" Who the hell are you?" One bearded man asked, drawing his sword.
" Grab her!!" The other said.
" Please do." She said as both men rushed at her.
Athene raised her hands and pointed at them. From the ground vines grew suddenly. grabbing them by the legs. Then more grabbed there arms. The two men struggled against them.
" Shes a witch!!" One shouted.
" You noticed!!" She walked over to them suspended off the ground.
" Not all young girls are defenceless." She smacked one mans face." Then again, I'm not so young anymore."
Athene walked over to the girls and untied them.They threw off there binds and thanked her.
" What are you going to do to them?" One of the girls asked.
" Kill them I hope."
The blond walked over and kicked one of them.
" Go home ladies. Athene told them. " I'll take care of them. Don't worry. They'll never bother you again."
Athene look at both men trying to get loose. The vines tightened on them as they struggled. The girls ran out to go home. Raising her hand, with a gesture she pulled the door close.
" Where's Polan?"
She asked walking over to face them. Both men looked at her in surprise, they faces twisted in pain.
" We don't know!!"The older man screamed.
" I think you do." She said. " Now, these vines will get tighter and tighter until you tell me. Your lives are in your hand now."
Slowly the vines tightened. The two men became crazy as they tried to get out of the trap, but nothing they did made it any looser.
" I'll tell you!!" The younger man screamed.
Athene snapped her fingers and the vines loosened a little to let them breath.
" Well?" She said.
""He's in Troja!!! He's going to conquer them next."
" Thank you gentlemen." Athene walked over to the barn door." What you were about to do to those girls was totally unthinkable." She said.
"How about I show you what its like to be raped again and again."
Both men's eyes opened wide. The horror of what they thought was about to happen filled there minds. Both men again tried to get loose, but to no avail.
" I'm gonna make you female." She said." But your going to be dogs. Bitches in heat all the time. But there's going to be no pleasure for you two, only pain."
As men you started
Now bitches you will be
In heat forever
Your scent will be
No male dog will pass you
Attract them you will
So run furry bitches
And get you fill
The vines came loose and the two fell to the floor. Quickly they got up as a tail appeared between there legs. The both howled as they ran out the barn and the change took place. Athene could hear them barking as they ran off.
All around Maveta quietly Black Armours began to vanish. Very few people noticed them gone or cared that they were gone. Nobody said a word when they saw one of them walking along then they vanish. Jayce, Athene, and Jandar magically took each Black Armour quietly. From the house to house, to the fields they took them. None of them even had a chance to run to the castle and warn anyone. The castle was different. There was no way to make people there vanish. Jandar an Athene stood at corner's of the building and began to weave there spell. Quietly as the castle woke the Black Armours slowly drifted out in a daze. One by one Jandar or Athene cast on each one and sent them to the island. As with all the others, they were all taken to Mythioes where Rage waited for them. He and Denner and all the Gargoyles and some of Braddocc's people there to form a temporary prison to hold them. Rage had also brought in a few of the mages from Winterhaven. There task was to make the island invisible. No messages in or out. Polan would not be able to find them. Not even with one of his shards.As Jandar and Athene took out the Black Armours, Jayce flew around the city. Patrolling the skies looking for any of Polans Shadows or any things else in the sky. He felt really strange flying up here today. He didn't know why, maybe it was what they had planned for today. Then he saw the bright orbs flying over Maveta. He wondered what they were. He'd never see anything like them up here before. He followed them but couldn't catch them. He got close, but they stayed out of reach. Something strange was going on, and it had nothing to do with Polan.The sky was beautiful and clear as Jayce flew. The feeling he was getting wasn't a bad one, Just that something was about to happen and Jayce wasn't sure how he felt about it. Well what ever it was, he'd have to deal with it when it happened. No one else seemed to be coming out of the castle. The rest seemed to be under the spell and sleeping. This was Jandars chance to go in and search." Athene," He said. " Stay here and watch for anything strange. I have something to retrieve before they all wake up."
" I could check and make sure its safe." She said.
" No." Jandar thanked her. " I can take care of anything left in there. Be sides, Shayn will be here soon. He may need your help."
" I'll wait then." She said.
