Eheren and Denner rode the morning skies as the sun began to rise before them. They were eager to reach there distanation which only Kalin knew. He had been directing them all night from stories told by his father and grandfather of the tales told by there sires. It was time to see if all the stories were true. Gannon Ka, was a very powerful mage from a time more then a thousand years ago. It was said, he was the court mage for the most powerful king of the age in a land not many even remembered. His king thought of nothing but conquest. He had swallowed up all the surrounding countries and was looking for ways to get it those he knew he couldnt take by force. Gannons magic was the key. He commanded him to create spells and enchantments that could make him as powerful as the gods. And Gannon succeeded. He made spells that could capture the power of different god. As a matter of fact, he made spells that could hold and imprison certain gods. All these spells he put in a powerful magic tomb. These he used for his king which pleased him. His king then went on a mad campaign destroying all of his enemies. Soon his realm spread all across the world and his king was master of all he command. Still he wasnt happy. Gannon had done all he could for him but he wanted more. The king ruled the earth, now he wanted the heavens to. So he commanded Gannon to make him a god. In his chamber Gannon began to put togther the most powerful magics he could. What he didnt realize was that the gods were watching, and they werent happy. How dare this mortal presume to be one of them. How dare he wish there power. Many wanted to just come down and crush him. Some tried, and were captured by Gannon's magic. That was the last straw. They rained all hell down on the the king, and as powerful as he was. He couldnt stand the power of all the gods against him. He fell and with Gannon, soon they both were in the underworld. Prisoners of the very gods they sought to become.
" That was some story." Tanis called to Kalin.
[ Indeed it was.] Denner said. [ How much of it was true?]
" All of it. And I can prove to you." Kalin pointed to the west. " In those mountains we'll find the pages containing a spell of Gannon's. Which one, I dont know. But there is a spell in Gannon's book that will release the Baron."
[ Then thats where we are heading.] Eheren told them. [Follow me down.]
Before them stood the Capris Mountains, a bleak place known for many dangers. Many have gone in, but very few have made there way out. Eheren and Denner circled the mountain waiting for Kalin to pick an area to land. Once he did, Eheren found a clearing they could land and begin there search. Tanis and Kalin climbed down from Eheren and Denner's back as they shifted back to human form. From above the mountain looked bleak, but from the ground it look more devastated. Like a war had gone on here for centuries. All vegatation here was dead, no animals could be heard. There wasnt even much wind blowing.
" This is worst then Polan's mountain." Denner said as he looked around. '"And he absorbed life."
" What could have done this?" Tanis asked. " War?"
" I dont think so." Kalin told them. " I think its magic."
" Yes." Eheren said. " This place is full of magic. The pages here are the cause, I can feel it."
" So can I." Kalin said.
He picked up a small rock and tossed it up in to the air. Then with the snap of a finger, it exploded. They all looked at each other.
" Careful what you do here." Kalin said. " This is probability magic. Any thing can happen here."
" Are we in any danger?" Denner asked Eheren. He remembered the last magical place he had been in. That turned out good, but this could be different.
" Mags tells me we should hurry." Eheren said." Which way Kalin?"
Kalin closed his eyes and concentrated. In his mind he saw all the surrounding area. To the east, he saw a glow. That had to be the way. He openned his eyes and pointed east.
" Lets go." Denner said. " I dont like this place at all."
He headed into the dead forest in the lead. He had his sword drawn ready for whatever was out there. In a single file the moved into the trees. Loud rustling noises could be heaed from there passage. This worried Denner, but since the ground was covered with dried leaves, there wasnt much to be done about it. As they walked, Mags taught Eheren some of the ways of magic. How to probe for life in any form. There was no feeling for normal animal life, or insects. But there was something. Mags pointed it out to Eheren.
[Can you feel that?] He asked.
[ Yes, what is it?] Eheren asked.
[ Its a lifeform.] Mags told him. [But like nothing i've felt before. Its not as warm as you get from living beings. See, probe the others.]
He did, and felt there life running through there veins. Even Tanis the vampire had warm blood in him as he wasnt one of the nightwalkers.
[ Now send the probe back out.] Mags told him. Doing as he was told, Eheren probed all around them. It wasnt the feel of death either. That he had felt back at the temple. He was confused by what he felt.
