Polan shook him as his poison filled his body. The guard tried to free himself,but Polan was to strong.
The guards life drained away seconds later. Polan tossed him aside and went to the door of the house. He grabbed the it and ripped it off the frame.
"Where's my Shadows!!! He screamed. "Get them here now!!!"
He shifted to Shadoe and stalked back to the house. Shadow roared. He took a swing and bashed in the side. It didn't take him long to tear down the house. None of the people in the camp came near him as he ripped it apart. They knew not to get near him when he raged. When he was done he turned and took off into the air. The city he was invading now was surrounded by a wall. Shadoe flew over the wall and city guards ran out to meet him. Armed with swords and spears they attacked him. Shadoe tore into them , ripping apart men and throwing them aside. He roared and sent his horrid breath into the crowd. Anyone it touched shriveled and aged until there was nothing left but a dry husk of a corpse. Flexing his arms Shadoe strode through the dead men into the city. He stopped and shifted back it Polan. He looked back at the dead guards.
"Rise you warriors. Rise and come be my slaves. This city is mine. No one here will live to the morning. Rise you all!!"
Piece by piece the bodies all pulled themselves back together and stumbled in to serve there new master. These guards of this city now attacked there own city. Men, women, and children died that night as Polan smoldered and watched. Soon no one but his men were alive here. Polan collected the souls of the dead one by one. Maveta was his next target. He was going back to reclaim the country, and when he was done. Maveta to would be home for only the dead. My dead.
Out of the sky Terror flew down and landed outside Polan's new dead city. All around they saw stumbling corpes'e. Polan had made good on his pledge. He had killed everyone in the city. Po and Taren walked around looking for Polan. They found him in a tent they had set up for him, contemplating the map. Maveta was like a shining beacon standing out. Polan was still fuming.
"Where are the rest of the Shadows?" He asked.
His eyes came up to Taren. His angry was like a cloud of hate fill the tent. Taren and Po could feel it. The dark elf that feared nothing, felt fear today.
"I don't know where they are." Taren answered.
"I wanted them here within the hour. Your the hunter. Hunt them down. NOW!!"
"Yes Master." Taren said backing out. He turned and ran out of the tent.
"If you want to wear that silly cloak, be my guess." Polan said. "Your here because you claim to be able to get what I want. Can You?"
Po walked into the tent and sat down in a chair. Polan noticed a calm look on his face like he didn't fear him. Polan smiled. Everyone fears me. This peasant will learn fear today.Polan walked to his chair and sat down. He exhaled in Po's direction.
"Well?" He said.
"Yes." Po said. "I can get them all"
Suddenly he coughed and wiped his mouth. Polan smiled at him. His poison was in.
"I just have one problem." Po said. "How do I get them to you?"
"You could just open the door and let me in." Polan spread his hands then clasped them together.
"Even if I did. You couldn't get into Settlement." Po told him. "There's some powerful magic protecting their home."
"More powerful then me??" Polan pushed back his chair and stood. His eyes smoldered red. Polan was getting taller, his face began to grow dark. Shadoe was emerging. Scales could be seen on his hands. Po got up from his chair.
"I can get the items. I just cant get them to you." Po told Polan. "If you give me away to get back and forth with them, I can get the to you."
The dark tinge slowly faded as Polan's temper subsided. Polan knew this was the only way he would get the talismans away from Settlement. He still wanted to invade the dragon's city, but Maveta came first. A spell was needed here, lets see.
"You get the talismans and then get out of the city." Polan told him. "Say my name twice and you will be brought to me five times. I will reward you. As a matter of fact ,I have started your reward. You should start feeling the change in a few days. I have given you a great reward. Don't disappoint me."
Po bowed to Polan. At last Po would have power equal to Denner and the dragons. They would pay for ignoring Po. They would all pay, with there lives.
"Thank you my Lord!!" Po said. "If I can get them all at once, i will."
"Back to the place Taren found you." He waved his hand at Po and he disappeared. "Soon I'll have the talismans and you will have the gift of being my eternal dead slave.
"HA! HA! HA! HA!"
[WHY IS HE SO ANGRY?] Terror asked as they searched for the others.
"Something is wrong." Taren told him. "We have to find the others. He commands we bring them."
"Take us there." Taren told his demon horse.
Terror turned and sped for Velusia's island. it wasn't a far flight so they were there in seconds. Terror landed outside of her castle. An old dilapidated place crumbling and falling down.
