[I can hear you Graym. Up here talking isn't necessary. The dragons will teach you that.]
[ How close will I have to be?]
[We will always hear you if you need us. All you have to do is call. It doesn't matter where you are.]
The sun was shining on Graym and he was glowing with power. Jayce knew why. He realized Graym was becoming an angel. It was obvious once Salvation touched him. Together they flew. Jayce liked Graym, he was good company. Jayce looked ahead of them. He saw strange dark spots coming toward them. Graym saw it to and pointed at it.
[ What is that?] Jayce focused his eyes on the oncoming objects. They were alive. From here he could tell that. He didn't know what they were but he felt they were not friends.
[Graym, we're in for a fight. Get ready.]
With that Jayce pulled his sword. As soon as it hit the air the sword burst into flames. He looked again. Now they were closer and he could see they were demons of some kind. Something Polan conjured up.
[ Rage!! We're being attacked up here by demons. Send help.]
Graym's eyes weren't as good as Jayce's, but what he saw was horrible. They were all a dark green with huge bat like wings keeping them airborne. Scaly skin covered there bodies. They had big red eyes and huge clawed hands with long talons. Those claws looked like they could rip a man to pieces in seconds. Long fangs and teeth filled there slobbering mouths. Each one carried a sword or spear to fight with. Jayce waded in swinging his flaming sword. The first one raised his blade to defend himself but Jayce knocked it aside and drove his blade through its chest. It screamed as the demon caught fire and went crashing to earth. Two more advanced on Jayce. One swung down at his head as the other thrust his spear for his chest. Jayce spun around slashing out and severed the head from the sworded one. It's head flow off and black blood began the spray from its neck. Angling his sword down he chopped the spear in half. Jayce brought his hand up and sent out a beam of light that burned the eyes from the demon as it reached for him. It screamed out and covered it's eyes. Jayce drove his sword into it and it fell burning. There were three demons quickly diving at Graym. He swung out his arm and sent his darts flying it them. The dart were so sharp, they went right through them. The three demons fell. Graym pulled two darts from his arm and held one in each hand. As he waited the darts grew to long sword length. Now he was armed with two of the lightest but strongest sharp blades. More Demons came at him. Graym smiled and began swinging his blades. He slashed through arms and legs. He opened chests and he moved through the horde. Demon bodies fell from the sky as they fought. Suddenly they heard a roar. Jayce looked and saw Rage, Pelic, Blaze, and a Chimera coming toward them. The chimera had to be Denner. Jayce had heard about Corrin and knew how upset Denner must be. These things were in trouble now. Denner roared and waded in to the fight. His claws slashing and the snake tail snapping and ripping apart everything it touched. As the demons attacked him, Pelic opened his cloak and swallowed them up. With his hand he grabbed and paralyzed them tossing them to the ground. Blaze and Rage sent gout's of flame out and burned demons on of the sky. Jayce looked around as a demon came up behind him. He grabbed the arm that was trying to grab him and pulled him around. He swung him around and round swatting demons from the sky. As he released the demon it fell to its death screaming. Jayce looked over to see Jandar riding Cutter and sending bolts and arcane energies from his staff. Demons were falling everywhere. He looked to the east and saw Graym glowing with power. Now he was sure Graym was a fledgling angel. Pretty soon the skies were almost clear. Then Jayce heard a loud roar. He looked over and saw a demon grab Jandar off of Cutters back. He took off to help him. Jandar struggled to free himself as the demon tried to kill him. Suddenly Jandar give off a scream that made Rage almost drop from the sky. Everyone look over as Jandar began to change. His body lengthened and a tail grew. He became completely silver in color. They all knew his dragon form was finally emerging. Feathered wings sprouted and claws grew. His face took on that of a reptilian wolf. He had a gold chest and gold horns on his head. Again he roared as he ripped apart the demon. Rage flew over to him and they hugged in mid air.
[Love, are you alright?]
[ I think so. Rage I'm a dragon!!]
[ Yes. I see. I told you it would happen. We'll have to find out what kind of dragon you've become.]
[ Later Rage. Now we go home. I need rest.]
[ I will follow you.] Rage told his mate. Everybody gathered around them and congratulated Jandar. Jayce flew over and landed on Jandars back.
[ I knew you could do it.]
[ Really? I didn't. Ono's next. We'll have to stay with him. It may scare him.]
[ Shayn will care for him love.] Rage sent.[Oh and I was right. Graym is an angel. Look at his glow.] Rage and Jandar looked over at Graym, still he shined.[ Let's go home everyone.]
As they all came down in the courtyard ,Jandar shifted back to his handsome human form. Rage took him in his arms and kissed him deeply.
" Do you know how much I love you?" He asked running a finger down his face. Jandar smiled at him and took his hand.
" With my life Red one." He said. Hand in hand they headed for the Manor as Shine came flying out. He came down and perched on Rage's shoulder.
" Father, hows everything?"
[I'm sorry to tell you. Corrin is no more.]
"Polan killed him." Jandar said with remorse.
[ No, I killed him. It was either that or torture and then he would have become an undead and Polan would have tortured him for years. None of us wanted that to happen. I had to destroy his body]
" I'm sorry." Rage said. " What he did was stupid,but he doesn't deserve Polan's death. No one does."
" Love, Have you finished work on Salvation?" They walked up the stairs and into the Manor. There was lots of activity going on in the hall. Azeal was coming down the stairs. He waved to them all.
" No." He said.
" I need Jayce, Graym and you" He pointed at Azeal.
" Me? How can I help?" Azeal wonder what he wanted him for.
" It's how I can help you." Jandar said. "You three meet me in my study. I want to check on Ono and Shayn."