[Beware Eheren.] Mags warned him. [This whole mountain seems alive. Tell the others.]
Eheren told them what mags had discovered. Everyone looked around. The rustling of the trees now looked more delibrate then before.
"Careful where you step." Denner said. " Break no tree branches nor hurt any plants. The mountain will attack us then."
" We could use Dreik's help here." Eheren called out.
" I know." Denner said keeping a careful eye on the barren lands.
" But it would take him to long to get here. I dont want to stay that long. Any spells that can help here, either of you?"
" I can find what were looking for." Kalin said. " Can you imitate an earth dragon?"
" Not one with enough power to help." Denner said. " Eheren?"
" It seems calm now." He told them. " Lets hope ot stays that way."
" Exactly what are we talking about?" Tanis asked. He let Eheren get closer to explain.
" Somehow, the magic of the pages that are here somewhere, have affected all the life on the mountain." Eheren explained.
" Its created an earth elemental." Kalin told him.
" I dont know much about magic." Tanis said.
" Thats funny." Eheren said. " You have magic, you know."
" I do?"
" Powerful magic, I can feel it in you." Eheren smiled. " You just need to learn to use it."
" If you say so." Tanis didnt believe him. He'd never felt it or tried to use it. He knew his father and his sister could use magic, but he never could."
" Tanis." Eheren said. " We dont have time now, but if you stay in Keanna, we'll teach you and you'll see."
" I'll be staying." He said. " I promise you that."
On they walked with the erie feeling of being watched. Sometimes branches would reach for one of them and they would carefully untangle themselves and move on. But it seemed the holds were getting more and more stronger the further in they came. They were going to have to do something or soon they would be fighting for every step they took.
" What repels an earth elemental?" Denner asked.
" Not much." Kalin said as he was grabbed by his leg. Quickly Tanis came to his aid and pulled his leg free. But vines crept in and begain to twist all around him. The more he pulled the stronger they became.
" Help me!" He said. " I cant get loose!!"
Denner ran back and slashed at the vines. Suddenly an earth shattering scream could be heard coming from everywhere. Denner shifted into the form of a Pegasus.
[ Get on. We fly from here.] Tanis climbed on his back and Denner took off avoiding the branches reaching for them.Eheren shifted while he ran. He grabbed Kalin in his talons and leaped up. His wings beatting furiously they gained altitude and joined Denner and Tanis. As they flew the mound where the pages were buried came into view.
" There." Kalin pointed at a mound of earth ahead of them. Below them the ground began to shake and rise up. It began to take on the form of a huge torso with long arms and a bald head. It reached out to grab Denner, as he ducked and flew past the hand. It missed and howled at them then pounded on the ground.
[ Im going to distract it by firing lightning bolts at it.] Eheren sent to Denner. [ Once I have its attention, you slip in and get the pages. Move fast, I dont know how long we'll be able to hold it.]Swooping high and around the elemental, Eheren sent bolt after bolt into its chest. It swung it them and missed as Eheren rammed into its head then smacked it with his tail. Quickly a hand came up and tried to crush them, but Eheren was to fast. By the time the hand closed, Eheren and Kalin were blasting its back.
Having led the elemental away, Denner dropped down and landed on the mound. Tanis jumped off and began to dig.
[ Move over.] Denner told him. Shifting again into an Ogre, he tore into the mound throwing dirt into the air. Tanis look over to the fight and saw Kalin send a fire blast from Eheren's back and destroy an arm. Dirt and dust rainned down on them. Tanis let out a cheer until he noticed the arm reforming.
[ I found it!!] Denner sent. There at the bottom of the pit Tanis saw a chest uncovered by Denner. It didnt look very heavy, but it did look old.
[ My hands are to big. Get the chest and lets go!]
He told him.Tanis scrambled in to the pit and grabbed the chest. then he realized he couldnt climb out.
[ I got you] The Orge's arm reached in and pulled him out. With another quick shift, Denner became a hippograff ready to fly. Tanis jumped back on his back and they were inthe air again just in time to see Eheren and Kalin blast the elemental together. It exploded in a shower of debrie and a screeching howl.
" We have it!!" Tanis called to them
" Then we go before it reforms and attacks again." Kalin said. " Come on Eheren. Lets get away from this moutain."
[ I agree.]
And side by side they flew off. There where more pages to be found.
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