Athene sat down and folded her legs in a lotus position and meditated as Jandar walked to the castle. Once inside he probed the rooms for Polans essence. That would be the room he most used, his sanctum. Once found Jandar made his way to the study he looked around. There was all kinds of old furniture in there. Lots of magical items and personal things of Polans. This has to be where he has it hidden. Jandar walked in and looked around. Also in this room Polan has his lab for his magical experiments and all his lore. Jandar cast a spell to place all that lore in the same place he keeps his staff. it may come in handy to learn things about Polan. There has to be a weakness in him, something they can use to kill him. We all know he's vulnerable to light. His shadow powers wont work against the brightness. But what else? He knew they had a little time to figure that out. Right now he had to find the Dragon spirit. It had to be in this room somewhere. Jandar sent out his probe for Rage. The spirit has Rage's essence in it. Probing for him would be the best way to find it. Jandar placed his hand on his temple and then cast out. Rage was in his mind and his heart. He knew he could find him here. Jandar touched his chest then his temple then reached out to touch Rages spirit. His probe went out to scan the room. It wandered around then fixed on a spot near the desk. Jandar went over and sat at the desk. He pondered the area where the probe waited. There maybe some kind of trip here he knew, but time for the dragons was running out. He had to get the spirit now. Jandar reached in the void to retrieve the spirit when suddenly there was a loud roar. Jandar fell back out of the chair as a gross rotting hand came from the void. on the floor he watched the rest of the dead thing emerge from the void. It was a man like creature with long claws and a rotting body held together by magic sneering it him as it closed on him. Jandar jumped to his feet and summoned his staff. Quickly he block the slash the rotting thing made at him and sent out a gust of wind to push it back. Roaring out its anger, the dead thing climbed to its feet and made for Jandar. He looked around for room to fight then sent another gust of wind at the creature. It held its ground and kept trying to advance. Jandar released the wind and the thing rushed past him reaching out to grab him. Jandar tried to step aside but the thing got him by the arm. Its burning touch made him scream out in pain. Jandar hit it with his staff which sent electrical energy through its body as it let him go. The dead thing turned only stunned by the charge. Elemental magic wasn't working, Jandar had to try something else. He didn't have time for spells, it would be on him before he could cast any. The thing shambled toward him, claws ready to rip him to pieces. Jandar reached out with his magic and grabbed it. He slammed it into a wall then sent it up to hit the ceiling and let it drop.This was a strong thing. It was climbing to its feet already. Jandar tried to crush it, to break its legs and disable it. It didn't work, it keep coming at him. he backed up and fell as it launched itself at him. Its touch burned so much. Jandar felt its hands burning his throat as it tried to strangle him.
" JANDAR!!!!" Athene screamed. " Wildfire. Push it away now!!"
" Of course!!" He thought. " Wildfire will burn anything until theres nothing left. Even magic."
He grabbed it with his magic and with a burst of strength pushed it at the wall. It fell against the wall and tried to get up.
" Now!!" she screamed and sent a burst of Wildfire at the creature. Jandar sat up and sent a stronger blast. The dead thing howled as the fire covered it and it burned. As powerful as it was, all it could do was thrash about, but nothing could put out this fire. Soon all that was left was a pile of ash on the floor. Athene rushed to his side as Jandar tried to get up.
" Are you alright?" She asked helping him up.
" Yes." He said. " Ill be fine."
" What was that?" She grabbed his arm and pulled him up on his feet.
" A guardian creature of Polan's." He said. " It was protecting some hidden things Polan didn't want anyone to find."
He walked over to the desk and sat down. He reached into the void and pulled out the Dragon spirit.
" What is that?" She asked." Freedom." He said. " Its my loves Freedom."
Winging there way across Maveta, Shayn and Ono prepared to take care of their part in freeing Maveta. Polan had sworn he had taken the poison from the country. But he really had only cleaned the city. People outside of the city still suffered from his plague. It was Shayn's job to rid Maveta of this blight, and Ono's to protect him. A job Ono would do if it killed him.
" Land out here." Ono told him. Nodding his head Gabriel the White dragon swooped down to land. He set himself down and Ono climbed off his back. In a flash of light he took Shayn's form and sat down.
" So what do we do now?"Ono asked as he stood behind Shayn.
" I'm going to try and cleanse the land. You have to just watch and make sure no one attacks."
" Shayn." Ono said. " I don't think theres anyone left to attack us."
Shayn smiled at him. He loved Ono, he knew that in his heart.
" Are you so sure?" Shayn asked. " So sure that you could leave me here alone?"
" Id never leave you." Ono said as he hugged him from behind.." What do you have to do?" Ono asked.
"Its not going to be easy." Shayn told him. " My powers are mainly to heal. I can heal people or animals. I absorb poisons as you know and make a cure for them. Now I'm going to try and heal Maveta. I don't know if I can do this. its a big job."
" I have faith in you." Ono said smiling and kissing Shayn's cheek.
I know you do." He said. "They all do. I just don't know if i can do this."
" All we want is for you to try." Ono stepped back. "We know your going to do your best."
Shayn closed his eyes and breathed in and out. He centered himself and reached in to gather his strength. Seconds later he began to glow with a strange light. Ono watch his love with wonder as his magic started to spread out from him. It was working. He was clearing the poison from the land. All around Shayn grass was beginning to turn green again. Then behind him Ono heard something. It was a dragging noise, like someone was pulling something along the ground. Ono looked around. He saw men lurching toward him. Toward Shayn. He looked closer at them. His eyes opened in shock. More of Polan's dead things were coming toward them. This was it. He had to defend Shayn while he worked. Ono lifted his head and howled to the skies. The change in him began. His arms and legs grew longer and white and grey fur covered him. His wolf head grew fangs and his claws lenghtened. Ono now stood taller then all the dead men coming toward him. He howled again his readiness for battle. Many of Polans dead came at him as he slashed at them. Ripping dead men to pieces as he pass among them. Ono was fast on his feet. He had to totally destroy them or they would get up and keep coming. Leaping from one to another he fought on. But there were to many for him. He needed help.