"Stay with me Terror." They made there way in to the castle checking everywhere they could as they walked around.
"When will she learn?" Taren whispered the words to again summon the shadow beast to him. Low growls began to emanate from the shadows as they gathered. Many came to him, they crowded all around Taren and Terror ready to do as he commanded.
Suddenly her vampires attacked. They came from everywhere, there were hordes of them.
"KILL!!" Taren told them.
Fast as lightning the shadow beast launched themselves at the vampires covering them and ripping them apart. They had no chance against them, they couldn't even touch them to fight back.
"Velusia!!" He called. " Come out now! Don't make me use the spells to bind you!!"
Her cloud appeared and moved toward Taren. He took a step back as she closed of him.
"You are mine now Taren!" He heard.
Quickly she covered him and and tried to feed on him. Taren crossed his arms and smiled.
"Don't you think Polan would protect us from your treachery?" He said,
"Bind her!!"
Two shadows jumped on her from his side and wrapped themselves around her. they squeezed until she screamed and took her vampire form.
"I've had it with you." He said as he walked around her. "Take her to the Master."
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO " She screamed.
The shadows picked her up and took off. Carrying her back to Polan.
"Now we have to find Pelic and Graym."
Taren called shadow beast and told them to find the other Shadows. The shadows all took off into the dark shadows to search. Taren and Terror walked out of the castle over the dead vampire,where he mounted up. Terror spread his wings and took off into the air. Where they were going, neither of them knew.
Up on a hill over looking a small house. Graym watched as three children played in the sun. This was the first time in months that the children were well enough to play, or even come outside. All the poison was gone from there bodies, gone from Maveta. This made Graym smile. He looked at his family laugh and play. His wife came out to call the children in to lunch. The look on her face almost made him cry. He loved them all so much, he'd sacrificed himself for them and the rest of the people in Maveta. What was he to do now?
"Go home to your family." Pelic said as he floated down to his friend.
"Like this?" He stretched out his wings. " Let them see me like this? I would scare them to death."
"Tell me Graym." Pelic asked. "What did you tell your family before you left? Do they even know what you've done for them?"
"I didn't have a chance to tell them anything." Graym looked back to the house. "Polan didn't give me any warning. You were there. You had no warning either."
"Don't you think they deserve to know what happened to there father, her husband?"
Pelic put his hand on Grayms shoulder.
"That family's gone crazy wondering what happened to you. Give them and yourself the peace you all deserve."
"How can I go near them like this?"
Graym turned from the house. Tears filled his eyes as he turned to get away. Pelic turned him back to face him.
"Graym." He said. "I can't take away what Polan did, but I can make it so when you want, you'll look like your normal self."
Graym looked it him in surprise, his eyes told Pelic that he wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to his family.
"Do it." He said. "Please!!"
As Pelic finished, Graym's face and features began to blur until they became a complete blur. Then in a blink, he became Graym's old self again. With his fingers he touched his face. He felt for his wings. He couldn't find them.
"They're still there. Magic just hides them." Pelic smiled. "When you need them, just use the power. it'll be there."
Graym grabbed Pelic and hugged him. He was going home to see his family.
"Thank you Pelic!! Thank you so much!!"
Graym's smiles was overwhelming.
"Go home, Kiss your family." Pelic told him. "Cause this is far from over."
All through Polans lands, heads poked out of shadowed places. The shadow beast searched everywhere for Pelic and Graym. Islands , mountains, in villages and cities. They stuck the heads out of the shadows of trees in forests, out of cold places up north. They even searched the prison island of Mythioes where all the Black Armours of Maveta were being kept. But they're not what they were searching for so they moved on. Taren hadn't given them any orders on what to report accept except Pelic and Graym. So the island will go unnoticed for now. Soon they came upon Maveta. That sleepy country that Polan grabbed first. Being this close,the shadows could feel there prey near. Soon as the stepped into Maveta, pain racked there bodies.Whimpering the shadow beast made there way into the country to search. Maveta was a big country and it took them a while to find there way to Graym's village. Slowly the three beast moved into the village. It was a bright day so the beast keep to the shadows. Not that it mattered, people saw them coming. Memories of Polan's horrors still fresh in there minds , they grabbed there children and ran to hide again. Sniffing the air looking for the smell of Shadow power they moved further into the village. Screams could be heard through the streets. Still waiting up on the hill, Pelic heard them. This town was suppose to be free of Polan's corruption and he wanted it to stay that way. Stepping out from under the tree Pelic took to the air to find out what was going on here. He sailed invisibly over the town peering, watching as people ran into there homes. Pelic looked ahead to see three dark spots slowly crawling forward. He could tell they were in pain as they collapsed. He landed in front of them and watched as they looked at him and howled. He knew they had been found. He and Graym had to leave. They couldn't allow any of this to come back here again. Pelic whispered a spell the made him look normal again and went to find Graym. He had bad news for him. His reunion was over it seemed.
