Flying high over his wondrous mountains, Rage soars seeking pray in his dreams. Ahead he sees a fat mountain goat chewing on grass on a plateau. He sends out a doze spell to keep it from bolted before he can swoop down and feed. Rage tilts his wing and starts down to feed. Then something strange enters his mind, a feeling that something is wrong, He looks back to the goat and its gone. That's strange, that's never happened before in his dreams or in real time. He flaps his great wings to gain altitude, but still falls. Something is wrong. With his command over his dreams Rage hasn't had a nightmare in over 100 years. And this is a nightmare to be sure. Down he falls, no matter how hard he flaps, still he falls. The mountains is quickly coming closer.
[THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!] He screamed in his mind.
As he hit the mountain, Rage woke with a roar filling the cavern with his flame. He stood and looked around. The cavern was filled with his brothers and sisters, all sleeping. Rage rises and moves his large crimson body to the pool to drink. That dream disturbed him, a nightmare? How could he have a nightmare? His total control prevents that. But he couldn't get control of the dream and that's impossible. Somethings wrong, very wrong. And why is everybody sleeping? He nudged his brother Thunder. Nothing. Rage looked around then caught a sent in the air. Humans have been in here!!! He felt the rage build in him. The scent led to the rookery. Now fear filled him. Quickly he moved to the rookery to check on the eggs. With a glance he counted the eggs. Oh no, there were eggs missing!! The eggs all look like large jewels. The thieves must have thought they hit it big. Rage knew he had to get them back before they hatched or the young dragon will die. He didn't think there was much chance they would merge with the thieves. There's not much chance any of them are worthy of being merged with a young dragon. Rage walked out of the rookery and glanced around and spotted it. Over his usually spot was where the dragonspirit was kept. Its not there!! Someone took the dragonspirit!!!. Without that his clan would all die and turn to stone. How long will it take? First the young, the eggs will become hard and turn to stone until there's no chance they'll ever hatch. Then the young, there sleep will become eternal and they will become petrified. Then the older will succumb. Only the eggs that were taken have a chance to hatch now. Rage know he had to get it back and he need something that will show him how much time the clan has.
He switched to his human form and stretched his limbs. Walking to a pool of water he looked at himself. By Rimnar he had been sleeping long. Looking at his face he saw he had a long scruffy beard. He turned his head then combed his fingers through his long lock. As he did this he heated his fingers burning hair away until it had a shorter more neat style. With a quick rubbing on his face the beard was gone and his face was clean. nHe stood and looked down at his image. Though naked, Rage was tall with brownish hair and a ruggedly handsome face.
It had been a long time since he had walked as a man. He walked back to the rookery and looked again at the eggs. Rage needed to know how many were missing. He saw the emerald, sapphire, opal, ruby, topaz, tourmaline ,and diamond like eggs. Rage counted them. There was one of each missing. Worse of all was that his diamond egg was gone. His own offspring was gone.
" NOOOOOOOOOO" he screamed.
Dragons only lay one egg when their time came. The anger in him rose as he moved to the back of the chamber. The scent of humans caught his attention, and he followed it to the back. There in the back he found something. A pendant,it must have been dropped by one of the thieves. Now he had the scent of that human. There's no where this one can hide from him. This pendant will be useful. With a quick incantation Rage tuned it to the rest of his brothers and sisters. Now the gold pendant will tell him when his time is running out. Rage walked out of the rookery and passed his brethren all asleep. He stopped and looked at his human form. Strong, slender, handsome thought the human in him. He would need clothes, he thought. Humans don't walk around naked. He whispered a spell and he was dressed in form fitting crimson leather and matching boots. Rage placed the pendant around his neck then looked at his family.
" I will return with the spirit and our children . Sleep well my brothers and sisters. My spell with keep you safe,"
With that done, Rage turned and started down the mountain after the thieves.
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