High in the skies Jayce heard Ono's call for help. He pulled into a dive and went to his little brothers aid. As he approached he saw the dead men trying to bring Ono down and the orbs floating over them. What the hell are they? His angry flared in him as he drew his sword and swing down at there heads as he passed over them.
" I'm here." Jayce said as he landed beside Ono fighting at his side.
[ We have to protect Shayn.] He told Jayce.
" Nothing will touch him." Jayce said. " Or you."
Together they battled the dead. Both of them slashing and hacking till nothing was left to challenge them. All around them were scattered body parts still moving, still trying to reach them. Jayce kicked an arm struggling to reach Shayn. Minutes later Jandar and Athene came out to join them. Shayn still working to clear the poison, sweat pouring off his trembling body.
" Jandar." Ono said. " This is to much for him."
" I know brother." He said. " I know how to help him."Jandar placed the Dragonspirit in Shayn's lap. Suddenly all stress drained from his face and the power flashed out into the land. Shayn's eyes flew open.
" ONO!!!"
Shayn came out of the trance he was in. Ono ran over to him and hugged him.
"I couldn't clease the whole country." He said. "It was to much."
" Its OK." Ono told him. " We didn't think you would. You cleaned out most of it. Maveta is free now."
" Not yet it isn't." Jandar said. " It wont be free until Polan cant come back here. That's our next job."
" How do we do that?" Shayn asked. " Cleansing the land wont keep him out. How do we banish him from here? And what the hell happened here?"
He noticed the body pieces all around.
" This is what we protected you from." Ono told him. "They're what Polan left behind. There in all the lands he takes."
" We put something here that he cant stand to be near." Jayce said. "Or something poisonous to him."
" Like what?" Ono asked. He helped Shayn to his feet.
" I don't know." Jandar said. " But Rage might."
Shayn handed the Dragonspirit to Jandar. He wasn't sure what it was, but he could feel the dragon power in it. He could feel Rage was part of whatever it was. He also knew it had helped him clean Maveta.
" What is this?" He asked.
" Its a part of every dragon in Rages clan. Its the Dragonspirit of his clan. All his brothers and sisters. You saw them when we were in the cave curing Ono." Jandar told them. " You guys are going to have to make one to someday after this is over."
" And what about you and Jayce and Ono?" Shayn asked. "Your part of our clan to."
" It only for dragons Shayn." Jandar smiled.
[Your wrong their love.] He heard Rage in his head. [The three of you are part of our clan. Whatever we do, your part of it.]
[ I have the spirit back] Jandar told him. [You can free your clan now.]
[ I'm on my way.] Rage told him.
Way up in the sky a red streak flashed through the sky toward Maveta. Getting to the Dragonspirit was the only thing Rage could think of. He had left Mythioes in the hands of Denner. He knew he would take good care of everything there. His gargoyles made great guards, but soon he would have to figure out what to do with the Black Armours they held there. Now it was time to free his clan. With his mind set on Maveta, Rage didn't see Terror closing in on him form behind. Terror dived for Rages back. His razor sharp hooves aimed for the middle of his back.
Rage banked to the left as Terror missed him in his pass. Rage looked over and sent a blast of intense flame at Terror an Taren. Terror turned to confront Rage as Rage swung his wing up and batted him back away. Taren was knocked off Terror's back and fell toward the ground fast. Recovering quickly Terror dived to catch Taren as he fell. He swooped in under him and caught him in the air.[ Im going to warn you once.] Rage sent to him.
[Tell your master, he's done. We're going to end his reign of terror. And if you come near any of my family again.]
Rage blew out a blast of Wildfire that would have incinerated them both into ash.
[ Ill make you both burn ashes. And if you doubt I can do it, try me!]
With that he sent another blast at them. They barely got out of the way in time. But they got the idea.
Taren knew he had no chance against Rage. His anger was up and he was in no mood to deal with them. So Taren urged Terror away before Rage changed his mind.
[ Yes?] He answered.
[ Thank you father.] He sent. [ They might have killed me.]
[ I wouldn't allow that to happen.] He sent to his son. [I knew he was up to something, so I followed him. I better get back to Pelic now.]
[ Tell Graym, Maveta is free. All's left is to make sure Polan never comes back. We'll find a way to keep him out.]
[ Jayce is the answer.] Shine called as his presence faded away.
[ What father? how?]
But there was no answer, he was gone. Flapping his wings furiously Rage continued on to Maveta. What did he mean by that? How could Jayce be the answer? Jayce was one of the bravest men he knew and he had saved many of there lives. But Rage had no idea how he could be the answer. Guess we'll have to find out.
Back in Maveta, everyone had just clearing out the last of the dead things. Human and animal, Polan's necromancy was just another poison that he had infected the country with. They gathered all the body parts and made a pile. Jandar was about to send his fire at the pile when Rage flew in. He set down and shifted to his human form and went and hugged Jandar.
" Your all safe." He said.
" I'm so glad." Jandar smiled up at him, in his hands he held the Dragonspirit. He was glad to have gotten it for Rage.
" This is yours." He handed it to Rage. The second he touched it a red glow came over him.
" Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" He moaned as the power flooded into him. Jandar look down as he felt a warmth spreading on his chest.