The night was dark as silent wings flapped there way through the night. These were dark wings belonged to an evil thing that had no use for anyone but to use them for his own ends. The dark dragon of shadow and hate was on his way to find out what happened in Maveta. How had he lost the country. His first prize. Not even the dragons had the power to take anything from him. His anger grew even stronger as he pondered the lost. There was nothing there he cared about, but what was his, was his. And no one takes anything from him.Far below Shadoe could see the sleeping villages that marked the border of Maveta. Everything seemed quiet down there. He planned to change all that tonight. Pulling in his wings Shadoe flown down to land. Not a soul was there to challenge. This would be easy. Shadoe walked proudly toward Maveta. His wings were out and he was ready to kill. Beyond the treeline was the border of Maveta. Shadoe tried to take the step into Maveta and he was violently knocked back ten feet on his back.
[What is this?]
Shadoe got back on his feet and approached the barrier. He reached out to touch it and felt burning pain in his fore claw. He pulled back his claw and shook it.
[What magic is this?] He thought. Maybe his breath could weaken it. He drew in his breath and let out the black flame. It blew a long stream out, but it encountered nothing. Shadoe roared his anger, his head thrown back. He balled his claws into fist and beat them against the barrier. The pain didn't matter his rage had taken over.
He kept beating on the invisible wall but it wouldn't give an inch for him. No matter what he did, Shadoe couldn't get into Maveta. Spreading his wings, he took off. He would fly over the barrier. But again, he ran into it. It seemed it was all around the country. He had one last option, shadow. Down on the ground he saw the shadow of a tree. Maybe this was his way in. Flying down, he flew into the shadow and looked for an exit into Maveta. What he found was the barrier, bright and glowing in shadow. He slammed into it trying to get through. But again, he was repelled by it. The barrier knocked him back and out of shadow. Climbing to his feet Shadoe turned to look to the houses outside of the barrier. They would do for know. He walked to the small village. People were running from there homes. Shadoe blew out his breath and caught a family trying to escape. They didn't make it. Shadoe caught them in there tracks and turned them into ancient corpses lying on the ground. Tearing down the house he moved on to the next house. This one he ripped apart before anyone could get out. Stepping over there bodies Shadoe moved on. When he was done he had destroyed another village. But he was still enraged. He stood in the middle of the village and gathered there souls to him and roared.
Back in the city of Tuesdale, Shadoe slipped out of shadow and shifted back to Polan. His night was far from done. He planned to gather his forces and move his army out. The rest of the world was waiting to fall to him and he was eager to get on with it. As he walked through Tuesdale, his aides ran up to him and bowed.
"Master." One of the dark elves said. "Someone waits for you."
"Who?" He asked.
"The shadow beast carried in a woman. They holds her for you."
The elf got up and followed him as he moved quickly through the city.
"Show me where she is." Polan told him."
"Yes master." Hoping to please his master, the elf ran in front of Polan to show him the way. Polan reached out and grabbed the elf by the shoulder. He pulled him in to face him. His eyes glowing red and his terrible breath filling him up.
"Don't you know better then to walk before me?" Polan shouted. The elf breathed in the poison of Polans fumes. Screaming out he died as he was tossed aside.
"Your turn." He told the next elf. "Show me."
"This way." He pointed. Polan walked on in the direction the elf pointed to his tent. There on the floor he found Velusia still being held by the shadow beast. he moved to his chair and sat down.
"Release her." He said. "And go."
Velusia fell from there hold as they let go of her. She sat up and looked at Polan. She could tell he was in one bad mood. She stayed on the floor afraid to stand before him.
"Where is Graym and Pelic?" He asked.
"I don't know." She said. "Hell I hope."
"No." He said. "This is hell. My favorite place."
He walked to her and tilted her head up to him. As always, his touch burned.
"Don't you ever hide or make me hunt for you again." He said. "Now listen. Find them and bring me a dragon. I want to know how they freed Maveta. I want it back, Now get out of here."
