It was the day of Athene's birth. Angela lay in her bed ready to give birth while Balthazar paced the room. He knew his and Angela's child would be powerful, and that his patron goddess would want her sacrificed in her behalf. Angela didnt like the idea, Balthazar knew that. Even though she had agreed to it. That was why he wouldnt leave her alone. Her contractions were come on faster now. The baby would be here soon. Balthazar waited anxiously for the birth. Once the baby was put to death, the goddess would favor him and help turn things in his way. He would atlast become the ruler of Yadessa, and then he could make his move on the rest of the world. The thought pleased him. He would turn this into a vampire world, his world, his kingdom.There at the bottom in the corner he saw the candle case. Balthazar took it out and placed it on his desk. Dimming the lights. he sat down and spoke the spell to light the candle. The room dimmed evem more as it flared to life. Balthazar looked up at the ceiling. There colors swirled and mixed. Flashes from his life pasted by as he watched. He saw himself exiled again. The whole court of Yadessa was there to see his shame. all at the hands of there beloved King Valkar. Balthazars anger flared up. He couldnt wait until his forces caught him again. He would pay with his life. The next seen he sdaw was of the day he met Angela. How beautiful she was with her dazzling smile and midnight black hair. He almost wished she was here with his instead of in her prison. As the seen changed he saw his brother Arturus, that weak minded fool. He saw him smuggle Athene away from the castle after she was born. He still didnt know how Angela had done it. One minute she was giving birth, then she handed him the crying baby and he left for the altar. But when he stabbed down, there was nothing there in the babys clothes. Just and illusion that cried out. Balthazar stormed back to the bed chambers and demanded to know where she had hidden the baby. Agela looked up it him as if to say i've won and laughed.
" She's safe from you and your evil gods." She said. " By now she's miles away and not even your god can find her."
" You think you've won?" Balthazar was so mad, all he could think of was her death. But he couldnt do that. He needed her magic. She was more powerful then him. He just had to find a way to control her. Then the answer came to him. Balthazar reached out and pulled her from the bed. She couldnt fight. Her magic had been weakened by child birth. But it wouldnt always be like that. He had to hide her in a place that would keep her weak. He knew the perfect place. In the royal dungeons of the old palace there were special cells for gifted prisoners. Even Angela's powerful magic couldnt get her out.
There he's kept her for years. Taking advantage of her whenever he wanted. He even got her pregnant again with Tanis and this baby he took. But he raised him instead of killing him. Knowing he was at his side and that she would never know him was torture enough he thought. Balthazar sat and watched his past go by. He was looking for a clue as to what his move would be. But he didnt think it would be something from his life. Athene was the one he should be after. All these years, and he couldnt correl his own daughter. it was time for that to change.She was the way to Valkar. He whispered her name and the scenes began to change. The ceiling grew dark then again color mixed in. There she was with a few of the dragons near an old cottage. They were talking about meeting someone. Balthazar guessed they were talking about Valkar or Azeal. If he could find a way to isolate her, he'd have her. He needed someone smart that he could trust for this job. Balthazar smiled, he had the perfect one for the job.
The sun burned high in the skies over Altoria as Valkar, Azeal, and the Shadows finished there nights work. Through battle and magic, there wasnt a single vampire left in the city. Jayce had left orders with the city council to keep watch at night for anyone with blazing eyes. That would be how they could tell nightwalkers from Valkars people. Valkar explained that his people were not like these vampires. These were the undead. They were wild blood thristy monsters that lived for the hunger by night. And they couldnt hide there blazing red eyes. If in fact they suspected someone, hold them and expose them to sunlight, that would be the true test. Jayce and his Shadows met up with Valkar and his son. It was time to move on. Jandar had sent them a message to meet Athene in the cottage near Tir Na. They all said good bye to the Altorians and to off to met her.