" Whats happening?" Jandar asked.
He looked at his hands as power spread into him. Visions of dragons flashed in his head He looked at Ono and saw he was going through the same strange experience.
" You've been gifted." Rage told them. "Both of you. Your now in our clan. All my brothers and sisters wanted to thank you for saving them. There still sleeping. But there no longer being threatened by death. Polan cant hurt them anymore."
" Were honored to help." Ono said. He looked at Shayn and took his hand. "I have all the thanks I need right here." He said.
Shayn smiled at him.
" So do I." Jandar told Rage. " We have all we need."
" I know Love." Rage said. "But theres one more gift. Both of you now have a dragon form. A limited one But your dragons now."
They both looked at Rage in shock, neither understanding how this could happen to them.
" Were all magical beings, and my clans been watching." Rage told them. " They know how hard you both have fought and suffered during all this. This is their way of thanking and honoring you. Jayce, being an angel, we cant do the same for you. But no dragon in his right mind except Polan will every harm you. You may not be able to became a dragon, but you have dragon in you."
" I don't know what to say." Jayce said. " Thank you, we're honored to be a part of your clan."
" Jandar and Ono." He said. " Your dragon forms will reveal itself in time."
" That's fine with us." Jandar said. " Right now we have Polan to deal with. How do we keep him out of here?"
Over Jandars head again Jayce saw the orbs. He looked over to Rage and nudged him.
" Whats that?" He asked.
He pointed over Jandar's head.
" What?" Rage asked. Then he looked up, still he saw nothing, but Jayce did. There were like ten or fifteen bright orbs up there just sailing around over Jandars head. He saw nothing, he and Rage had a puzzled look on there faces.
" You don't see them?" Jayce asked. " None of you?"
All of them look at each other. None of them saw anything.
" Are you alright?" Ono asked.
Wait." Shayn said. " I want to try something."
He walked over and took Jayce's hand, He closed his eyes then look up over Jandar's head. There they were floating around him. Darting back and forth around them all." Jayce." He said. " Little orbs of light circling our heads?"
" You see them?" Jayce said with relief.
He was beginning to doubt himself. suddenly the flew off, only one was left circling Jayce.
" I think they want you to follow them." Shayn said.
" Me?"
" Only you see them." Jandar said. " Go, I don't think its Polan's doing. Just keep in contact with us."
The last orb took off into the sky with Jayce right behind it. They flew up into the air and deep in the clouds. The Orb moved fast, but not to fast for Jayce. He flapped harder to catch up with multicolored light. seconds later, Jayce noticed there was a lot more then the one he was following. There were twenty or thirty now buzzing in and out of the clouds. He reached out to touch one and Jayce heard something strange. It was a voice calling him. The orb he was reaching for expanded. It became brighter till it blinded him for a moment. When he opened his eyes the was a beautiful woman in front of him with wings.
" Welcome Brother." She said with a smile. " We've been waiting for you."
Jayce looked at her in wonder. He supposed she was an angel like him, but you never know. She could be anything or anybody. A frown appeared on her face as they hung in the air barely flapping their wings.
" I shouldn't be surprised you doubt me." She said. " Lots of strange things have happened to you and your friends."
At that moment he realized he wasn't using his wings anymore, but he wasn't falling.
" Relax." She told him. " I'm holding us here. Were both light orbs now. Its easier for us."
"So your an angel?" He said.
" Yes, just like you." She said. " I know. You want to know why."
" Yes." He said. " I do."
" Things are happening down there that we cant get involved in. But you can." She explained.
" There's evil down there and you and your friends are your worlds only hope."
" But you have the power to stop Polan." Jayce said. " Why don't you?"
" We are." She said as the orbs continued to rush by them.
" How?" He asked.
" Through you and your brothers." She answered. " All of you are very important to the future of this world. Your fight will be great and long."
" Then we will win?" He said with a smile.
" Only the great one knows the answer to that." She said. " All I know is that some will come, and some will go. And that Polan is not the end. There will be others that will threaten your peace. I'm now going to ask you to speak for your brothers. Will you all accept this fate? Will you and the others fight for this world?"
"Can I ask them?" Jayce asked her.
" Do you really need to?" Her hair shined in the bright sun. He could see the sparkling in her eyes." There answer is in your heart."
Jayce thought about Jandar and Rage. What would they say to this? What would Ono and Shayn and all the others think? He knew the answer. There was only one possible answer.
" Yes. We will."He said.
" From this day on, Maveta will be safe from Polan Dressak." she said. " Settlement to shall be shielded. But heed my words. Keep your defenses up always. Danger can come from inside. Give this to Jandar. lt's very important. With this he will be able to create a spell the will clean Polan's influence from any city or country" With that, she handed Jayce a glowing stone. He had no idea what exactly it was she had given him. Maybe Jandar would know. He looked up as the angel began to faded back into an orb and began to drift off.
" Wait!!" Jayce called. " Who are you? What is this?"
" I'm Blessa, and that is salvation" he heard as she faded away.
Jayse spread his wings and gave off a brilliant shine. He felt so happy in his heart. Maveta was free!! They had kept there promise. He flipped back and began his trip back to the others to tell them what happened and all about the promise he made.