Polan shook him as his poison filled his body. The guard tried to free himself,but Polan was to strong.
The guards life drained away seconds later. Polan tossed him aside and went to the door of the house. He grabbed the it and ripped it off the frame.
"Where's my Shadows!!! He screamed. "Get them here now!!!"
He shifted to Shadoe and stalked back to the house. Shadow roared. He took a swing and bashed in the side. It didn't take him long to tear down the house. None of the people in the camp came near him as he ripped it apart. They knew not to get near him when he raged. When he was done he turned and took off into the air. The city he was invading now was surrounded by a wall. Shadoe flew over the wall and city guards ran out to meet him. Armed with swords and spears they attacked him. Shadoe tore into them , ripping apart men and throwing them aside. He roared and sent his horrid breath into the crowd. Anyone it touched shriveled and aged until there was nothing left but a dry husk of a corpse. Flexing his arms Shadoe strode through the dead men into the city. He stopped and shifted back it Polan. He looked back at the dead guards.
"Rise you warriors. Rise and come be my slaves. This city is mine. No one here will live to the morning. Rise you all!!"
Piece by piece the bodies all pulled themselves back together and stumbled in to serve there new master. These guards of this city now attacked there own city. Men, women, and children died that night as Polan smoldered and watched. Soon no one but his men were alive here. Polan collected the souls of the dead one by one. Maveta was his next target. He was going back to reclaim the country, and when he was done. Maveta to would be home for only the dead. My dead.
Out of the sky Terror flew down and landed outside Polan's new dead city. All around they saw stumbling corpes'e. Polan had made good on his pledge. He had killed everyone in the city. Po and Taren walked around looking for Polan. They found him in a tent they had set up for him, contemplating the map. Maveta was like a shining beacon standing out. Polan was still fuming.
"Where are the rest of the Shadows?" He asked.
His eyes came up to Taren. His angry was like a cloud of hate fill the tent. Taren and Po could feel it. The dark elf that feared nothing, felt fear today.
"I don't know where they are." Taren answered.
"I wanted them here within the hour. Your the hunter. Hunt them down. NOW!!"
"Yes Master." Taren said backing out. He turned and ran out of the tent.
"If you want to wear that silly cloak, be my guess." Polan said. "Your here because you claim to be able to get what I want. Can You?"
Po walked into the tent and sat down in a chair. Polan noticed a calm look on his face like he didn't fear him. Polan smiled. Everyone fears me. This peasant will learn fear today.Polan walked to his chair and sat down. He exhaled in Po's direction.
"Well?" He said.
"Yes." Po said. "I can get them all"
Suddenly he coughed and wiped his mouth. Polan smiled at him. His poison was in.
"I just have one problem." Po said. "How do I get them to you?"
"You could just open the door and let me in." Polan spread his hands then clasped them together.
"Even if I did. You couldn't get into Settlement." Po told him. "There's some powerful magic protecting their home."
"More powerful then me??" Polan pushed back his chair and stood. His eyes smoldered red. Polan was getting taller, his face began to grow dark. Shadoe was emerging. Scales could be seen on his hands. Po got up from his chair.
"I can get the items. I just cant get them to you." Po told Polan. "If you give me away to get back and forth with them, I can get the to you."
The dark tinge slowly faded as Polan's temper subsided. Polan knew this was the only way he would get the talismans away from Settlement. He still wanted to invade the dragon's city, but Maveta came first. A spell was needed here, lets see.
"You get the talismans and then get out of the city." Polan told him. "Say my name twice and you will be brought to me five times. I will reward you. As a matter of fact ,I have started your reward. You should start feeling the change in a few days. I have given you a great reward. Don't disappoint me."
Po bowed to Polan. At last Po would have power equal to Denner and the dragons. They would pay for ignoring Po. They would all pay, with there lives.
"Thank you my Lord!!" Po said. "If I can get them all at once, i will."
"Back to the place Taren found you." He waved his hand at Po and he disappeared. "Soon I'll have the talismans and you will have the gift of being my eternal dead slave.
"HA! HA! HA! HA!"
[WHY IS HE SO ANGRY?] Terror asked as they searched for the others.
"Something is wrong." Taren told him. "We have to find the others. He commands we bring them."
"Take us there." Taren told his demon horse.
Terror turned and sped for Velusia's island. it wasn't a far flight so they were there in seconds. Terror landed outside of her castle. An old dilapidated place crumbling and falling down.
