streaked south from Aesar toward Eventide. Caius didn't know much about Eventide except that the people were High Forest Elves. They lived in great tree cities and worshiped Alee and the great mother Rhea. He also knew the Eventide's were close to the Dragons. How, he wasn't sure but there were many stories told about how the Dragons were the protectors of the Elven nation. That meant going into Eventide using force wouldn't be a good idea
As Caius rode the heat thermals south, he noticed how the trees had gone from regular tall trees to giants. The forest here looked magnificent. There were fields of colorful flowers and trees that stood hundreds of feet tall with sparkling lights that ran all through the them. Caius looked down. He was amazed at how sharp his vision had become. He could see Elves moving all through the trees. They pruned away dead branches for fire wood, they watered and picked fruit for their tables.
As he watched, a line of Elves came out of a entrance high in a tree. They carried picks and saws and tools that looked to be used in construction. Most of them wore green, except the leader who wore brown. Caius dropped down to land on a branch not far from where they were going. The second they saw him, they stopped and gathered together to talk. They were all tall, a little over six feet with helmets that covered long white hair. All their ears were pointed and their eyes looked exotic. As Caius approached, the one dressed in brown stepped out to confront him.
"Aiya Stranger." He said as he bowed but never took his eyes off of Cauis. They obviously didn't trust him. Caius saw weapons come out as he got nearer. He held out his hands trying not to look dangerous. "Who are you?"
"My name is Cauis Pius." Caius said as he bowed. "I'm here searching for a friend."
"You are trespassing." The brown garbed Elf said. "I don't know how you got here but you are in violation of all our laws. If you are here looking for any answers, you should have crossed the border, then requested an audience with our king. King Evindal is fair, he would have listened and tried to help you."
"But I've betrayed your trust." Cauis said. "Take me to your king. I will ask my questions. If he answers, I will be grateful. If he decides I am to be punished, I will bow to his decision."
"My name is Tasar Sharian." The Elf said as they gathered around Cauis. "If you speak the truth. There my still be a chance."
Surrounded by the Elven workers, Cauis followed them though the tree city. Using private branches, they moved down then above the crowded branches through the city. Elven citizen watched them as they moved heading for the largest tree in the center of the city. As they approached the royal tree's front gate, Tasar walked ahead to talk with the palace guards. The guards looked over to Caius with a suspicious look. More Elves that don't trust him. That's pretty smart Caius thought, since usually he wasn't very trustworthy. Under different conditions, Caius would have come in blasting everything in his way. But not today. War with the Dragons wouldn't get him what he was after.
When Tasar was finished talking with the guards, one guard went into the palace while Tasar and the other guards came walking back to them.
"A message explaining what has happened is on the way into the Palace." Tasar said. "Meanwhile unfortunately, your under arrest. Please come quietly, we don't want to have to fight you."
As the guards all pulled their weapons, Caius hand came up and started to glow. If he fought them now, he wasn't sure if he would even make it out of Eventide alive. He had his Elemental powers but there were six guards there to fight. He could kill a few, but there was still a chance they might get a spear in his back before he could get to them all. Live today to fight tomorrow. Caius let go of the power building through his system. He would trust in the king to be fair, he could always free himself later in the night if he has to. Caius raised his hands and let them take him into custody.
"I hope you plan to feed me." Caius said as they turned him around and marched him away. "I'm starving."