" Grab her!!" The other said.
" Please do." She said as both men rushed at her.
Athene raised her hands and pointed at them. From the ground vines grew suddenly. grabbing them by the legs. Then more grabbed there arms. The two men struggled against them.
" Shes a witch!!" One shouted.
" You noticed!!" She walked over to them suspended off the ground.
" Not all young girls are defenceless." She smacked one mans face." Then again, I'm not so young anymore."
Athene walked over to the girls and untied them.They threw off there binds and thanked her.
" What are you going to do to them?" One of the girls asked.
" Kill them I hope."
The blond walked over and kicked one of them.
" Go home ladies. Athene told them. " I'll take care of them. Don't worry. They'll never bother you again."
Athene look at both men trying to get loose. The vines tightened on them as they struggled. The girls ran out to go home. Raising her hand, with a gesture she pulled the door close.
" Where's Polan?"
She asked walking over to face them. Both men looked at her in surprise, they faces twisted in pain.
" We don't know!!"The older man screamed.
" I think you do." She said. " Now, these vines will get tighter and tighter until you tell me. Your lives are in your hand now."
Slowly the vines tightened. The two men became crazy as they tried to get out of the trap, but nothing they did made it any looser.
" I'll tell you!!" The younger man screamed.
Athene snapped her fingers and the vines loosened a little to let them breath.
" Well?" She said.
""He's in Troja!!! He's going to conquer them next."
" Thank you gentlemen." Athene walked over to the barn door." What you were about to do to those girls was totally unthinkable." She said.
"How about I show you what its like to be raped again and again."
Both men's eyes opened wide. The horror of what they thought was about to happen filled there minds. Both men again tried to get loose, but to no avail.
" I'm gonna make you female." She said." But your going to be dogs. Bitches in heat all the time. But there's going to be no pleasure for you two, only pain."
As men you started
Now bitches you will be
In heat forever
Your scent will be
No male dog will pass you
Attract them you will
So run furry bitches
And get you fill
The vines came loose and the two fell to the floor. Quickly they got up as a tail appeared between there legs. The both howled as they ran out the barn and the change took place. Athene could hear them barking as they ran off.
All around Maveta quietly Black Armours began to vanish. Very few people noticed them gone or cared that they were gone. Nobody said a word when they saw one of them walking along then they vanish. Jayce, Athene, and Jandar magically took each Black Armour quietly. From the house to house, to the fields they took them. None of them even had a chance to run to the castle and warn anyone. The castle was different. There was no way to make people there vanish. Jandar an Athene stood at corner's of the building and began to weave there spell. Quietly as the castle woke the Black Armours slowly drifted out in a daze. One by one Jandar or Athene cast on each one and sent them to the island. As with all the others, they were all taken to Mythioes where Rage waited for them. He and Denner and all the Gargoyles and some of Braddocc's people there to form a temporary prison to hold them. Rage had also brought in a few of the mages from Winterhaven. There task was to make the island invisible. No messages in or out. Polan would not be able to find them. Not even with one of his shards.As Jandar and Athene took out the Black Armours, Jayce flew around the city. Patrolling the skies looking for any of Polans Shadows or any things else in the sky. He felt really strange flying up here today. He didn't know why, maybe it was what they had planned for today. Then he saw the bright orbs flying over Maveta. He wondered what they were. He'd never see anything like them up here before. He followed them but couldn't catch them. He got close, but they stayed out of reach. Something strange was going on, and it had nothing to do with Polan.The sky was beautiful and clear as Jayce flew. The feeling he was getting wasn't a bad one, Just that something was about to happen and Jayce wasn't sure how he felt about it. Well what ever it was, he'd have to deal with it when it happened. No one else seemed to be coming out of the castle. The rest seemed to be under the spell and sleeping. This was Jandars chance to go in and search." Athene," He said. " Stay here and watch for anything strange. I have something to retrieve before they all wake up."
" I could check and make sure its safe." She said.
" No." Jandar thanked her. " I can take care of anything left in there. Be sides, Shayn will be here soon. He may need your help."
" I'll wait then." She said.
