There in a small unmarked grave Muerte sensed who she was looking for. Baron Valkar's remains. The only way to raise him was if she had had a piece of his remains. Muerte held out her hand and concentrated. Soon the grave began to tremble, and dirt started to push itself aside. The grave was open and the casket was exposed. With a simple gesture Muerte opened the casket and gazed down at the remains of the dead Baron. Inside dressed in all his dark glory lay Baron Valkar Antonescu Zlenka. Opened it, it was a simple matter to pull a bone from his skeletal chest to use as an anchor for his spirit. Luckly not all of her goddess abilities were binded and calling him back would be easy for the death goddess.
The rib bone began to glow as she released it to go and join the rest of it's owners skeleton. As she watched, flesh began to grow on the bones. What was once a skeletal body, soon had muscle and flesh. Veins developed as blood began to rush through it. Soon skin formed and hair began to grow on the head. Then eyes appeared and his mouth opened and he gasped for his first breath in century's. Alive again his eyes opened and he looked up. Above him he saw the woman he most hated through all his life. Then Baron Valkar rose from his grave to answer his ex mistresses call
Still dressed in his ancient dark armored, Valkar floated over his grave. Gray haired and proud, Valkar even in death still was a very strong figure. Pale with a grim look on his face, he looked down at the death goddess.
" Maybe if you did as I ordered, we wouldn't be meeting again."
[ What do you wish my Queen of the Dead?]
" To know everything you know about Ganons book." She said.
[I have no wish to help you. You made me almost as evil as you yourself. I have had no peace from all the things I've done.] He told her. [My punishment is eternal and its all because of you. I turned my peaceful home into a blood sucking horror.]
"BAH." She said. " I made your people nobles. Immortals. They were to go out and spread across the world and make it in my image. You failed!! But with Ganon's book, I'll finish the job."
[ You'll get no help from me.] The Baron said. [ My people finally are free from your curse. I won't help you enslave them again.]
"Yes you will. Or I will drain Yadeesa dry and fed on your children. And you know I'll do it. Where are the book parts?"
Baron Valkar knew he didn't have any choice in helping her. She was the goddess of death. She could do horrible things to Yadessa, devastate his people. But there were ways he could fight her. There are people that can help him, but only if he gains her trust. If that's even possible
.[I will help you.] The Baron told her. {But you must leave Yadessa alone.}
" I will do as you ask this once." She stood and pointed at him. Pain ripped through his essence and he screamed out.
" That's the first taste of what eternity will be like if you anger me again." Muerte's eyes blazes at him.
" Beware Baron."Athere screamed out as a terrible pain gripped her. Covered in sweat she sat up in bed. The dreams again. Those terrible dreams that haunted her almost every night. She held her head in her hands and cried. This had to stop. She didn't know how long she could take this anymore. Somehow she could see everything this woman was doing, Her every move. Athene wondered who she was and why she was in her mind.
{Something horrible is happening.}She heard in her head. Athene jumped up and look around to see if anyone was there.
{Fear not. I am here for your help.}
[Who are you?] She asked. [Have you been sending the dreams?]
{No. The dreams come from her. Murete, the goddess of death.}
[What does this have to do with me?] Athene got up from her bad to make tea for herself. She still didn't know who this was or what was really happening. She hoped she was about to find our
{I am Baron Valkar. Do you know me now?}
[ Yes, but this can't be. You've been dead for centuries.]
{What is that to the goddess of death? Muerte was very powerful in her day. Now she is back to claim the world as her own. We have to stop her or the curse our people lived with will be back and all the world will suffer. I don't have much time. Will you help me?}
[If I can, Yes.]
{I must go, but we will need help. Powerful help.}
[I know who will help.} She told him.
{Good, I will call again soon.} And he was gone from her.
Knocking on the door, Insa and Kalin waited outside of Jandar's study when a handsome winged man came down the hall and met them.
"Jayce." Insa stuck out his hand. " How have you been?"
" Very busy." He said, " These are strange day my friend."