As Aron jumped up in bed, he screamed out in terror. There was someone here in Eventide with evil on they're mind. He wiped the sweat from his brow and leaped from the bed heading for the door. As he turned the knob he looked down at his naked body. Aron turned around and went for his clothes in the bureau next to the bed. Elan might like to see him running around naked, but he was pretty sure his brother Evindal, the king wouldn't care to see it.
Dressed in a dark green tunic and black leggings, Aron headed out of the bedroom suite. From their bedroom, Aron headed down to the dining hall to see who was up at this hour. As he walked through the halls, he saw a few of the guards doing their rounds keeping the family safe. Other then the king and queen, Adanar and Emrel was home. Seven and Jake were at home in the Dragon city. Elan was back in Darkshade finishing their move to Eventide. Most of the Darkshade citizens had chosen to make the move with them. The only one still in Darkshade was Hasmera, Liat's prophetess mother and a few of the old house staff. Though she was instrumental in the fall of Darkshade, she refused to leave saying she would die here in her home.
As Aron entered the dining hall, he saw Evindal sitting at the head of the table surrounded by books, paper scrolls and two of his advisers. One Elven and the other a Dwarf. When he looked up, he smiled and called his youngest brother over to join them.
"Man erin gwanur." Evindal said. "Are you hungry? We have fresh klah and aes rolls that are just out of the oven."
"Thank cin." Aron took a plate and went to the serving station and took two rolls. He poured himself a hot cup of klah and went and sat down.
"So how is the building going?" Evindal asked. "We have a lot of people to place her in the city. will there be enough space?"
"Yes your Majesty." Garrik Stonehelm said. "We're going to extend the city adding twenty five trees. That will be more then enough room."
"Have you been out to take a look Aron?"
"Yes." Aron answered. "Elan and I were out there with a few of the families so they can choose where they would live."
"What did they think?"
"Well, other then the heights." Aron said. "They were pretty impressed. Kel Orama asked if him and a few of Darkshades warriors could join the city guards."
Aubrom Nierde exhaled what to Aron sounded like an objection. He turned to look at Aubron.
"Majesty." Aubrom said. "Don't you think it would be wise to let them get more acquainted with us before we add them to our fighting force?"
"No." Evindal said sternly. "I think they deserved to be a part of their no homes. We have many new warriors and bakers and builders that want to be a part of Eventide. Don't you think they deserve the right to make a living? How would you like it if it had been us that lost our homes. Wouldn't you want to get into their laws so you can practice law again?"
Aubron sat there in silence. He wouldn't agree or disagree to what the King was saying. Evindal shook his head. He was sorry for what he was about to do.
"Aubron Niedre, your dismissed from your service in Eventide. If you can't be fair to our new arrivals, I can use you here."
"But Sire?" He stammered.
"Your dismissed." Evindal stood up and walked to the call bell and rang it. In a minute, a guard came in to answer the king's call. "Take Aubron Niedre home to pack his things, then escort him out of Eventide. He can take any family that wants to go with him."
"Your Majesty." Aubron pleaded. "I meant no disrespect."
"What you meant was cold pig headed prejudice against our new citizens. I can't have that here. Not ever! Aiya. Take him away."
As Aubron was led out of the dining hall, Aron looked to his brother.
"Was that necessary?"
"Yes." Evindal said. "I can't have people that think that way here in my service. I won't have our home poisoned by people like Talsara Darkshade. She was going to kill you and Elan for falling in love. Do you have any idea how heart broken I would be? I may not have known you, but I would have felt it. So would all of our family. Then I would have gone to war."
Tears burned their way down out of Aron's eyes.. He had never had a real family when he was growing up. But now he had Elan and the Eventide's to love for the rest of his life He got up and hugged Evindal and cried into his shoulder.
"I love you Brother."
"I love you too." Evindal hugged him and squeezed him tight. Aron, what brought you down here this
morning? It wasn't the klah, I know that."
"I had a bad dream."
"What kind of dream?" Evindal asked. Now Evindal was getting suspicious. He knew there were dreams in his family. Ryel and Zaos had them and so did Emrel and Adanar. So, yeah, he was interested to hear about his dream.
"It wasn't really a dream." Aron tried to explain. "It was a feeling. There is someone here that shouldn't be. Someone that represents danger to us."
"Do you know who it is?"
"No" Aron said. "But it would be a stranger. That I'm sure of."
Evindal dismissed Garrik then came back to sit across from Aron. He had a servant bring him a fresh cup of klah. He added sugar and cream then took a sip. That's how klah should always taste.
"Would you recognize him if you saw him again?"
"Yes." Aron said. He thought back to the dream. He had dark hair with a small scar over his right eye. "I'd know him if I see him again. "Then follow me."
"Then follow me." Evindal picked up his klah and drank it down. He wiped his mouth then stood up an headed out of the dining hall. Once Aron caught up they headed out across a branch way to a chute that would take the down through the tree levels to a lower section four tree's out from where they had started. Aron had seen most of the levels of the royal tree, but this place he didn't recognize. There were guards posted all through the hollow tree tube that was Eventide's prison. As they entered the prison, three guards snapped to attention. Evindal called the lead Sargent to come up and present himself to his king. A middle aged  Elf marched out to stand in front of the king.
"Sargent Hiarr." He  said as he snapped a salute to the king. "At your service."
"We have a guest that was found out in the new part of the city."
"Yes Sire." The Sargent answered. "We have him settled on the second tier."
"Take us to him."
With another salute, the Sargent turned and lead them on into the prison. Eventide prison was nothing like most prisons in Taggitia. It wasn't dark and depressing and dirty, King Tanyl had rebuilt the prison during his reign making it bright and comfortable. He had done this after serving time in Darkshade's death hold of a prison. He knew Eventide had to have a prison, but it didn't have to be a place to die.
From the main guard post, they went up the circular path to the second tier where the they moved into the four rows of holding cubicles. They were cleaned and made comfortable daily. The prisoners here didn't suffer, they were kept clean well fed,
As they walked into the rows of cells, Aron looked in and saw prisoners with books reading and some had tutors that were teaching them how to read and write and use numbers. Aron was impressed by what he saw. Though he had never been in a prison, he knew this was very different then the prisons in other lands.
"Father reworked our prison years ago after he returned from his time in Darkshade's prison." Evindal explained. "We have one of the most peaceful prisons in Taggitia. I'll make sure it stays that way."
On the last row of cells, they found what they were looking for. They stopped at a cell where the occupant sat leaning back in a lounge chair. His hands were folded across his stomach and his eyes were closed.
"Is this him?" Evindal asked.
"Yes Sire. He was found deep back in the new construction area. We asked how he got there, but he didn't answer."
When the guard started talking, Caius opened his eyes. He looked out to see King Evindal at his door, he stood up and moved over to give the king a proper greeting.“Good morning your majesty.” Caius bowed to the king. “My name is Caius Pius. I came here to ask the royal family for a favor.”
“A favor?” Evindal looked at his with a bit of suspicion.”You trespass into our land to ask for a favor? That’s not the way to gain favor in my eyes.”