Athene sat down and folded her legs in a lotus position and meditated as Jandar walked to the castle. Once inside he probed the rooms for Polans essence. That would be the room he most used, his sanctum. Once found Jandar made his way to the study he looked around. There was all kinds of old furniture in there. Lots of magical items and personal things of Polans. This has to be where he has it hidden. Jandar walked in and looked around. Also in this room Polan has his lab for his magical experiments and all his lore. Jandar cast a spell to place all that lore in the same place he keeps his staff. it may come in handy to learn things about Polan. There has to be a weakness in him, something they can use to kill him. We all know he's vulnerable to light. His shadow powers wont work against the brightness. But what else? He knew they had a little time to figure that out. Right now he had to find the Dragon spirit. It had to be in this room somewhere. Jandar sent out his probe for Rage. The spirit has Rage's essence in it. Probing for him would be the best way to find it. Jandar placed his hand on his temple and then cast out. Rage was in his mind and his heart. He knew he could find him here. Jandar touched his chest then his temple then reached out to touch Rages spirit. His probe went out to scan the room. It wandered around then fixed on a spot near the desk. Jandar went over and sat at the desk. He pondered the area where the probe waited. There maybe some kind of trip here he knew, but time for the dragons was running out. He had to get the spirit now. Jandar reached in the void to retrieve the spirit when suddenly there was a loud roar. Jandar fell back out of the chair as a gross rotting hand came from the void. on the floor he watched the rest of the dead thing emerge from the void. It was a man like creature with long claws and a rotting body held together by magic sneering it him as it closed on him. Jandar jumped to his feet and summoned his staff. Quickly he block the slash the rotting thing made at him and sent out a gust of wind to push it back. Roaring out its anger, the dead thing climbed to its feet and made for Jandar. He looked around for room to fight then sent another gust of wind at the creature. It held its ground and kept trying to advance. Jandar released the wind and the thing rushed past him reaching out to grab him. Jandar tried to step aside but the thing got him by the arm. Its burning touch made him scream out in pain. Jandar hit it with his staff which sent electrical energy through its body as it let him go. The dead thing turned only stunned by the charge. Elemental magic wasn't working, Jandar had to try something else. He didn't have time for spells, it would be on him before he could cast any. The thing shambled toward him, claws ready to rip him to pieces. Jandar reached out with his magic and grabbed it. He slammed it into a wall then sent it up to hit the ceiling and let it drop.This was a strong thing. It was climbing to its feet already. Jandar tried to crush it, to break its legs and disable it. It didn't work, it keep coming at him. he backed up and fell as it launched itself at him. Its touch burned so much. Jandar felt its hands burning his throat as it tried to strangle him.
" JANDAR!!!!" Athene screamed. " Wildfire. Push it away now!!"
" Of course!!" He thought. " Wildfire will burn anything until theres nothing left. Even magic."
He grabbed it with his magic and with a burst of strength pushed it at the wall. It fell against the wall and tried to get up.
" Now!!" she screamed and sent a burst of Wildfire at the creature. Jandar sat up and sent a stronger blast. The dead thing howled as the fire covered it and it burned. As powerful as it was, all it could do was thrash about, but nothing could put out this fire. Soon all that was left was a pile of ash on the floor. Athene rushed to his side as Jandar tried to get up.
" Are you alright?" She asked helping him up.
" Yes." He said. " Ill be fine."
" What was that?" She grabbed his arm and pulled him up on his feet.
" A guardian creature of Polan's." He said. " It was protecting some hidden things Polan didn't want anyone to find."
He walked over to the desk and sat down. He reached into the void and pulled out the Dragon spirit.
" What is that?" She asked." Freedom." He said. " Its my loves Freedom."
Winging there way across Maveta, Shayn and Ono prepared to take care of their part in freeing Maveta. Polan had sworn he had taken the poison from the country. But he really had only cleaned the city. People outside of the city still suffered from his plague. It was Shayn's job to rid Maveta of this blight, and Ono's to protect him. A job Ono would do if it killed him.
" Land out here." Ono told him. Nodding his head Gabriel the White dragon swooped down to land. He set himself down and Ono climbed off his back. In a flash of light he took Shayn's form and sat down.
" So what do we do now?"Ono asked as he stood behind Shayn.
" I'm going to try and cleanse the land. You have to just watch and make sure no one attacks."
" Shayn." Ono said. " I don't think theres anyone left to attack us."
Shayn smiled at him. He loved Ono, he knew that in his heart.
" Are you so sure?" Shayn asked. " So sure that you could leave me here alone?"
" Id never leave you." Ono said as he hugged him from behind.." What do you have to do?" Ono asked.
"Its not going to be easy." Shayn told him. " My powers are mainly to heal. I can heal people or animals. I absorb poisons as you know and make a cure for them. Now I'm going to try and heal Maveta. I don't know if I can do this. its a big job."
" I have faith in you." Ono said smiling and kissing Shayn's cheek.
I know you do." He said. "They all do. I just don't know if i can do this."
" All we want is for you to try." Ono stepped back. "We know your going to do your best."
Shayn closed his eyes and breathed in and out. He centered himself and reached in to gather his strength. Seconds later he began to glow with a strange light. Ono watch his love with wonder as his magic started to spread out from him. It was working. He was clearing the poison from the land. All around Shayn grass was beginning to turn green again. Then behind him Ono heard something. It was a dragging noise, like someone was pulling something along the ground. Ono looked around. He saw men lurching toward him. Toward Shayn. He looked closer at them. His eyes opened in shock. More of Polan's dead things were coming toward them. This was it. He had to defend Shayn while he worked. Ono lifted his head and howled to the skies. The change in him began. His arms and legs grew longer and white and grey fur covered him. His wolf head grew fangs and his claws lenghtened. Ono now stood taller then all the dead men coming toward him. He howled again his readiness for battle. Many of Polans dead came at him as he slashed at them. Ripping dead men to pieces as he pass among them. Ono was fast on his feet. He had to totally destroy them or they would get up and keep coming. Leaping from one to another he fought on. But there were to many for him. He needed help.
