" How could this have happened?"Jayce said his wing fidgeting nervious on his back.
" How could we have lost so many?"
" You underestimate Polan's evil." Blink told him. "He corrupted my egg and made Shadoe into something we have to destroy. And we will. I promise you that, We will."
" Yes we will." Rage and Jandar stood there in grief over the dragons they lost today.
" What do you want to do?" Ono asked. He and Shayn standing with Jandar and his mate.
"Dreik. Can you do something?" Jandar asked saddly. " We cant leave them like this."
" Yes I can." Dreik stepped up. He looked out over all the rubble spread out across the landscape. He raised his hands and began to concentrate. Rocks and dirt rose up into the air and began to mold together. Around him everybody watch as he molded and sculpted what was left of the mountain into shape. This was a big job and sweat rolled off his brow as he worked. Soon a shape could be seen beginning to grow out of the dust cloud. Atlast he was done. He stepped back. Dreik walked back to Jandar and Rage and turned back to face what he'd done. He raised his hands and slowly lowered then and settled the dust. Where an empty davastated plateau was a few hours ago, now stood a dragons head for all to see.
" Theres a gas vein out of the mouth. ignite it please Rage."
Rage stepped forward and sent a stream of flame out. From the mouth a jet of fire bagan to issue.
"That witl always burn as a memorial to our brothers and sisters."
" You did a great job." Shayn told Dreik. Everyone agreed and clapped him on the back.
" Lets go end this." Rage said. " We cant allow him to kill anyone else."
Back in Maricora, Polan strode up to give orders to the troop still in his service. There were'nt many, but there was enough to finish off the dragons. Darkness still covered the the world and as long as it did, Polan could draw power from it. He felt strong. Strong enough to win the upcoming battle. Taren was the first one he came to. He stood there with Terror at his side sharpening his blades. When Polan walked up, Taren put away his swords and bowed.
" How can I serve you?" Taren asked.
" By killing as many of them as you can." Polan told him." I will be waiting back in the old cemetery absorbing darkness. Soon this darkness will be permenant and I will have all the power I want. I expect you and the rest to give me your all in this battle or I will take your souls now. You understand?"
" I hear and obey." Taren answered." If any of them try to run, kill them."
The dark man turned and walked back to the cemetery. Taren turned and walked out to the black armours gathered there. They were all gathered around a large piece of meat roasting on the fire. He looked around and realized they all were here. No one was on watch. Anger filled Taren, the dragons could walk in to camp any second and no one would be ready. Taren stormed over to the fire and kicked the the meat over into the fire. Ash and sparks flew up into everyones face as they all jumped back.
" Is this how you protect your master?" He screamed." The enemy could be here any second and no ones watching for them!! All of you. Get your ass ready and on watch! I dont care if you eat or not!! MOVE!!"
Everyone grabbed there things and ran and took there place in a watch position. All of them knew what Polan would have done had he caught them. He would have showed no mercy. This could be a long night.
High in the sky three parties of dragons made there way to Maricora. Ariel, Toric, Blaze and Ono were to be the first in. Ariel summoned storm clouds to move in slowly to cover there entrance. Toric rode on her back and Ono rode with Blaze. They stayed high until there was enough to make sure they couldnt be seen. Beside Ariel flew Toric's manticores.
[ Is everyone ready?] Ono sent.[We go now.]
Dropping down they flew into Maricora silently. The guards noticed nothing until they were just about on them. Ono jumped from Blazes back shifting into man-wolf form. Two guards came at him with swords raised, ready to cut him down. Ono went low and slashed ones legs out from under him. As the other tried to bring his sword down, Ono ripped his stomach opened and kept moving. Off to the left, Blaze had been surounded by three men. One man ran in and tried to bury his sword in the dragons chest. As he came close enough, Blaze swung his wing out and batted the men into the air. He landed on his head and broke his neck. The other two men rushed in and were caught in blazes flames as he blasted out at them. Ono ran forward at another group of men. He leaped high over there heads slashing down and decapitated two of them before his feet hit the ground. Ariel roared and reared up on her hind legs. She called lightning down and struck three men dead. Two others tried to attack her. Coming back down and crouching low, she blew out hurricane force winds and blew them back, crashing them into an old delapidated building. Toric sent out bolt after bolt of mystic energy while his manticores ripped apart anyone that came near him. Toric refused to leave Ariels side, He had to keep a watch on her back.
Grabbing a man and throwing him into a group, Ono howled out his rage. He knew every dragon that died in that cave. When he was sick, they spoke to him and kepted him from drifting into death. He would make all these men pay for the horrors. All the people they killed and tortured for their black hearted master. A man came up behind Ono and raised his sword to stab him in the back. Blaze sent out a fireball and roasted him before he could strike. Ono waved and launched himself at another group. Having cleared the front gate of men, it was time for the next stage to come in.[SHAYN,BLINK ITS CLEAR] Ono sent out to them.