Rage stopped there. Jandar turned with a puzzled look on his face.
" Whats wrong?"
" Let me check on them." He said.
"You go on to work on Salvation. And stop worrying about them, there happy."
" OK, I'll go to work. But I'll always worry about all of you. Especially our you ones."
Ten minutes late, Jandar, Jayce, Graym and Azeal stood around a table in Jandars private study. On that table was a beautifully carved sword that Jandar had been working on. Its hilt was molded into the sharp of a golden dragons neck with the head as the knob with empty holes as the eyes. He had spent days casting spells to make it as strong as he could. Now it was ready to be finished.
"Jayce give me your sword."
Jandar held out his hand. Jayce pulled his blade and passed it over to him.
" I gave you this sword when you first grew your wings. Now we're going to pass it on to Graym as he will need it. First I add a bit of Salvation to it."
In the center of the table sat the Salvation stone. Jandar mumbled a few mystical words and split a small piece off it. His mumbling grew a bit louder as the piece of stone embedded itself in Graym's new blade. The sword burst into blue flame as they watched.
" From this day on. it will be called Retribution. I fine sword. It will never be dull and it will cut through anything." Jandar clapped his hand and a loud thunder like noise echoed through the room.
" Pick up the sword and it will be yours."
Jandar smiled. Graym reached out and took the sword. It felt good in his hand. Like it belonged there.
" Thank you." Graym said sheathing his new blade..
" Your next Azeal."
" Do I get a sword to?" He asked.
" Do you want one?" Jandar asked.
" Yes."
" Place your dagger on the table." Azeal took out the dagger his king had given him. This dagger was one of Valkar's royal family heirlooms. It was made hundreds of years ago and held by Valkar's fathers and many male ancestors. It held a large amount of power. Jandar held it and then looked at Azeal.
" This is good." He said. " This dagger holds a bit of the spirit of every vampire that ever held it. It will protect you even if your incapacitated."
He put the dagger in the center of the table and began his spell. His mumbling grew louder and louder as the dagger began to glow and grow. Soon it was the size of a long sword. Jandar severed another piece of Salvation and centered it in the sword. In a flash the sword rose up off the table and went to Azeal and stood in the air before him.
" Azeal, This is Justice. Justice will protect you and avenge the wrongs you seek to right. It will be a dagger until you need it, then it will become whatever weapon you need most. Take it."
Azeal held out his hand and Justice went to him. He took it in his grasp and it became a dagger again.
" Velusia beware. Your day is coming." Azeal bowed to Jandar. " Thank you brother"
Jayce looked at Jandar. He looked tired. This must be taking a lot from him. The battle and making of these blades have to be wearing him out.
" Jandar are you OK?" He asked. " We can finish this later."
" No." He said wiping his brow. " We have to finish now."
He put his hands together and bowed his head and started chanting even louder then before. His voice grew to a deafening yell as the sword left on the table began to tremble. A shot of energy shot from the stone and struck Jayce. He rose up into the air and was held there. Then the sword rose up next to him. Jandar kept up his chanting as two bigger pieces of Salvation broke off and slipped into the eye sockets of the sword. Still suspended in the air, Jandar finished his spell.
" Behold Salvation held be Jayce St. James!!. Never to be parted. Always to seek out the helpless and avenge the weak. Brother to all Keanna Dragons!! It has the power of salvation and purity. It will burn through your foes and bring light when you need it."
Jayce lowered to the floor holding the sword up. It flashed brightly as they all watched. Jayce looked at the sword as it hummed in his hand. What a beautiful sword!!. He sheathed it and turned to Jandar.
" I have one small job left." Jandar told them. He reached out and into the pocket place he keeps his staff and takes it out. With a quick spell he embedded another piece onto his staff. He still has other uses for the stone. And it was strange but, the stone didn't seem any smaller.
" So much for a days work in magic." Jandar says as he passed out in exhaustion. Quickly Jayce jumped and caught him.
" I'll take him to his room to rest." He said holding Jandar in his arms. They all left the study.
[ Rage!] Jayce called.
[ Yes?]
[ Jandar collapsed.]
[Is he all right? I'm on my way now!!]
[He's had a long day with his change and all. I think he's just tired. But Shayn can tell you if anythings wrong.]
[ I'll bring them with me.] He said.
Jayce carried Jandar up to his and Rage's room and set him on the bed. As he put him down Jandar woke.
" Rest brother. Rage is on his way." Jayce took off Jandars shoes as the door opened and the three walked in. Rage went straight to Jandars side to make sure he was alright.
" I'm fine." Jandar said. " I'm just tired."
" We'll See. Shayn?"
Shayn stepped up to the bed and placed his hand on Jandars forehead. He concentrated and let his magic check him out.
" You've been very busy today." He said. Then suddenly his eyes shot open.
" You found your dragon form!! That's great!!"
Ono stepped up to his big brother and knelt at his side.
" Really? Did you?"
" Yes, I did." He told him.
" How is he?" Rage asked.
" Just tired. He'll be fine."
" I finished with Jayce and the others. There are now three swords that will banish Polan's influences from the land. These are very important blades. Protect them." Jandar told them.
" But I want all of us to wear a piece of the stone. I'll bond them to you after I get some rest."
" Then everyone out." Rage said. " It's time he sleeps."
" Before you go." Jandar said. "Ono and Shayn, will you both run with me tomorrow? You to Rage."
" Of course we will." Ono smiled. " We haven't done that in a long time."
" Good, We'll see you in the morning."
Here Jandar creates the Shadow weapons Justice, Retribution and Salvation for Azeal, Graym and Jayce.