High in the skies Jayce heard Ono's call for help. He pulled into a dive and went to his little brothers aid. As he approached he saw the dead men trying to bring Ono down and the orbs floating over them. What the hell are they? His angry flared in him as he drew his sword and swing down at there heads as he passed over them.
" I'm here." Jayce said as he landed beside Ono fighting at his side.
[ We have to protect Shayn.] He told Jayce.
" Nothing will touch him." Jayce said. " Or you."
Together they battled the dead. Both of them slashing and hacking till nothing was left to challenge them. All around them were scattered body parts still moving, still trying to reach them. Jayce kicked an arm struggling to reach Shayn. Minutes later Jandar and Athene came out to join them. Shayn still working to clear the poison, sweat pouring off his trembling body.
" Jandar." Ono said. " This is to much for him."
" I know brother." He said. " I know how to help him."Jandar placed the Dragonspirit in Shayn's lap. Suddenly all stress drained from his face and the power flashed out into the land. Shayn's eyes flew open.
" ONO!!!"
Shayn came out of the trance he was in. Ono ran over to him and hugged him.
"I couldn't clease the whole country." He said. "It was to much."
" Its OK." Ono told him. " We didn't think you would. You cleaned out most of it. Maveta is free now."
" Not yet it isn't." Jandar said. " It wont be free until Polan cant come back here. That's our next job."
" How do we do that?" Shayn asked. " Cleansing the land wont keep him out. How do we banish him from here? And what the hell happened here?"
He noticed the body pieces all around.
" This is what we protected you from." Ono told him. "They're what Polan left behind. There in all the lands he takes."
" We put something here that he cant stand to be near." Jayce said. "Or something poisonous to him."
" Like what?" Ono asked. He helped Shayn to his feet.
" I don't know." Jandar said. " But Rage might."
Shayn handed the Dragonspirit to Jandar. He wasn't sure what it was, but he could feel the dragon power in it. He could feel Rage was part of whatever it was. He also knew it had helped him clean Maveta.
" What is this?" He asked.
" Its a part of every dragon in Rages clan. Its the Dragonspirit of his clan. All his brothers and sisters. You saw them when we were in the cave curing Ono." Jandar told them. " You guys are going to have to make one to someday after this is over."
" And what about you and Jayce and Ono?" Shayn asked. "Your part of our clan to."
" It only for dragons Shayn." Jandar smiled.
[Your wrong their love.] He heard Rage in his head. [The three of you are part of our clan. Whatever we do, your part of it.]
[ I have the spirit back] Jandar told him. [You can free your clan now.]
[ I'm on my way.] Rage told him.
Way up in the sky a red streak flashed through the sky toward Maveta. Getting to the Dragonspirit was the only thing Rage could think of. He had left Mythioes in the hands of Denner. He knew he would take good care of everything there. His gargoyles made great guards, but soon he would have to figure out what to do with the Black Armours they held there. Now it was time to free his clan. With his mind set on Maveta, Rage didn't see Terror closing in on him form behind. Terror dived for Rages back. His razor sharp hooves aimed for the middle of his back.
Rage banked to the left as Terror missed him in his pass. Rage looked over and sent a blast of intense flame at Terror an Taren. Terror turned to confront Rage as Rage swung his wing up and batted him back away. Taren was knocked off Terror's back and fell toward the ground fast. Recovering quickly Terror dived to catch Taren as he fell. He swooped in under him and caught him in the air.[ Im going to warn you once.] Rage sent to him.
[Tell your master, he's done. We're going to end his reign of terror. And if you come near any of my family again.]
Rage blew out a blast of Wildfire that would have incinerated them both into ash.
[ Ill make you both burn ashes. And if you doubt I can do it, try me!]
With that he sent another blast at them. They barely got out of the way in time. But they got the idea.
Taren knew he had no chance against Rage. His anger was up and he was in no mood to deal with them. So Taren urged Terror away before Rage changed his mind.
[ Yes?] He answered.
[ Thank you father.] He sent. [ They might have killed me.]
[ I wouldn't allow that to happen.] He sent to his son. [I knew he was up to something, so I followed him. I better get back to Pelic now.]
[ Tell Graym, Maveta is free. All's left is to make sure Polan never comes back. We'll find a way to keep him out.]
[ Jayce is the answer.] Shine called as his presence faded away.
[ What father? how?]
But there was no answer, he was gone. Flapping his wings furiously Rage continued on to Maveta. What did he mean by that? How could Jayce be the answer? Jayce was one of the bravest men he knew and he had saved many of there lives. But Rage had no idea how he could be the answer. Guess we'll have to find out.
Back in Maveta, everyone had just clearing out the last of the dead things. Human and animal, Polan's necromancy was just another poison that he had infected the country with. They gathered all the body parts and made a pile. Jandar was about to send his fire at the pile when Rage flew in. He set down and shifted to his human form and went and hugged Jandar.
" Your all safe." He said.
" I'm so glad." Jandar smiled up at him, in his hands he held the Dragonspirit. He was glad to have gotten it for Rage.
" This is yours." He handed it to Rage. The second he touched it a red glow came over him.
" Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" He moaned as the power flooded into him. Jandar look down as he felt a warmth spreading on his chest.
" Whats happening?" Jandar asked.
