Muerte waited for her guest to arrive deep in the forest. She was ready for him. Ready to add him to her gallery of powers. She heard a rumbling in the sky and lookied up to see him arrive. The boulder he was riding floated down, soon they were face to face.
"YOU!!!" He pointed at her. " I thought we were rid of you for all time!"
She had no idea what he meant. All she knew was he had power she wanted. She smiled at him and dropped her cloak. She stood before him dressed only in her black silks covering the most private seductive parts of her body. Her eyes burned with her intoxicating will as she used all her power to force him to bend to her will. Dirod banged his hammer hilt first on the ground. A tremor went out that knocked Muerte off her feet.
" Your hypnotics wont work on me." He said as he walked toward her. She laid there on the ground waiting. Closer he came, his eyes smoldering with hate. For a second, she wondered why he hated her so. But soon it wouldnt matter. He raised his hammer to strike her. Quickly she released Gannon's spell of containment. The spell swirled all around Dirod, looking like dark stars spinning all around to inclose him sapping his strength and will. He couldnt move to strike her. He couldnt even blink. She stood and held his face still as her gaze over took him. Tears ran from his eyes as she gained control over him.
" I guess the mighty hammer didnt work for you, did it?" She said laughing. " What a strong one you are. I have many uses for that strength. Come and join my gallery."
She cast her second spell on Dirod to add him to the others she collected. Muerte's power took the mountain god and shrank him down until he was about to be added to her magical gallery.
" One more." She said.
Muerte grabbed her cloak and covered herself. She looked at the boulder Dirod arrived on. She smiled and raised her hand. The boulder trembled for a few seconds, then shot up into the air. She was in control of it.
" See this!!" She called to the heavens. " I will take you all!!"
Lightning speared down and struck the boulder. It fell as dust all around her as she watched.
" I see your fear." She said. " Nothing will stop me. Not you or your champions. Soon I will have all I need to finish you all. Then we'll see who forgives who."
After her battle with Dirod, Muerte felt more confident. She now had the power of earth added to her gallery. All she needed was to find the rest of Gannon's book to make her move. Muerte knew the spells were scattered all over the earth and she didnt have time to search herself. She needed someone she could trust to work for her. But there was no such person alive. She knew bullying someone wouldnt work. Then what? If her power couldn't scare someone into submission, what could she do?She walked back through the deep forest , her mind ablaze in thought, when she felt a presense. Enemies, she thought. Who would dare come after her? She knew who. The dragons were on her trail. Well she would take care of them now.
She sat down and concentrated on the presense she felt then sent her probe to find out where they were. Through the forest her invisible probe moved investigated everything it came in contact with. It didnt take long for it to find the cave the feeling came from. This is strange she thought. What were they doing in here? Muerte sent the probe in, confident it wouldnt be detected.The darkness of the cave didnt matter, her probe would sense everything no matter how big or small. From the entrance ot glided in until it came to a large chamber. It looked empty, but she knew better. She could feeling something alive in here. Four somethings to be exact sleeping. It wasnt the dragons she expected to find, but the closer she came , the more evident it was that they where dragons. She found four dragons sleeping. Earth, water, air and fire. Who were they? Should she try and kill them now? No, this might be just what she needed. If she could convince them to search for her, she could possibily get what she wanted, and rid herself of them later. A plan was beginning to form. Muerte smiled, then got up and shifted to raven and flew off towards the cave.High over trees she flew, dare anything to get in her way. Soon she was standing at the entrance. She could still feel the presense of the dragons inside.
Magic spun all around her as the illusion began to cover her body. The female form changed and anyone that saw her, saw a huge bronze dragon. Pleased with her magic, she made her way into the cave. It was very hot in there and humid. But She was comfortable in her silks. No fear bothered her. She knew what she had to do. As she entered the cave it split in to directions. Her probe told her the left branch would lead her to the sleeping dragons, so she turned left at the fork in the tunnel. This was an ancient tunnel. The walls were dotted with jewels rubbed out by there passing. It wasnt a quiet place. The vibrations of there rumbling sleep filled the chamber as she came in. It was dark in there, but her vampire vision made it as bright as day. Muerte had seen many dragons before, but these were the largest she had ever seen before. There were four sleeping before her. One for each of the elements, she could tell by there colors. The green one was closest to the entrance, she walked around it and moved towards the others. In front of her, she saw the other three. A red fire dragon, beside it a blue water dragon. And lastly a brown earth dragon. They would be perfect for her plans. All she had to do was keep them under her spell. As the only female, she didnt see a problem with that. Her fragrance and alure would keep them in line. Muerte smiled and took a place in the center of there group. But how would they react when they woke and found her there? That could be difficult. What would she say? She would need something really convincing. She would have to make them believe her and keep them from the Keanna dragon. Muerte knew dragons could speak with there minds. Somehow she would have to block that communication. Maybe she could show them false visions in her mind. Yes. she would make up a whole story and project it into there sleeping minds. Then when they woke they would knew her. Muerte closed her eyes and began to weave her story of intrigue. This would have to be done very carefully. Piece by piece she picked through there minds. She added herself in places, making long memories of things that never happened. Deep in there minds she found another dragon. Valen, he seemed to be there leader. She wiped his memory from there minds. She didnt want anyone else to compete for there loyalty. Muerte had them now. She sat in the middle of there circle and smiled. Now she was ready for them to wake and take there place next to her.