"How long will they be?" Toric asked. He and Ariel had promised, much to Athene's claim that she could take care of herself. But Jandar wouldnt hear of her being there alone. Not with all the vampires looking for her.
" Altoria's far away." Athene told him. " They wont be here until the morning."
Ariel walked over to Athene and handed her a cup of tea. From the tired look on Athene's face, she could tell she wasnt sleeping much.
" You still having the nightmares?" She asked.
" Yes."
Athene took the tea and thanked her. Together the three went and sat down at the table.
" I cant understand the nightmares." She leaned forward and place her hand to her temple.
" What are you dreaming?" Ariel asked.
" Its silly." She said. " I keep dreaming of a woman being tortured by my father. He's draining her magic everyday. I can hear her cries when I sleep. The other night, somehow she got away. It wasnt for long. They chased her down and recaptured her before her magic could regenerate and she could fight."
"Do you know her?" Toric asked.
" No!" She said. Athene was getting a little upset " I can see her in her cell, but not her face. All I see is her hair. Its pure white. I dont know anyone like that."
" You need to relax a bit." Ariel soothed her. " Theres nothing we can do right now. You should get some rest."
" I cant. I dont want to dream again." She took a sip of tea." Im going to walk outside with Cheshire for a bit. I'll be alright."
She stood and left the room going outside. There she saw Cheshire the dragoncat laying in the sun. He looked up at her and made a calling sound. Athene reached down and ran her hand along his brow ridge. He purred as she pet him.
" Come on boy, lets walk." Cheshire shook and followed her as she walked down the path away from the cottage. The walk began to relax her. The smell of the flowers and the heat of the sun soothed her mind. Athene loved being outside. As a young girl, she was taught all about nature and different plants that were usfull for spells and potions. As she walk, she identified many things. Wormwood, oleander, she saw wolfsbane over to the left and made a not in her mind to gather some of it. She looked up at the sky and breathed a sigh. Her head was clearing. She sat down with Cheshire and rested. A cool breeze blew and the smell of honeysuckle drifted on the air. Athene thought about the white haired woman. She wanted to help her. Athene couldnt stand the thought of what her father was doing to her. She thought of her mother. She would want her to somehow get her away from him. Athene's eyes became heavy, she was very tired. She thought maybe a few minutes rest would help her. She knew Cheshire would keep her safe, so she gave in and fell asleep.
Quietly threw the forest, four hooves walked. Bronson walked with his bow out. He was hunting his dinner. Bronson was a Centaur, He had patched black and white colored fur covering his lower extremides and long black hair which he wore in a braid. He had seen a wild boar run into the bush. He made his was closer carefully ready to fire. He could hear grunt coming from behind the brush. Slowly he crept forward. He readied himself to fire and broke through. Suddenly a large monster leaped at him. It looked like some strange cat. Only it was reptilian. Bronson fired his arrow. The beast jumped to the side as the arrow flew by it. It gave out a migthy roar as it readied itself to leap on Bronson. He pulled his sword to defend himself.
" Cheshire Wait!!"
Athene grabbed him and pulled the growling Dragoncat back. Bronson backed away from the two. He must have surprized them while she slept.
" Im sorry sir." Athene said. " I wasnt expecting anyone to be around here."
" What are you doing with that beast!" Bronson still held his sword out, ready to defend himself or the lady he met. Cheshire reared up at him and hissed.
" No Cheshire!, get down!" She scolded him. Cheshire stood before her to protect her. He didnt trust the Centaur and didnt want him to get to close to her.
" My name is Athene." She smiled at the handsome centaur. He sheathed his sword and reached out to take her hand. Cheshire began to growl louder.
" Im Bronson, Your friend doesnt trust me it seems."
" He doesnt do well with new people at first." She told him. " This is my garden. My cottage is just up the road. Can I offer you a drink? You must be thristy."
" Aye, that I am." Bronson wiped his brow.
" Follow us." She started back up the walkway.
" What are you doing out here? I know there are no Centaur herds near here."
