[ Father!!] Ranjer called to him. [ This is fun. I like the snow!!]
Drake smiled and waved to his sons. He thought to tell them to get in the house, but he didnt want to spoil Ranjer's fun. So he let them play. Since there was magic involved, there was only one person he had to consult.
[Jandar.] He called out to his son. [What the hell is going on? Theres three feet of snow here.][ Father were on our way. Theres a mad god on the loose, and shes threatening Tir Na.]
[ What else is new?]
[ We'll be there soon.]
Drake trudged up to the council building and climbing the stairs. He suddenly felt the presense of a friend. What would he be doing here? It could only be more trouble. Drake leaped from the stairs and shifted to his gray wolf form and dashed out into the forest. The scent was faint but getting stronger as he ran. Faster and faster Drake moved, jumping over frozen brooks and tree stumps. It took an hours run until he hit upon the scent. Drake looked up and around and saw two wolves being chased down by a pack of wolves. From there smell Drake knew they werent werewolves. They were vampires. Vampires dont hunt on werewolf land. Thats against the treatee he and Valkar signed. He knew Valkar would never sanction this. He would have called out to him and just told him. This day was getting worse and worse. Drake howled and got the two running wolves attention. They turned and ran toward him with the pack following. Arturus and Tanis put on a sudden burst of speed and made it to Drake as he shifted back to human forn.
" STOP RIGHT THERE!!" He commanded. Behind him Arturus and Tanis collapsed.
" Your tresspassing on Werewolf land." He said. " Id advise you to turn and go back to wherever you came from."
"The King of Yadessa has ordered us to bring them back. " One of the vampires said. " Move aside and let us pass so we can take them back."
" These men are now under my protection." Drake told them.
" And you are?"They took a step closer.
" King here." Drake said." I am Drake Tyr. King of all the Werewolves. Turn and leave now."
" Your all alone your majesty." The vampires smiled.
" Am I?" All around them wolves came running out. The vampires looked around and they were surounded by more then thirty wolves. They were out numbered.
"So now will you walk back home." He asked " Or do we bury you here?"
Standing there surrounded by snarling werewolves the vampires backed away with there tails between there legs.They knew they had no chance of fighting there way out. So they shifted to bird form and flew off for Yadessa.
" Follow them." Drake told a few wolves. " Make sure they get all the way out of Tir Na."
Drake reached down and helped Arturus to his feet. He hugged him then asked.
" What are you doing here?"
" Running from Balthazar." Arturus told him as he brushed himself off." He's in control of Yadessa now."
" Where's Valkar?" Drake asked with worry in his voice for his friend.
" He's with Jandar and Rage. They got him out before Balthazar could kill him."
" Good." Drake put his arm around his friends waist to help him walk." There on there way here. We have a lot to talk about. Come back to the house. Tressandra's going to want to see you."
He looked back at Tanis.
" Who's this?" Drake asked.
" He's the one that got me out of the dungeon." Arturus said looking back at Tanis. Tanis smiled. " I owe him a lot."
" No" Tanis stood up and walked over to Drake and Arturus." You saved my life twice, and I would have died in all this snow. You dont owe me. I owe you."
" Speaking of snow." Drake turn them both towaeds town. "Its time we got you both someplace warm. Jandar and Rage will be here soon to explain all this. I want to meet them. Come on, lets get back to town."
High over Tir Na Jandar flew riding on Rage's back. They looked at all the snow spread across his homeland. Behind them flew Icicle, Blink and Athene riding Cutter.They were all amazed at the amount of snow they saw. Eheren had filled them in on what he had seen in Grish, so they knew where it had come from. There was only one explanation. It had to be Muerte using the power of Kearn. Only he could turn a summer landscape into a winter blizzard.
[ Jandar, how do we fight someone with this much power?] Athene asked.
[ Carefully.] He answered. [ Athene evil falls. Thats why were here. I dont know how, but she has weakness's just like we do.]
[Yes.] Rage sent. [Even gods fall.]
[ But what power!] Icicle sent. [ I could never generate this much cold.]
[ I dont know.] Blink sent. [ With some magical help, I'll bet you could do. Shayn and I banished Polan's shadow. And he covered the world with it. He was no god.]
[ Thats true.]
Below them they could see the snow covered roofs of The Wolves Lair. Rage began his spiral down to land. Their wing beats sent the snow flying off the roofs relieving some of the weight it bore on them. Once on the ground the dragons shifted back to their human form and they headed for Tyr Manor. A black and white patched wolf cub came running at them barking.
" RANJER!!!" Jandar held out his arms and he jumped into them licking his face." Im glad to see you to."
Jandar laughed. Ranjer shifted and hugged his older brother.
" Can Rage give me a ride?"