The forest sped by quickly as the bronze dragon ran. She was trying to reach the protection of her clan. In her mind, she could feel the others behind her, to close for her liking. A ravine was coming up fast, She leaped into the air and spread her wings to sail over it. The bronze one looked back to see the three dragons, two red dragon and a gold crash through the brush and take flight after her. She pumped her wings to add more speed to her flight. Behind her she heard a roar and dodged to the left to avoid the flames shot at her from behind. Muerte tipped her wings and shot up into the air. She hoped her clan wasnt far away cause she couldnt keep them off for much longer. From behind fireballs kept coming, she could feel the heat across her back as she dodged from side to side. Up ahead she saw her clan waiting. Maxius turned and rushed to her rescue, firing water blast it her pursuers. Her fear became overwhelming as a claw from the biggest of the three reached out and grabbed her back leg. She let out a roar that shook the trees as Fiero woke from his dream. He looked out to where Muerte was laying, he had to know if she was alright. Fiero jumped up and leaped over to be beside her. He could see no damage on her bronze body. She was still sleeping. He was glad she was alright, but what was all that? Fiero sat beside her and watched her sleep. Who was this beautiful dragon? He knew she was new to the clan. But where had she come from? And why were the others chasing her. In his mind he could see the three dragons. She had said she was the only one left after the three had waged war and killed her clan. Fiero didnt understand this. Thats not the way of dragons. We dont fight clan against clan. Fiero was one of the oldest dragons alive and he knew dragon history. This had never happened before.
[ I dont trust her.] He heard in his mind. [ Somethings not right here.]
It was his sister Jade. She was awake and watching him. Fiero frowned and walked over to her to settle near her.
[ I feel the truth from her.] He sent. [ She needs our help. Do we turn her away? Thats not dragon either.]
[ She is beautiful.] Maxius said with a sigh. [ I think we should help her to.]
His blue eyes rolled as he spoke to the others.
[ Dragons dont kill each others clans. You all know that.]Jade said. [ Never.]
[ What about the dragon war?] Arik spoke out. [ Dragons did do war then.]
[ Not by choice. We didnt fight for conquest.] Jade rumbled. Her emotions were beginning to affect the earth around them. She was getting upset now. In her mind she kept seeing flashes of gold. Something wasnt right here. Someone was missing from there ranks. She coud feel it in her head. Dragons had absolute memories, but she had dark areas she couldnt remember.
[ The gold one is the reason you cant remember, Jade.] Muerte was awake now. [ He has attacked here and wiped your memory of him. Dont you remember? Any of you?]
[ I remember something about the gold one, I think.] Arik shook his head. He was confused and didnt like it at all.
[ What do you say Fiero?] Maxius asked. [ Your our leader. You decide.]
Fiero stretched out his wings and stumped the ground. That was right, he was the leader. He knew he had to make a decision. He looked into Muertes eyes and his mind spun. There was something about her. Her smell and that smile made him believe her. And he would help her with whatever she wanted
[ She one of us. We'll help all we can.]
He didnt know it, but the males were under her spell. They couldnt resist her charms, But Jade could, and she would. She would watch her very closely. And if she wasnt who she claimed to be, Jade would bury her deep in the center of a mountain.