" How do you mean." The smoke dragon asked.
" You know who Baron Valkar is I'm assuming?"
" Yes." Insa said as the door opened and Jandar appeared. He looked at his guest and invited them in.
" Sit down everyone." He said as he stood in front of his desk. " Insa. Introduce your friend."
He held out his hand. Kalin shook his hand and introduced himself.
" I have a story to tell you." He said. Kalin went on and told him all about what happened in Zagar. How he was called to end dark curse of Polan. Jayce and the dragons looked at each other. They had destroyed Polan, so what was this? Kalin went on with his story. He told them about how he tried to bring back the sun and called up something else. Muerte and ancient witch from the elder days. Kain wasn't exactly sure what she was. All he really knew was the stories about her that were passed down to him from his old master. From there Insa picked up the story. He told of how old the story was and how dangerous she was suppose to be.
" So I'm guessing she's much older then your dragon memories go back?" Jandar asked.
" Oh yes." Insa said. " By hundreds of centuries. There's not really much to go on."
" But she's up." Kalin said. " There's no doubt. Whole villages full of people are disappearing from around Zagar."
Jandar listened carefully as they talked. This may be something they would need to look in to.
"Jayce." He said. " You have something?"
" Yeah." Jayce told them." Baron Valker's grave in Yadessa was opened and his body is missing."
" What?" Jandar stood. " That could mean a lot of things."
" King Valkar detected magic." Jayce told them. " He thinks this means trouble."
" I agree. " Jandar said. " I need to talk to Athere. She can help with this. Jayce, I want you Graym and Pelic to go to Zager and find out what happened to the villagers. And have Pelic look at the place this Muerte came from. Kalin will you go with them?"
" Yes." He told them. " If I can help. I started this."
Blaze spent all day with Aramis and Jack showing them the city and where his family lived back at the manor. He found rooms for them close to his apartment. There was something about these to men that he liked. They became fast friends quickly and Blaze was not easy to trust new people. But Jack made him laugh and Aramis was so warm. He couldn't help but befriend them.
" So what brings you to New Keanna?" Blaze asked.
"I'm looking for my older brother." Jack told him. He looked at Aramis. Blaze thought that a little strange, He thought he saw love in Jacks eyes.
Blaze smiled." And you?" He asked Aramis.
" I don't know who I am." He said. "Or where I'm from. All I know is there's someone I must find and when I do, I don't think at will be a happy reunion."
" So your both looking for someone? You think they're here?"
" No." Aramis said.
" Yes." Jack said.They all laughed at that.
" Blaze you have been so kind to us." Aramis smiled at the two. " How do we repay you?"
" Just meet my brothers and help out in anyway you can and you can both stay as long as you wish." Blaze told them.
" Can we meet them now?" Jack asked.
" I don't see why not. I'll see if Jandar is free." [Brother, are you free to meet two new friends?]
[Of course, bring them to my garden.] Jandar answered.
Minutes later they were waiting in the garden when Ono came walking in.
"Blaze, Who are your friends here?" He asked holding out his hand.
" Aramis, Jack this is my little brother Ono." Jack gripped his hand and shook.
" Your next form will soon reveal itself." Jack told him.
" What?" Ono asked. " How do you know about that?"
" What?" Jack asked. He had a puzzled look on his face.
"You just said his form would reveal itself." Blaze said.
"I'm sorry if I have disturbed you in anyway." Jack said."Its my magic. Sometimes I can tell things that will happen. But I can't hear my predictions."
" A prophet." Ono smiled. "There's something we don't have. Welcome Jack! Excuse me, I have to tell Shayn." Ono waved as he ran from the garden changing into a wolf and speeding through the manor. Aramis looked at Blaze in wonder of what he had just saw. Blaze laughed.
" You two know that most of the people in the manor are magic,right?" He said. " I'm a dragon, You saw me blaze those things from the forest? Ono's a werewolf, so is Jandar. I'll let Jandar explain. Here he comes now"
Out of the Manor door came a tall handsome dark haired man dressed in black leather. He smiled as he walked over to them to greet them.