Out of the sky three more dragons decended. Shayn , Blink and Syren. It was time for phaze 2 of their plan. The three dragons landed and moved off to the side out of the fighting. On the ground Denner's army rushed into join the battle. Everywhere you look, black armors were now being engaged by the dragons forces.
Over on the side Shayn, Blink and Syren prepared to begin their task. Clearing Polan's shadow.
[You two do your job, I'll keep a watch.] Syren said. her wings vibrated so fast a loud hum rose over the entire battle ground. Shayn took Blinks hand and they began to concentrate as a bright glow started to cover them. It grew brighter and brighter as the two strained theor power. Three man charged at them two with arrows notched. They fired. Syren opened her mouth and screamed, causing a barrier of sound to form around them. No sword or arrow could get through the sonic barrier no matter how much they beat on it. As time passed the glow around Shayn and Blink grew until they couldn't hold it any longer. They released it and sent it into the air. Like Polan's ball of energy it went straight up into the dark sky passing through the clouds and spreading out. In an explosion of light, all of a sudden the darkness began to clear. They had dont it. The darkness was gone, daylight came shining back on the world. Blink and Shayn collapse in exhaustion. All the battling stopped for a minute and everyone looked up to see the light. But soon the battling began again. The sun shining in the sky told Taren things were going bad, He knew Polan would be furious. It was time for him to join the battle. He jumped on Terrors back and pulled his swords.
" Come Terror. Time for us to kill."
[ We will kill many.] Terror said as he took to the sky. They flew out to join the battle. Taren spotted the dragons fighting. He saw Shayn and Blink getting to their feet. He started to charge down on them when a dart hit him in the shoulder. It was one of Graym's feather darts. Taren looked up and saw Graym, Pelic and Jayce coming in at him. Taren turned Terror to charge at them.
" You can't stop my master!" Taren yelled at them. " This will me our world."
" We don't care about your master." Pelic said his cloak flowing out. " We do care about you. You hurt a good friend of ours."
" That damned golden dragon?" Taren laughed. "You mean he lived?"
" He lived." Jayce pulled Salvation. " To bad you won't"
Jayce dived at Taren swinging his blade. Taren countered and blocked. Back and forth they fought both looking for an opening on the others defenses, neither finding one. Fighting fiercely Taren looked for more room to maneuver. Pelic and his soul freezing cloak to the left and Graym and his sword to the right. He didnt see anyway out but down. Graym flexed his wing and sent darts flying at Taren and Terror. Terror dropped for the ground. Once on the the ground, Taren jumped from Terrors back. He and Jayce circled each other looking for the right opening, eyes lock together. Rushing forward Taren swung down with both swords aiming for Jayce's head. Jayce blocked and spun quickly and hacked at the sword in Tarens left hand. Salvation snapped Tarens black blade in two. He jumped back and looked at the hilt in his hand. Taren was shocked. Elven magic made there swords completely unbreakable. The shining sword Jayce held must be made of more powerful magic. Reaching behind him into his pouch, Taren pulled out a hand full of powder. He threw it into Jayce's face then charged him, Jayce batted his wings and blew it back in Taren's face. The powder blinded him. In his forward motion he ran himself right onto Jayce's blade. It buried itself deep in his chest.
" Arrrgghhhhhhh!!!" He screamed as he fall off the sword and to the ground. With his eyes open and a surprized look on his face Taren lay dying. Jayce grabbed the front of his arnor and pulled him up to face him.
" You lose." He said then dropped him dead to the ground.
All the time Jayce and Taren battled. Terror fought the two other shadows. Rearing up he lashed out with kicks aimed to kill. In his hand Graym held Retribution. Each time he hit Terror, a burning scar appeared on his back. Smoke issued from Terrors nostrals as he fought. His back was covered with smoking scars. In pain, Terror took to the sky. He tried diving down to attack them, but it didn't work. These foes could follow no matter where he went. From high in the sky Terror saw Taren die. He screamed out his rage and he flew it Jayce. Jayce leaped into the sky and called out for Grayms help. Knowing light will always destroy the darkness, Graym called for his sunbirds. They came from everywhere. Hundreds, thousands, millions of them came out and swarmed Terror. He screamed trying to get away,but he couldn't escape form them. They tore the demon horse to pieces as the others watched. That was the end of Taren and his demon mount Terror.
When Taren fell, all fighting stopped. The black armours had had enough. They all dropped their weapons and gave up. Ono and the rest of the army rounded up all the rest of Polans forces and made them all drop their weapons. It was over for them.