Night fell and everyone at the campsite fell asleep but Jack. Being who he was, he didnt need much sleep. From afar, Valen watched. He thoughjt in the morning he would make his move and greet them atlast. Suddenly an uneasy feeling fell upon him. There was something wrong back with the others. Valen settled down and called out to Fiero. There was no answer and somehow, he didnt feel any of them. That was strange because he has felt there presense alway. Even from far away he could feel them. Valen wondered what was wrong. If somehow they had died he would have felt it. So he knew they were still alive. Valen reached out with his mind and tried to find them. He knew where the cave was so he searched the area. There was nothing there anymore. Not even the cave. How could a cave vanish? Was it caved in? Even then, Jade could get out. The earth couldnt hold her. Fiero could blast a new openning. But he would still feel there presense out there. Valen knew he had only one course left. He had to go there and see for himself. He looked back to the camp and noticed Jack in a lotus position. He was meditating, trying to find peace in himself. Valen stood and walked deeper into the forest. There he began to run. Once far enough away, he shifted to his golden form, openned his wings and took to the skies. Cool night flowed over and around him as he flew back to his home. It was so comforting to be free and in the skies again. but Valen didnt have time to enjoy flying tonight. His brothers and sister were in danger. He had to get to them fast. High over mountains he flew as fast as he could. His mind turning different scenarios of what could have happened. Soon the cave site was in view and he dropped down to land. There was nothing there. Just as his senses had told him. He searched the walls all along where the cave should have been and found nothing. This was the work of the evil he had been sensing. Somehow she had done this. Now things were even worse. Now he definately needed Jandar and Rages help. Valen jumped back into the skies. New Keanna his destination. Maybe even his salvation.
"YOU!!!" He pointed at her. " I thought we were rid of you for all time!"
She had no idea what he meant. All she knew was he had power she wanted. She smiled at him and dropped her cloak. She stood before him dressed only in her black silks covering the most private seductive parts of her body. Her eyes burned with her intoxicating will as she used all her power to force him to bend to her will. Dirod banged his hammer hilt first on the ground. A tremor went out that knocked Muerte off her feet.
" Your hypnotics wont work on me." He said as he walked toward her. She laid there on the ground waiting. Closer he came, his eyes smoldering with hate. For a second, she wondered why he hated her so. But soon it wouldnt matter. He raised his hammer to strike her. Quickly she released Gannon's spell of containment. The spell swirled all around Dirod, looking like dark stars spinning all around to inclose him sapping his strength and will. He couldnt move to strike her. He couldnt even blink. She stood and held his face still as her gaze over took him. Tears ran from his eyes as she gained control over him.
" I guess the mighty hammer didnt work for you, did it?" She said laughing. " What a strong one you are. I have many uses for that strength. Come and join my gallery."
She cast her second spell on Dirod to add him to the others she collected. Muerte's power took the mountain god and shrank him down until he was about to be added to her magical gallery.
" One more." She said.
Muerte grabbed her cloak and covered herself. She looked at the boulder Dirod arrived on. She smiled and raised her hand. The boulder trembled for a few seconds, then shot up into the air. She was in control of it.
" See this!!" She called to the heavens. " I will take you all!!"
Lightning speared down and struck the boulder. It fell as dust all around her as she watched.
" I see your fear." She said. " Nothing will stop me. Not you or your champions. Soon I will have all I need to finish you all. Then we'll see who forgives who."
After her battle with Dirod, Muerte felt more confident. She now had the power of earth added to her gallery. All she needed was to find the rest of Gannon's book to make her move. Muerte knew the spells were scattered all over the earth and she didnt have time to search herself. She needed someone she could trust to work for her. But there was no such person alive. She knew bullying someone wouldnt work. Then what? If her power couldn't scare someone into submission, what could she do?She walked back through the deep forest , her mind ablaze in thought, when she felt a presense. Enemies, she thought. Who would dare come after her? She knew who. The dragons were on her trail. Well she would take care of them now.
She sat down and concentrated on the presense she felt then sent her probe to find out where they were. Through the forest her invisible probe moved investigated everything it came in contact with. It didnt take long for it to find the cave the feeling came from. This is strange she thought. What were they doing in here? Muerte sent the probe in, confident it wouldnt be detected.The darkness of the cave didnt matter, her probe would sense everything no matter how big or small. From the entrance ot glided in until it came to a large chamber. It looked empty, but she knew better. She could feeling something alive in here. Four somethings to be exact sleeping. It wasnt the dragons she expected to find, but the closer she came , the more evident it was that they where dragons. She found four dragons sleeping. Earth, water, air and fire. Who were they? Should she try and kill them now? No, this might be just what she needed. If she could convince them to search for her, she could possibily get what she wanted, and rid herself of them later. A plan was beginning to form. Muerte smiled, then got up and shifted to raven and flew off towards the cave.High over trees she flew, dare anything to get in her way. Soon she was standing at the entrance. She could still feel the presense of the dragons inside.