" Welcome to our home." He said. "I'm Jandar Tyr. Blaze asked me to meet you." As he came closer he felt the magic emanating from them of both. These two have great magic. Ono had just told him one was a prophet. Jandar was sure there was much more to them then that.
The rib bone began to glow as she released it to go and join the rest of it's owners skeleton. As she watched, flesh began to grow on the bones. What was once a skeletal body, soon had muscle and flesh. Veins developed as blood began to rush through it. Soon skin formed and hair began to grow on the head. Then eyes appeared and his mouth opened and he gasped for his first breath in century's. Alive again his eyes opened and he looked up. Above him he saw the woman he most hated through all his life. Then Baron Valkar rose from his grave to answer his ex mistresses call
Still dressed in his ancient dark armored, Valkar floated over his grave. Gray haired and proud, Valkar even in death still was a very strong figure. Pale with a grim look on his face, he looked down at the death goddess.
" Maybe if you did as I ordered, we wouldn't be meeting again."
[ What do you wish my Queen of the Dead?]
" To know everything you know about Ganons book." She said.
[I have no wish to help you. You made me almost as evil as you yourself. I have had no peace from all the things I've done.] He told her. [My punishment is eternal and its all because of you. I turned my peaceful home into a blood sucking horror.]
"BAH." She said. " I made your people nobles. Immortals. They were to go out and spread across the world and make it in my image. You failed!! But with Ganon's book, I'll finish the job."
[ You'll get no help from me.] The Baron said. [ My people finally are free from your curse. I won't help you enslave them again.]
"Yes you will. Or I will drain Yadeesa dry and fed on your children. And you know I'll do it. Where are the book parts?"
Baron Valkar knew he didn't have any choice in helping her. She was the goddess of death. She could do horrible things to Yadessa, devastate his people. But there were ways he could fight her. There are people that can help him, but only if he gains her trust. If that's even possible
.[I will help you.] The Baron told her. {But you must leave Yadessa alone.}
" I will do as you ask this once." She stood and pointed at him. Pain ripped through his essence and he screamed out.
" That's the first taste of what eternity will be like if you anger me again." Muerte's eyes blazes at him.
" Beware Baron."Athere screamed out as a terrible pain gripped her. Covered in sweat she sat up in bed. The dreams again. Those terrible dreams that haunted her almost every night. She held her head in her hands and cried. This had to stop. She didn't know how long she could take this anymore. Somehow she could see everything this woman was doing, Her every move. Athene wondered who she was and why she was in her mind.
{Something horrible is happening.}She heard in her head. Athene jumped up and look around to see if anyone was there.
{Fear not. I am here for your help.}
[Who are you?] She asked. [Have you been sending the dreams?]
{No. The dreams come from her. Murete, the goddess of death.}
[What does this have to do with me?] Athene got up from her bad to make tea for herself. She still didn't know who this was or what was really happening. She hoped she was about to find our
{I am Baron Valkar. Do you know me now?}
[ Yes, but this can't be. You've been dead for centuries.]
{What is that to the goddess of death? Muerte was very powerful in her day. Now she is back to claim the world as her own. We have to stop her or the curse our people lived with will be back and all the world will suffer. I don't have much time. Will you help me?}
[If I can, Yes.]
{I must go, but we will need help. Powerful help.}
[I know who will help.} She told him.
{Good, I will call again soon.} And he was gone from her.
Knocking on the door, Insa and Kalin waited outside of Jandar's study when a handsome winged man came down the hall and met them.
"Jayce." Insa stuck out his hand. " How have you been?"
" Very busy." He said, " These are strange day my friend."
" How do you mean." The smoke dragon asked.
" You know who Baron Valkar is I'm assuming?"
" Yes." Insa said as the door opened and Jandar appeared. He looked at his guest and invited them in.
" Sit down everyone." He said as he stood in front of his desk. " Insa. Introduce your friend."
He held out his hand. Kalin shook his hand and introduced himself.
