Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dropping like Flies. 41

The palace of the governor of Remod had quieted down after the feast was over. Everyone had retired to their chambers except all the guards at their post and most of them were drowsy. Atol had been the guest of honor dressed in the finest ware the governor could find. Many toasts had been made in his honor and the city's, for they were all happy the war was over and their long feud had come to an end. It was time he left he thought. His brother the sun god had called to him earlier and it sounded urgent. As he walked out of the palace he wondered what Alee wanted. What could make him come out of the sky to find him? He had said something about Vitale needing him. But what was he doing free and out of the underworld. He hoped it didn't mean what he thought it meant. That would be something to horrid to think.
The Golden Griffin was not to far away. He could be there in a snap but he decided to walk, it was a most beautiful night. As he walked he passed a couple in a garden arguing. He smiled and waved his hand and the man took the woman in his arms. He apologized and kissed her deeply. Atol stopped and whispered to the wind.
[I feel your love for her. Now show her.]
As the kiss broke up. The young elf knelled down and took her hand as she blushed in surprise. Atol walked on, he knew he was proposing to her. He also knew they would be happy for the rest of their lives.
The city of Remod had celebrated long into the night and it seemed like in the palace, most of the people had gone home to rest. But still there were a few out. Over in the city center he saw someone that looked familiar. It couldn't be, he thought. But who else had such rich red hair as his younger brother Jax . But what was he doing here? Had the celebration brought the god of laughter here? No, it had to be Vitale. Jax was always at his side. If he was in trouble, Jax would be there.
Atol watched Jax leave the people he had been with in the center and start down the avenue. He was heading in the direction of the Golden Griffin. As Atol watched, a group of strange men began to follow Jax. Could this be just a coincidence? Are they just heading in the same direction as Jax? Then Atol saw the swords and weapons they were carrying. Dressed as he was, these men probably thought Jax was a rich man with a lot of coins in his pouch. Atol knew Jax didn't carry any money, he didnt need it. They were going to try and rob him. Not my little brother he thought. He know the likes of them couldn't kill Jax, but they could cause him pain. If they could catch him. Gods did feel pain.
The Golden Griffin was at least six city blocks away from where they were. These men would corner him before he could make it there if Atol didn't warn him. If he did, Jax could be there in seconds, but he wouldn't. He would want to fight, Atol knew that. And he could take them all, he knew that to. But the god of love hadn't had a good fight in a long time. So why not?
There were six of them advancing on Jax spread along the street. One was standing next to a cart pulled by two oxen's. He was alone just pulling out his sword. Atol sent a message to the oxen and it kicked out and got the man in his back. Then with there teeth the oxen pulled the man under the wagon to hide him. One down, now there were five. Atol smiled and moved to the man closes to him. A simple illusion changed Atol's appearance to that of a dancing girl. He whispered to him.
" Turn to me."
Hearing the sweet voice, the man turned to look at him. What he saw was a shapely beautiful girl dressed in red silks dancing seductively in the streets. He couldn't resist this beauty. As if hypnotized he dropped his weapon and staggered back to Atol. Atol put his arms around him and with a touch on his neck, knocked him out. Then there was four. Two men were just about to Jax. He had to warn him.
[Watch your back little red one.] He sent. [There's two men about to brain you.]
Atol saw the slightest move from Jax letting him know he had heard him. As both men brought down their clubs to bash him, Jax moved. He moved so fast they didn't even see him. But they felt there clubs when they came back and hit them dropping them to the floor. Two left with Jax at one side and Atol at the other. The two god brothers smiled at their adversary.
" Run away or end up like them." Atol said. " It doesn't matter to us."
Looking around the two men noticed they were alone and in trouble. The man they were going to rob was standing there with one of their clubs smiling. They knew these to weren't ordinary men. They were wizards or warlocks. So they ran for it past Atol and down the street. Atol laughter as he joined his bother and hugged him.
" It's good to see you red one." He smiled hugging him tightly. "What brings you here?"
[Vitale and trouble.] He sent. Atol frowned.
" Why are you sending?" He asked.
[Punishment. Come, Alee and Vitale are waiting.]