He looked at his hands as power spread into him. Visions of dragons flashed in his head He looked at Ono and saw he was going through the same strange experience.
" You've been gifted." Rage told them. "Both of you. Your now in our clan. All my brothers and sisters wanted to thank you for saving them. There still sleeping. But there no longer being threatened by death. Polan cant hurt them anymore."
" Were honored to help." Ono said. He looked at Shayn and took his hand. "I have all the thanks I need right here." He said.
Shayn smiled at him.
" So do I." Jandar told Rage. " We have all we need."
" I know Love." Rage said. "But theres one more gift. Both of you now have a dragon form. A limited one But your dragons now."
They both looked at Rage in shock, neither understanding how this could happen to them.
" Were all magical beings, and my clans been watching." Rage told them. " They know how hard you both have fought and suffered during all this. This is their way of thanking and honoring you. Jayce, being an angel, we cant do the same for you. But no dragon in his right mind except Polan will every harm you. You may not be able to became a dragon, but you have dragon in you."
" I don't know what to say." Jayce said. " Thank you, we're honored to be a part of your clan."
" Jandar and Ono." He said. " Your dragon forms will reveal itself in time."
" That's fine with us." Jandar said. " Right now we have Polan to deal with. How do we keep him out of here?"
Over Jandars head again Jayce saw the orbs. He looked over to Rage and nudged him.
" Whats that?" He asked.
He pointed over Jandar's head.
" What?" Rage asked. Then he looked up, still he saw nothing, but Jayce did. There were like ten or fifteen bright orbs up there just sailing around over Jandars head. He saw nothing, he and Rage had a puzzled look on there faces.
" You don't see them?" Jayce asked. " None of you?"
All of them look at each other. None of them saw anything.
" Are you alright?" Ono asked.
Wait." Shayn said. " I want to try something."
He walked over and took Jayce's hand, He closed his eyes then look up over Jandar's head. There they were floating around him. Darting back and forth around them all." Jayce." He said. " Little orbs of light circling our heads?"
" You see them?" Jayce said with relief.
He was beginning to doubt himself. suddenly the flew off, only one was left circling Jayce.
" I think they want you to follow them." Shayn said.
" Me?"
" Only you see them." Jandar said. " Go, I don't think its Polan's doing. Just keep in contact with us."
The last orb took off into the sky with Jayce right behind it. They flew up into the air and deep in the clouds. The Orb moved fast, but not to fast for Jayce. He flapped harder to catch up with multicolored light. seconds later, Jayce noticed there was a lot more then the one he was following. There were twenty or thirty now buzzing in and out of the clouds. He reached out to touch one and Jayce heard something strange. It was a voice calling him. The orb he was reaching for expanded. It became brighter till it blinded him for a moment. When he opened his eyes the was a beautiful woman in front of him with wings.
" Welcome Brother." She said with a smile. " We've been waiting for you."
Jayce looked at her in wonder. He supposed she was an angel like him, but you never know. She could be anything or anybody. A frown appeared on her face as they hung in the air barely flapping their wings.
" I shouldn't be surprised you doubt me." She said. " Lots of strange things have happened to you and your friends."
At that moment he realized he wasn't using his wings anymore, but he wasn't falling.
" Relax." She told him. " I'm holding us here. Were both light orbs now. Its easier for us."
"So your an angel?" He said.
" Yes, just like you." She said. " I know. You want to know why."
" Yes." He said. " I do."
" Things are happening down there that we cant get involved in. But you can." She explained.
" There's evil down there and you and your friends are your worlds only hope."
" But you have the power to stop Polan." Jayce said. " Why don't you?"
" We are." She said as the orbs continued to rush by them.
" How?" He asked.
" Through you and your brothers." She answered. " All of you are very important to the future of this world. Your fight will be great and long."
" Then we will win?" He said with a smile.
" Only the great one knows the answer to that." She said. " All I know is that some will come, and some will go. And that Polan is not the end. There will be others that will threaten your peace. I'm now going to ask you to speak for your brothers. Will you all accept this fate? Will you and the others fight for this world?"
"Can I ask them?" Jayce asked her.
" Do you really need to?" Her hair shined in the bright sun. He could see the sparkling in her eyes." There answer is in your heart."
Jayce thought about Jandar and Rage. What would they say to this? What would Ono and Shayn and all the others think? He knew the answer. There was only one possible answer.
" Yes. We will."He said.
" From this day on, Maveta will be safe from Polan Dressak." she said. " Settlement to shall be shielded. But heed my words. Keep your defenses up always. Danger can come from inside. Give this to Jandar. lt's very important. With this he will be able to create a spell the will clean Polan's influence from any city or country" With that, she handed Jayce a glowing stone. He had no idea what exactly it was she had given him. Maybe Jandar would know. He looked up as the angel began to faded back into an orb and began to drift off.
" Wait!!" Jayce called. " Who are you? What is this?"
" I'm Blessa, and that is salvation" he heard as she faded away.
Jayse spread his wings and gave off a brilliant shine. He felt so happy in his heart. Maveta was free!! They had kept there promise. He flipped back and began his trip back to the others to tell them what happened and all about the promise he made.
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