" I have a story to tell you." He said. Kalin went on and told him all about what happened in Zagar. How he was called to end dark curse of Polan. Jayce and the dragons looked at each other. They had destroyed Polan, so what was this? Kalin went on with his story. He told them about how he tried to bring back the sun and called up something else. Muerte and ancient witch from the elder days. Kain wasn't exactly sure what she was. All he really knew was the stories about her that were passed down to him from his old master. From there Insa picked up the story. He told of how old the story was and how dangerous she was suppose to be.
" So I'm guessing she's much older then your dragon memories go back?" Jandar asked.
" Oh yes." Insa said. " By hundreds of centuries. There's not really much to go on."
" But she's up." Kalin said. " There's no doubt. Whole villages full of people are disappearing from around Zagar."
Jandar listened carefully as they talked. This may be something they would need to look in to.
"Jayce." He said. " You have something?"
" Yeah." Jayce told them." Baron Valker's grave in Yadessa was opened and his body is missing."
" What?" Jandar stood. " That could mean a lot of things."
" King Valkar detected magic." Jayce told them. " He thinks this means trouble."
" I agree. " Jandar said. " I need to talk to Athere. She can help with this. Jayce, I want you Graym and Pelic to go to Zager and find out what happened to the villagers. And have Pelic look at the place this Muerte came from. Kalin will you go with them?"
" Yes." He told them. " If I can help. I started this."
Blaze spent all day with Aramis and Jack showing them the city and where his family lived back at the manor. He found rooms for them close to his apartment. There was something about these to men that he liked. They became fast friends quickly and Blaze was not easy to trust new people. But Jack made him laugh and Aramis was so warm. He couldn't help but befriend them.
" So what brings you to New Keanna?" Blaze asked.
"I'm looking for my older brother." Jack told him. He looked at Aramis. Blaze thought that a little strange, He thought he saw love in Jacks eyes.
Blaze smiled." And you?" He asked Aramis.
" I don't know who I am." He said. "Or where I'm from. All I know is there's someone I must find and when I do, I don't think at will be a happy reunion."
" So your both looking for someone? You think they're here?"
" No." Aramis said.
" Yes." Jack said.They all laughed at that.
" Blaze you have been so kind to us." Aramis smiled at the two. " How do we repay you?"
" Just meet my brothers and help out in anyway you can and you can both stay as long as you wish." Blaze told them.
" Can we meet them now?" Jack asked.
" I don't see why not. I'll see if Jandar is free." [Brother, are you free to meet two new friends?]
[Of course, bring them to my garden.] Jandar answered.
Minutes later they were waiting in the garden when Ono came walking in.
"Blaze, Who are your friends here?" He asked holding out his hand.
" Aramis, Jack this is my little brother Ono." Jack gripped his hand and shook.
" Your next form will soon reveal itself." Jack told him.
" What?" Ono asked. " How do you know about that?"
" What?" Jack asked. He had a puzzled look on his face.
"You just said his form would reveal itself." Blaze said.
"I'm sorry if I have disturbed you in anyway." Jack said."Its my magic. Sometimes I can tell things that will happen. But I can't hear my predictions."
" A prophet." Ono smiled. "There's something we don't have. Welcome Jack! Excuse me, I have to tell Shayn." Ono waved as he ran from the garden changing into a wolf and speeding through the manor. Aramis looked at Blaze in wonder of what he had just saw. Blaze laughed.
" You two know that most of the people in the manor are magic,right?" He said. " I'm a dragon, You saw me blaze those things from the forest? Ono's a werewolf, so is Jandar. I'll let Jandar explain. Here he comes now"
Out of the Manor door came a tall handsome dark haired man dressed in black leather. He smiled as he walked over to them to greet them.
" Welcome to our home." He said. "I'm Jandar Tyr. Blaze asked me to meet you." As he came closer he felt the magic emanating from them of both. These two have great magic. Ono had just told him one was a prophet. Jandar was sure there was much more to them then that.
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