Riding the winds on high, Muerte looked upon the home of her people. She smiled for she was about to have the spells on her lifted. No more blood lust, she would have all her powers back as soon as she stepped foot on the isle. The Isle in the clouds was beautiful. She floated down and spread her arms to receive her birthright as she stepped on the isle. Above gray clouds covered the sun. Lightning flashed as she took her first step on the Isle. Her beauty had been returned last time she fed. Now being home she felt no different. She wondered what was wrong. The Isle always was able to empower them before. She walk around looking to see if anyone was still here. She could still feel their presence. Someone still lived here and she would find them. Muerte went from temple to temple. Somewhere up here was the book she was looking for, The Book of Gannon. She had been told it would be in someones temple. Her brothers temples were empty, so was her sisters. There were many lesser gods temples to check. She searched them all. The last to search was Rimnar and Salia. There temple being the largest sat up high so all would know who ruled here. There she felt her father, and something else. She looked all around the temple and found a wooden box. Why would her father have that? It was the most simple object there. She smashed it open. There she found five pages. Muerte looking at them. They were spells. But not complete spells. She would have to find the rest. Suddenly a bolt of lightning crashed into the remains of the box.
" Father, I know your still here." She called out.
AND I KNOW YOU PLANS He answered thunder crashing in the skies. YOU WISH TO TAKE MY HIGH SEAT? She heard. YOU THINK YOU CAN RULE OVER ME?!!
" Yes." She answered. " I will be high over everyone and everything. You are old and powerless to stop me. In the end I will win and you will bow before me."
" I will destroy your champions." She waved the pages at the cloud defying her father. " Bring on your champions. They won't matter."
The words echoed through the sky as the face in the clouds fell apart. No one could stop her. No one had the power. Except him.
Aramis woke early the next morning beside Jack. He shook out his hair and got himself a drink. His head was filled with the strange dreams he had just had of him and a beautiful woman. Him creating wonderful things and her destroying them. Both of them doing magic. There were also different wondrous people in the dreams. He didn't recognize any of them, but they did seem familiar. A silver armored lady with her golden brother. A young red haired boy flying through the skies doing flips. He saw a whole continent explode and fall into the sea while that beauty laughed. That woke him almost screaming.
" Good morning.Aramis!"
He turned to see Jack up folding his bedroll and strapping it to his back.
" You hungry?" He asked.
Jack looked so familiar for a second. But the feeling passed as quickly as it came.
" No." He said. " Lets just get moving. We can eat once we arrive."
Together they got back on the road. All along the way Jack kept up a constant conversation about nothing and everything. Aramis barely heard anything he said. His dreams and the bear was all that was on his mind. Who was that woman? And how could she do such evil things? He had a feeling there was more to his dreams then stray thoughts.
" And then the witch ripped off all her clothes."
" What?" Aramis said turning to Jack.
" You haven't heard anything I've said have you?" Jack stopped in front of him. " You have something on your mind?"
" Just dreams." Aramis said " Scary dreams of strange people with magic."
"Magic?" Jack smiled at him as they continued walking." I know a bit about magic."
" Yeah?" Aramis laughed. " Can you interpret my dreams?"
" Maybe." Jack told him. "Are they dreams or memories coming back?"
" What do you mean?"
" Well, you said you have no memory of your past." Jack explained to him. " I think when you sleep and your mind is at its most peaceful, Those memories try and break through into your conscience mind."
Suddenly out of the forest came the sounds of crashing footsteps. Something big was about to exit the trees. Jack and Aramis stepped back. Neither of them carried a weapon. The sounds were coming from all around them, both sides of the road. Roaring and leaping out at him, a creature tall as a bear covered with hair came at Aramis. On the other side another went for Jack. Aramis raised his hands in reflex sent a force at the beast. It howled as it was blasted back into a tree trunk.
" JACK!!" Aramis yelled. He turned to look for Jack and and saw him move faster then he could follow and hit the beast several times in the snout. The beast roared and tried to grab him. But Jack was to fast for it. He grabbed a large branch and quickly beat the creature until it ran back into the forest. Aramis stood and watched as Jack jumped up and down in triumph.
" How did you? How did I?"
Aramis looked at him in confusion. He didn't understand how he could do what he did.
" I told you I knew something about magic!!" Jack said. "Come on. We better hurry. New Keanna isn't far and they will be back . I'll explain what i know when were safer."
Insa dropped down in front of the gates to New Keanna and let Kalin climb down from his back. Kalin gazed at the city. It was beautiful with its tall spirals and towers.
" Come with me." Insa told him once in human form. They walked to the gates and Insa greeted the guards. He was told Jandar was in but Rage was away. He thanked them and took Kalin in. This city was a lot like Winterhaven. With all the people hurrying about there business. Markets were open and children played in the open. So not like Zagar where fear of Polan still held the city. One day Zagar would be free again, he knew it. As the walked to the home of the dragons, a dark haired boy with a scar pasted them. He nodded to Insa and Insa bowed. Then they moved on.
" You know that boy is a vampire?" Kalin said in shock.
" Yes." Insa said. " I know he's a vampire. We're going to meet a werewolf now. Any objections?"
" A Werewolf?" Kalin stopped. " Why?"
Insa turned to him. He had the look on his face he reserved for ignorant people.
" You just climbed off the back of a dragon. Your a mystic mage. In your life I'm sure you've met others that were not quite human. There are many here with dark racial past. We judge the people, not the race. Jandar is one of the most powerful and courageous men I know. If he can't help, all hope is lost. So you want help, or are we wasting our time?"
" You trust him?" Kalin asked. He looked deep in Insa's eyes.
" Yes, with my life I trust him."
"I hope you trust him with everyone else's life." Kalin walked next to Insa. " Cause that's what its going to come down to."
As Aramis and Jack walked out of the forest, they heard the rustling in the trees start again. This time there were more then two of them. They could hear the howling in the distance getting closer.
" I think we better hurry." Aramis told Jack.
Together the two men ran for the gate as fast as Aramis could. Jack could have out distanced him, but he didn't want to leave him behind. Aramis looked back and saw the beast men on all fours chasing them. There legs pumped as fast as they could. Up ahead the guards started to shut the gate. Jack grabbed him and poured on the speed. Up on the wall Aramis saw a tall man dressed in red. He saw him inhale then blow flame out behind them to break up the pack and keep them away from the gate. As they rushed in someone yelled for them to close the gate and bar it. Once in, everyone gathered around them.
" What in the world was that chasing you?" A guard asked.
" I don't know." Aramis told them out of breath. " I figured it was something that lived in your forest."
" No. We've never seen them before." The man in red came walking down from the wall.
" I'm Blaze." He held out his hand. "Welcome to New Keanna."
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