" Your right. Im alone. My herd camped far to the west beyond Yadessa. We hunted and lived along the Capis mountains until the damned vampires came. They slaughtered my whole clan in the night. I was out hunting alone. When I came back, there were a few of the red eyes devils still there. I made quick work of them. I caught them and staked them out and waited for dawn. Then watched as the sun turned them all to burning heeps."
" Im sorry to hear that." Athene said. " My friends and I are fighting them to. Where are you headed?"
" Ive heard of a town north of here a few days walk." He told her. " There ive heard many different people are banning together to fight them. Im going to join, if they can use a good hunter/warrior."
" New Keanna?" She asked.
" Yes, thats the name I heard." He looked at her in wonder."
" How do you know of this place?"
" Its my home."
They rounded a bend and her cottage came into view.
" Here we are." She pointed to her cottage." Lady, why are you out here alone?" He asked.
" Did I say I was alone?" From the doorway Ariel and Toric came out to greet them. Toric held his hand in a way that he could cast a spell in the blink of an eye. It seemed Cheshire wasnt the only untrusting one.
" Athene, where have you been?" Ariel said. " We've been worried."
" Just in the garden." She said. " Ive met a new friend."
She introduced them to Bronson and they all went in to the cottage. Athene took a icy pitcher of water from her cold box and gave it to the Centaur. He drank deeply and thanked her.
" Our guest will be arriving in the morning." Ariel said. "Will we be ready to go?"
"All set and ready." Athene said.
" You have guest coming?" Bronson asked. Together they went back out to the front of the cottage. Athene sat while Bronson stood by her.
" Yes, were all leaving in the morning for Yadessa." She told him. " We're taking the country back from Bathazar, my father."
Bronson stepped back away from her. He just realized what she was. He looked closely at her. Her eyes were gray, not red.
" Your a vampire!"
Yes I am." She said. " I was born one."
" But were out in the sun and your not burning."
" You dont know much about vampires." Athene told him." As a born vampire, I dont fed on victims. Only night walkers do. Those with burning eyes and bloodlust kill people. There a curse we cant abid. Its our task to wipe them out. We dont want our people going back to our dark days of being hunted again. It took us centuries to left the curse. We'll never go back to that."
" You sound proud of what you are."
" I am." she said. "We all are, except those that want to turn the world into a terrible place."
" What do you mean?"
" My father and his people wish us to be the stalkers we use to be. Our King fights against that. And he's right to fight. Those days were dark and terrible. All the wars and being hunted by everyone. And no sunlight. We couldnt breed while cursed. Were beyond that now and we'll stay alive. No more undeath. You have traveled through Yadessa, You saw the people. What did you think?"
Bronsons tail switched back and forth as he thought about the journey.
" I didnt see many people when I was there." He said. " All I saw was some soilders chasing after a white haired woman. I couldnt help her. There were to many after her."
Athene was shocked at what she had just heard. That had to be the woman in her dreams. The timing was just right for him to be passing through Yadessa. She needed to know where was happened.
" Where did you see her?" she asked. " This is important. I have to find her."
" I can take you there if you want." He smiled and held out his hand to her. Cheshire growled at Bronson. He didnt trust the newcomer, and there was no way he would allow her to go off with him alone. The dragoncat moved over and stood with Athene.
" At looks like he wants to come with us." Athene smiled.
" We should hurry." Bronson said. " The way she was treated, she may be in danger. Do you think your friends will want to help?"
Athene thought about it. Of course they would, but it would be quicker if just the two of them went. No, three. She forgot about Cheshire.
" I think the less, the better." She told him." My friend will want to help, but I cant put them in danger."
" Then we leave tonight." Bronson said. " I will make sure you get there safely. After your friends go to sleep, meet me in the garden and we will be off."
Athene nodded her agreement and went into the cottage. Bronson waved to her and trotted off to ready himself for there trip.
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