" IT WILL NEVER BE OVER!!" A bolt of shadow energy came from no where and struck the unarmed men killing them all. Polan walked out of the cemetery. The look on his face was absolutley terrifying. His eyes bulged with anger and rage and shadow energy radiated from him.
" You all think you've won don't you. You think im just going to go away and disappear. That's not going to happen."
He reached out and sent a bolt of dark energy at Ono. Moving with all the speed he could, Shayn cast a shield around him. The bolt struck it and was deflected away. Shayn and Blink walked over and stood by Ono.
" You won't hurt another person." Shayn said.
" Won't I?" Polan laughed.
" NO YOU WONT!!" A voiced boomed out. Polan looked all around and saw Rage fly in and land. He roared as he shifted back to human form. Seconds later in a flash of light Jandar appeared. He walk over and stood with Rage.
" The all powerful Dragons are here to put me in my place." Polan mocked them. " I have more power then any of you."
" But You don't have more power then all of us together." Jandar called his staff and raised it high over his head high in the air.
"Now everybody!" He whispered a spell to collect power from the clan. Each dragon called forth there power and sent it on to Jandar. Streams of power in each of there colors streaked out to the staff and was absorbed there. Polan saw this happening and shifted to Shadoe and rushed out and grabbed Rage.
[ Now I have you.] Shadoe sent to his mind. [You and your clan will pay for all your interferance in my plans.]
Using his shadow abilities he made himself grow to gigantic size. He was five times the size of the largest dragon and Rage struggled in his grasp. Pointing his staff at Rage , Jandar sent all the clan power to him. As he absorbed it, his eyes flashed every color of all the dragons of the clan. All the dragons took off to find a safe place to watch the two giants battle. Jandar stayed close, he refused to leave Rage alone.
[ This ends now!!]
With extraordinary strength, Rage forced Shadoes claw open and shifted to dragon as he dropped. Using Shines ability to grow Rage grew himself to Shadoes size and launched himself at him. He drove his head into Shadoes chest and knocked him back and off his feet. Shadoe crashed to the ground and rolled over his house and the rest of the buildings in the dead city. Before the black dragon could recover, Rage grabbed him by the leg and slammed him into the side of the mountain. Shadoe climbed to his feet and roared in anger. He rushed at Rage and blasted him with his black flame. Rage laughed at him.
[That won't work, I have the power of a dark dragon to, among other dragons.] Rage pointed at Shadoe and sent a blast of Shayn's white dragon enegy at him. It struck him in the chest and seared him.
Shadoe was blasted to the ground. He looked down at his chest to find he was all blistered. Shadoe climbed to his feet. He was hurt. The dragons had never hurt him before. He needed to get away. For once he was scared. He spread his wings and took to the sky.
[ Oh no. You won't get away.]Rage sent another blast that hit Shadoe in the wing and burned the membrane away. He fell back to earth with a tremendous sound. Weakened by the blast Shadoe began to shrink back to his normal size. He tried to get up, Rage blasted his other wing. Shadoe screamed out. His wings were gone.
[ It's over monster.] Shadoe struggled to get up. He looked up into Rages eyes.
[ Not yet it isn't.] Shadoe started mumbling a spell as he stared at Rage. A look of shock came over his face as Rage clutched his head. Jandar saw the look on his face and ran over. Shadoes mumbling became louder as blood began to run for Rages nose and ears.
" STOP!!" Jandar yelled at him franticly.
Rage fell to his knees and Jandar grabbed him. Rage started to shake all over. Jandar let him go. He summoned his staff and ran over to Shadoe.
" I SAID STOP DAMN YOU!!!" Jandar raised his staff and plunged the end with the Salvation stone into Shadoes heart. Shadoe screamed as smoke began to bellow from his chest and he began to burn from the inside.
" Everybody get away!!" Ono screamed.
Ono ran forward and grabbed his brother and dived to the ground. The magic force building inside of Shadoe made his body expand until he exploded with a dark shadow blast. When the smoke cleared Jandar jumped up and ran back to Rage. He grabbed him and craddled him in his arm. All the rest of the gathered around there king.
" Rage!!" He wiped sweat from his borw then kissed him. " Wake up, please wake up!!"
Slowly he opened his eyes and looked up at Jandar. Jandar smiled down at him, his tears falling on Rage in his arms.
" I hope I never feel that again." Rage said. Everybody laughed in relief.
"Let's go home." Shayn said. " We all need a nap. And you need a bath."
Shayn looked at Ono covered in blood from the battle. Jandar picked Rage up and carryed Rage over to Blaze and put him on his back then climded on and held him.
" It's over Tomar." He said. " You can go back to your family now."
[ I am with my family.] He sent back to his king. They all took off for home and some rest.
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