"Stay with me Terror." They made there way in to the castle checking everywhere they could as they walked around.
"When will she learn?" Taren whispered the words to again summon the shadow beast to him. Low growls began to emanate from the shadows as they gathered. Many came to him, they crowded all around Taren and Terror ready to do as he commanded.
Suddenly her vampires attacked. They came from everywhere, there were hordes of them.
"KILL!!" Taren told them.
Fast as lightning the shadow beast launched themselves at the vampires covering them and ripping them apart. They had no chance against them, they couldn't even touch them to fight back.
"Velusia!!" He called. " Come out now! Don't make me use the spells to bind you!!"
Her cloud appeared and moved toward Taren. He took a step back as she closed of him.
"You are mine now Taren!" He heard.
Quickly she covered him and and tried to feed on him. Taren crossed his arms and smiled.
"Don't you think Polan would protect us from your treachery?" He said,
"Bind her!!"
Two shadows jumped on her from his side and wrapped themselves around her. they squeezed until she screamed and took her vampire form.
"I've had it with you." He said as he walked around her. "Take her to the Master."
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO " She screamed.
The shadows picked her up and took off. Carrying her back to Polan.
"Now we have to find Pelic and Graym."
Taren called shadow beast and told them to find the other Shadows. The shadows all took off into the dark shadows to search. Taren and Terror walked out of the castle over the dead vampire,where he mounted up. Terror spread his wings and took off into the air. Where they were going, neither of them knew.
Up on a hill over looking a small house. Graym watched as three children played in the sun. This was the first time in months that the children were well enough to play, or even come outside. All the poison was gone from there bodies, gone from Maveta. This made Graym smile. He looked at his family laugh and play. His wife came out to call the children in to lunch. The look on her face almost made him cry. He loved them all so much, he'd sacrificed himself for them and the rest of the people in Maveta. What was he to do now?
"Go home to your family." Pelic said as he floated down to his friend.
"Like this?" He stretched out his wings. " Let them see me like this? I would scare them to death."
"Tell me Graym." Pelic asked. "What did you tell your family before you left? Do they even know what you've done for them?"
"I didn't have a chance to tell them anything." Graym looked back to the house. "Polan didn't give me any warning. You were there. You had no warning either."
"Don't you think they deserve to know what happened to there father, her husband?"
Pelic put his hand on Grayms shoulder.
"That family's gone crazy wondering what happened to you. Give them and yourself the peace you all deserve."
"How can I go near them like this?"
Graym turned from the house. Tears filled his eyes as he turned to get away. Pelic turned him back to face him.
"Graym." He said. "I can't take away what Polan did, but I can make it so when you want, you'll look like your normal self."
Graym looked it him in surprise, his eyes told Pelic that he wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to his family.
"Do it." He said. "Please!!"
As Pelic finished, Graym's face and features began to blur until they became a complete blur. Then in a blink, he became Graym's old self again. With his fingers he touched his face. He felt for his wings. He couldn't find them.
"They're still there. Magic just hides them." Pelic smiled. "When you need them, just use the power. it'll be there."
Graym grabbed Pelic and hugged him. He was going home to see his family.
"Thank you Pelic!! Thank you so much!!"
Graym's smiles was overwhelming.
"Go home, Kiss your family." Pelic told him. "Cause this is far from over."
All through Polans lands, heads poked out of shadowed places. The shadow beast searched everywhere for Pelic and Graym. Islands , mountains, in villages and cities. They stuck the heads out of the shadows of trees in forests, out of cold places up north. They even searched the prison island of Mythioes where all the Black Armours of Maveta were being kept. But they're not what they were searching for so they moved on. Taren hadn't given them any orders on what to report accept except Pelic and Graym. So the island will go unnoticed for now. Soon they came upon Maveta. That sleepy country that Polan grabbed first. Being this close,the shadows could feel there prey near. Soon as the stepped into Maveta, pain racked there bodies.Whimpering the shadow beast made there way into the country to search. Maveta was a big country and it took them a while to find there way to Graym's village. Slowly the three beast moved into the village. It was a bright day so the beast keep to the shadows. Not that it mattered, people saw them coming. Memories of Polan's horrors still fresh in there minds , they grabbed there children and ran to hide again. Sniffing the air looking for the smell of Shadow power they moved further into the village. Screams could be heard through the streets. Still waiting up on the hill, Pelic heard them. This town was suppose to be free of Polan's corruption and he wanted it to stay that way. Stepping out from under the tree Pelic took to the air to find out what was going on here. He sailed invisibly over the town peering, watching as people ran into there homes. Pelic looked ahead to see three dark spots slowly crawling forward. He could tell they were in pain as they collapsed. He landed in front of them and watched as they looked at him and howled. He knew they had been found. He and Graym had to leave. They couldn't allow any of this to come back here again. Pelic whispered a spell the made him look normal again and went to find Graym. He had bad news for him. His reunion was over it seemed.