“Yes.” Caius said. “I went about this all wrong. I should have came into your land and asked for an audience at your border, I wasn’t thinking when I arrived in your lands. I beg for your forgiveness.”

“Is this the one you spoke of?” Evindal asked Aron in the Elven tongue. “He doesn’t seem so threatening.”..

“Don’t be fooled by his good manners.” Aron warned his brother. “I’ve scanned him. He has more power than you would believe in that muscled body.”

“What would you suggest I do?”

“See what he wants.” Aron suggest.
“What can we do for you?” Evindal asked as he moved closer to the cell door. He looked Caius over wondering if he had any hidden weapons.
“I came here looking for a fairy princess.”
“There are no fairies here.” Evindal said.
“Thank you for your honesty.” Caius said. “But still, you might know where I can find her.”
“We might.” Evindal crossed his arms waiting to hear who Caius was looking for. “Who are you looking for?”
“I’m looking for Jameld Thorn.” Caius said. “She is the wife of Bram Thorn. He wants her back home where she belongs.”
When Aron heard the name of the princess, his opened in shock. He who she was and where she wasn't sure the master would like the answer they gave him. Yes, Eventide knew who BramThorn was and what he had done to Taggitia, but the mad warlock might want revenge for hid dead wife. The problem with that is he's the one responsible for her death. Yes, him and his mad rings.
[What is ii Aron?] Evindal sent to his brother after he caught Aron's second of distress.
[Brother, I think we have a problem.]