" Of course I can." Rage smiled. He took Ranjers hand and swung him up onto his back. Giggling he held on.
" We'll be right back." Rage took off running down the street shifting as he ran. Soon they were high over the trees. Jandar could hear Ranjer laughing in his mind.
[ Father, were here.]
[Meet us in the council building. We'll be waiting.]
" He's in the town hall." Jandar and his friends walked down the road passing all the young cubs playing in the snow. They were all having fun. Wolves loved running in the snow. He remembered his youth playing with Tof, Ono Jayce, and JP in the old castle. He wished his days were that easy still. Soon they were at the town hall. They were met by Tof at the door. The brothers hugged at the top of the stairs.
" How bad is it?" Tof asked.
" Worse then Polan." He answered.
" Shit!"
" TOF! There's a lady present!" Jandar smacked his ass.
" Sorry." He said. " Come in. Fathers waiting."
Tof opened the door and held it as they all walked in. He showed them to Drakes office. There they found Drake waiting with Arturus,Tanis and another man that both Jandar and Athene knew.
" UNCLE!!" Athene ran in and hugged Arturus. " Im so glad your safe. I was afraid father had done something to you."
" He tried." He said as he released her. " But its not so easy to kill this old vampire."
" I found these two running from Balthazar's men." Drake told them. "Hows Valkar?"
" He's back at New Keanna safe." Jandar said. " I left him with Azeal fighting nightwalkers. Father, this is getting bad. There are nightwalkers popping up everywhere."
"Whats going on?" Drake asked.
" Read it in my mind. It will be quicker." Drake scanned Jandars and and got the whole story about Muerte and what she planned.
" Excuse me." Cutter said elbowing Jandar.
" Who is this?"
"My name is Tanis Dylar." He stepped up and shook Cutters hand. Unknown to him, Cutter already had his whole true story. Cutter looked over to the man beside Drake and nodded.
"My father is Baron Dylar from Dagan. Our city is being overun by strange vampires to. My father sent me to see Valkar hoping he could help us."
" Baron Dylar is your father?" The man with Drake asked. " How is he doing?"
" He's worried about Valkar." Tanis said. " Our families have been friends for ages. As children. we've been through a lot together."
He looked and Drake, Drake looked back.
" Seize him!"Icicle and Blink grabbed Tanis and held him while Drake called for his guards,
" What is the meaning of this?" He protested. " When my father the Baron hears about this, he'll be furious."
" Will he?" the man asked walking over to Tanis."Im Baron Dylar. Ambassador to Tir Na. Balthazar and his coven have beem out of touch in Yadessa and have no idea whats been going on there. And you make a terrible spy."
" Why are you here?" Drake asked.
" Im not telling you anything." Tanis told him.
" Even though they tried to kill you?" Arturus asked him. " Or did you forget? I knew the minute you mentioned Baron Dylar you were lying, but still I saved you. Why do you think I did that? Would Balthazar have done that? He doesnt want any of us free. He wants to use us like he used you. Dont you see were fighting for you to? For everyone, but we cant do it alone. We need your help. Help us. Tell us what you know."
"He doesnt have to." Cutter said. " You have a weak mind you know that? He's here after us. Balthazar wants Athene and Jandar and any of us he can get. He plans to invade Tir Na. Your to be there slaves again."
Two guards came running in to answer there kings call.
" NEVER!!" Drake got up and grabbed Tanis. " Think we cant protect ourselves? Let them come and see. Tir Na can and will never be slaves again. And you, Valkar can deal with. Put him in our dungeon."
" Wait." He said. " Your right. I know you wont trust me, but you should know not all of Balthazar's people agree with him. Some of us hate him. He's killed people we love. If i get the chance to earn your trust, I'll do what I can. And my name is Tanis. Tanis Gaelich. Balthazar is my father. Your my uncle and your my sister."
The guards led him out as everyone stood there with there mouths open in shock.
" Is that true?" Athene asked Cutter. "Is he my brother?"
" Yes, he wasnt lying." Cutter told them. " Everything he said was true. I guess you didnt know you had a brother?"
"My mother died giving birth to me. So he must be from one of his coven. I didnt know."
" Neither did I." Arturus said. " We've been hiding from him for so long. So what do we do now?"
" We get Tir Na ready for anything Balthazar sends against us." Drake said. " I have more warriors then they do so fighting wont be a problem. Jandar, all this god business is in your hands. You have the magic anyway to fight them. We will keep Balthazar busy here. Tell Valkar I will give him all the help I can."
" What about Tanis?" Athene asked." What will you do with him?"
" Take him if you want." Drake walked over and hugged them all. " Becareful, please."" You to father. Kiss Mother and Sharone for us."
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