The night was dark as silent wings flapped there way through the night. These were dark wings belonged to an evil thing that had no use for anyone but to use them for his own ends. The dark dragon of shadow and hate was on his way to find out what happened in Maveta. How had he lost the country. His first prize. Not even the dragons had the power to take anything from him. His anger grew even stronger as he pondered the lost. There was nothing there he cared about, but what was his, was his. And no one takes anything from him.Far below Shadoe could see the sleeping villages that marked the border of Maveta. Everything seemed quiet down there. He planned to change all that tonight. Pulling in his wings Shadoe flown down to land. Not a soul was there to challenge. This would be easy. Shadoe walked proudly toward Maveta. His wings were out and he was ready to kill. Beyond the treeline was the border of Maveta. Shadoe tried to take the step into Maveta and he was violently knocked back ten feet on his back.
[What is this?]
Shadoe got back on his feet and approached the barrier. He reached out to touch it and felt burning pain in his fore claw. He pulled back his claw and shook it.
[What magic is this?] He thought. Maybe his breath could weaken it. He drew in his breath and let out the black flame. It blew a long stream out, but it encountered nothing. Shadoe roared his anger, his head thrown back. He balled his claws into fist and beat them against the barrier. The pain didn't matter his rage had taken over.
He kept beating on the invisible wall but it wouldn't give an inch for him. No matter what he did, Shadoe couldn't get into Maveta. Spreading his wings, he took off. He would fly over the barrier. But again, he ran into it. It seemed it was all around the country. He had one last option, shadow. Down on the ground he saw the shadow of a tree. Maybe this was his way in. Flying down, he flew into the shadow and looked for an exit into Maveta. What he found was the barrier, bright and glowing in shadow. He slammed into it trying to get through. But again, he was repelled by it. The barrier knocked him back and out of shadow. Climbing to his feet Shadoe turned to look to the houses outside of the barrier. They would do for know. He walked to the small village. People were running from there homes. Shadoe blew out his breath and caught a family trying to escape. They didn't make it. Shadoe caught them in there tracks and turned them into ancient corpses lying on the ground. Tearing down the house he moved on to the next house. This one he ripped apart before anyone could get out. Stepping over there bodies Shadoe moved on. When he was done he had destroyed another village. But he was still enraged. He stood in the middle of the village and gathered there souls to him and roared.
Back in the city of Tuesdale, Shadoe slipped out of shadow and shifted back to Polan. His night was far from done. He planned to gather his forces and move his army out. The rest of the world was waiting to fall to him and he was eager to get on with it. As he walked through Tuesdale, his aides ran up to him and bowed.
"Master." One of the dark elves said. "Someone waits for you."
"Who?" He asked.
"The shadow beast carried in a woman. They holds her for you."
The elf got up and followed him as he moved quickly through the city.
"Show me where she is." Polan told him."
"Yes master." Hoping to please his master, the elf ran in front of Polan to show him the way. Polan reached out and grabbed the elf by the shoulder. He pulled him in to face him. His eyes glowing red and his terrible breath filling him up.
"Don't you know better then to walk before me?" Polan shouted. The elf breathed in the poison of Polans fumes. Screaming out he died as he was tossed aside.
"Your turn." He told the next elf. "Show me."
"This way." He pointed. Polan walked on in the direction the elf pointed to his tent. There on the floor he found Velusia still being held by the shadow beast. he moved to his chair and sat down.
"Release her." He said. "And go."
Velusia fell from there hold as they let go of her. She sat up and looked at Polan. She could tell he was in one bad mood. She stayed on the floor afraid to stand before him.
"Where is Graym and Pelic?" He asked.
"I don't know." She said. "Hell I hope."
"No." He said. "This is hell. My favorite place."
He walked to her and tilted her head up to him. As always, his touch burned.
"Don't you ever hide or make me hunt for you again." He said. "Now listen. Find them and bring me a dragon. I want to know how they freed Maveta. I want it back, Now get out of here."
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