Down in the underworld, Muerte looked over her new domain. It was as bleak and desolate as she was. But it was now hers. None of the spirits of this world could be seen. They were all in hiding in fear of her. But she could fix that. Nestor's palace stood just on the hill before her. Muerte walked up the hill and on to the dais in front of the palace. She turned and looked out over her new kingdom.
" Your old master is no longer in control here." She said in a voice that carried all over the land.
" I am, and I would have you all come out to pay homage to me, now!! Or find out how I will punish you!!"
From everywhere she looked, spirits began to emerge. There were millions of them. All the dead from ages were here. And they all were now under her command. Now that was power. she thought. The front of her new palace was crowded with spirits waiting to see what she had to say.
" No longer will there be a heaven and hell." She said looking over the crowd. "From this day on, there will only be my realm. I don't care if your evil or not. I don't care if you've been righteous or if you've been eating children's hearts. All that matters is if you serve me. And for those of you that don't, I'll show you horrors that you wont believe possible."
From up high, Baron Valker watched as the crowd moved back in fear. He didn't want to stay to much longer. Muerte couldn't perceive him, but there were a lot of other mages down here that might.
" That's right." Muerte said as she smiled at her audience." Fear me, all of you. for I plan to rid myself of all life on this mud ball and start again as the sole god to all. As I give the world my gift of death, I will grow more and more powerful. Soon I will be able to finish off every living thing on this world. Gods and all and remake it as I wish. Some of you will be helping me clean out the living. We will be starting soon. I will be releasing you to help ravage the world. Don't disappoint me. You wont like your reward."
She turned and walked into the palace laughing. Baron Valkar knew this was his chance to get back to the living before he was caught. Below him he could see many spirits, demons and monsters muddling about. Not sure what she wanted them to do and afraid to do anything on their own. Baron Valkar looked over and saw the entrance beyond the gate unguarded. Everything here was in chaos. This was his chance to get out. Moving across the ceiling of the underworld took off for the entrance. Between him and his away out he saw just the newly dead standing around confused. As he tried to move pass them hands reached up and tried to bring him down. He batted at them knocking them away as he flew. Suddenly he felt a hand wrap itself around his ankle and drag him back.
"I will never let you of all people escape here!!"
Baron Valkar turned back to see Azeal Tyr pulling him back.
" Not you!!" The Baron groaned."
"Yes, me!"Azeal frowned as her pulled the Baron in and pushed him to the ground. Climbing to his feet the Baron watched Azeal start to walk around him and set himself for battle. This was the last person he needed to find now. Azeals hatred for him still burned in his eyes.
" I've lost my peace, but theres one thing good coming out of it." Azeal said. " I get another chance at you."
With a sudden burst of speed, Azeal launched himself at Valkar. He landed oh his chest and began beating on his face. Blow after blow hit Valkar as the werewolf beat him. Trying to fend him off, Valkar sent a force bolt out that knocked Azeal back and on his back. Baron Valkar got up, now he was ready to battle. But he didnt want to. Not with Azeal.
" Stop!!" He said. " Azeal. I knew how much you hate me, but I'm not trying to escape. I'm trying to stop her. You heard her. You know what she plans is mad. She's going to kill all of our descendant out there. Mine and yours. We all have to stop her."
" Why should you care about my descendant?" Azeal yelled at him. " When you killed so many yourself?"
" I'm sorry." Valkar said looking into Azeal in his eyes. " My crimes were unforgivable, and of most souls down here. I deserve punishment I know that. But our people don't deserve to die and I can help stop it,"
" How and why should I believe you?" Azeal asked a little calmer. There was something in Valkar's eyes Azeal had never seen before. And he'd been with the Baron for more than a hundred years. Compassion.
" I have no way to prove what I'm saying to you Azeal." Valkar held his open hands out to Azeal. It was a futile sign, but it was all he could do to show he was being truthful. Then from behind them they heard a small voice.
"I believe him father."
Azeal turned around and saw his son Danik standing there with his mother hugging him and kissing him. All though he had been dead for centuries like his parents. He had been lost in a place between life and death so his parents couldn't find him. Azeal rushed wide-eyed to his son and took him in his arms.
" How is this possible?" He asked. " We searched all of the underworld for you."
" He gave me rest." Danik pointed to the Baron. " I was lost a long time and he sent me home to rest."
Azeal looked up to Valkar tears in his eyes.
" You did this?" He asked.
"I am sorry for all I did," Valkar said. " But I need your help to save them Azeal. I've seen them. Mine and yours and I won't fail them."
"How can I help?" He asked as he stood and shook his old enemy's hand.
" Not all of these souls will want to help her," Valkar told Azeal. " There has to be some way to fight her. Gather them and wait for our call. I'll find away."
" I'll do as you ask Baron." He said. " I'll gather my own army in hell. Go. Get out of here. Hurry."
" I will be back!" He said as he rose up and flew out the main entrance to hell and back to the living.

Kneeling at Muertes altar in Yadessa, Balthazar was waiting for word from his goddess. He had done as she asked and sent his vampires out to turn the lands all over their continent to nightwalkers. Valkar and the Dragons were fighting them, but he was slowly gaining over them. All over the lands, the night was now feared. Only his nightwalkers and the hunters moved at night. Soon he would start his daily movements. He had been gathering day creatures for the assault, now he was about ready to move. All he needed was the word from his mistress to begin and he could start sending out missions. Balthazar looked up and noticed the room darken. All the candles in the room began to go out as her visage appeared over him.
"I have done as you ordered Mistress." He bowed his head never to look her in her eyes.
"Death?" Balthazar looked up to her. That wasn't the plan she had told him. How was he to rule for her if everyone was dead? Surely she didn't mean him?
" As you command Mistress,"he answered.
With that, her presence faded away. Balthazar stood and headed out of the temple. He knew she meant what she said. She planned to kill everyone including him. This had all gone wrong. Entering into the castle, Balthazar thought about what to do. Clearly, he couldn't defeat her on his own. He would need help. And the only help out there strong enough to win was the Dragons. Fine, he would join them. Then at the right moment after he's rid of Muerte. The dragons will be weak. Then he could make his move and crush them all. Balthazar walked up to his study and opened the door. Inside he found one of his aides waiting.
" Find Valkar for me." He said sitting on his throne. " We need to talk."

The morning dawned bright and beautiful in Natassi. All the people were rising for there morning chores. Eggs needed to collected, cows needed milking and the fields needed tending. all the farmers and cattlemen were up and at work. In the town nearby, shops were opening and the townspeople were getting on with the day. At the gates to the town, a pale beautiful red-haired woman nodded to the guards at the gated as he dropped dead where they stood. Muerte walked on. One by one as she passed them everyone in Natassi dead. Death rolled out from her and into every home shop and farmer in Nastassi. Minutes after she had arrived there was no one left alive in Natassi. She laughed as she left for her next target. The sky palace of the gods.

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