Magic spun all around her as the illusion began to cover her body. The female form changed and anyone that saw her, saw a huge bronze dragon. Pleased with her magic, she made her way into the cave. It was very hot in there and humid. But She was comfortable in her silks. No fear bothered her. She knew what she had to do. As she entered the cave it split in to directions. Her probe told her the left branch would lead her to the sleeping dragons, so she turned left at the fork in the tunnel. This was an ancient tunnel. The walls were dotted with jewels rubbed out by there passing. It wasnt a quiet place. The vibrations of there rumbling sleep filled the chamber as she came in. It was dark in there, but her vampire vision made it as bright as day. Muerte had seen many dragons before, but these were the largest she had ever seen before. There were four sleeping before her. One for each of the elements, she could tell by there colors. The green one was closest to the entrance, she walked around it and moved towards the others. In front of her, she saw the other three. A red fire dragon, beside it a blue water dragon. And lastly a brown earth dragon. They would be perfect for her plans. All she had to do was keep them under her spell. As the only female, she didnt see a problem with that. Her fragrance and alure would keep them in line. Muerte smiled and took a place in the center of there group. But how would they react when they woke and found her there? That could be difficult. What would she say? She would need something really convincing. She would have to make them believe her and keep them from the Keanna dragon. Muerte knew dragons could speak with there minds. Somehow she would have to block that communication. Maybe she could show them false visions in her mind. Yes. she would make up a whole story and project it into there sleeping minds. Then when they woke they would knew her. Muerte closed her eyes and began to weave her story of intrigue. This would have to be done very carefully. Piece by piece she picked through there minds. She added herself in places, making long memories of things that never happened. Deep in there minds she found another dragon. Valen, he seemed to be there leader. She wiped his memory from there minds. She didnt want anyone else to compete for there loyalty. Muerte had them now. She sat in the middle of there circle and smiled. Now she was ready for them to wake and take there place next to her.
The forest sped by quickly as the bronze dragon ran. She was trying to reach the protection of her clan. In her mind, she could feel the others behind her, to close for her liking. A ravine was coming up fast, She leaped into the air and spread her wings to sail over it. The bronze one looked back to see the three dragons, two red dragon and a gold crash through the brush and take flight after her. She pumped her wings to add more speed to her flight. Behind her she heard a roar and dodged to the left to avoid the flames shot at her from behind. Muerte tipped her wings and shot up into the air. She hoped her clan wasnt far away cause she couldnt keep them off for much longer. From behind fireballs kept coming, she could feel the heat across her back as she dodged from side to side. Up ahead she saw her clan waiting. Maxius turned and rushed to her rescue, firing water blast it her pursuers. Her fear became overwhelming as a claw from the biggest of the three reached out and grabbed her back leg. She let out a roar that shook the trees as Fiero woke from his dream. He looked out to where Muerte was laying, he had to know if she was alright. Fiero jumped up and leaped over to be beside her. He could see no damage on her bronze body. She was still sleeping. He was glad she was alright, but what was all that? Fiero sat beside her and watched her sleep. Who was this beautiful dragon? He knew she was new to the clan. But where had she come from? And why were the others chasing her. In his mind he could see the three dragons. She had said she was the only one left after the three had waged war and killed her clan. Fiero didnt understand this. Thats not the way of dragons. We dont fight clan against clan. Fiero was one of the oldest dragons alive and he knew dragon history. This had never happened before.
[ I dont trust her.] He heard in his mind. [ Somethings not right here.]
It was his sister Jade. She was awake and watching him. Fiero frowned and walked over to her to settle near her.
[ I feel the truth from her.] He sent. [ She needs our help. Do we turn her away? Thats not dragon either.]
[ She is beautiful.] Maxius said with a sigh. [ I think we should help her to.]
His blue eyes rolled as he spoke to the others.
[ Dragons dont kill each others clans. You all know that.]Jade said. [ Never.]
[ What about the dragon war?] Arik spoke out. [ Dragons did do war then.]
[ Not by choice. We didnt fight for conquest.] Jade rumbled. Her emotions were beginning to affect the earth around them. She was getting upset now. In her mind she kept seeing flashes of gold. Something wasnt right here. Someone was missing from there ranks. She coud feel it in her head. Dragons had absolute memories, but she had dark areas she couldnt remember.
[ The gold one is the reason you cant remember, Jade.] Muerte was awake now. [ He has attacked here and wiped your memory of him. Dont you remember? Any of you?]
[ I remember something about the gold one, I think.] Arik shook his head. He was confused and didnt like it at all.
[ What do you say Fiero?] Maxius asked. [ Your our leader. You decide.]
Fiero stretched out his wings and stumped the ground. That was right, he was the leader. He knew he had to make a decision. He looked into Muertes eyes and his mind spun. There was something about her. Her smell and that smile made him believe her. And he would help her with whatever she wanted
[ She one of us. We'll help all we can.]
He didnt know it, but the males were under her spell. They couldnt resist her charms, But Jade could, and she would. She would watch her very closely. And if she wasnt who she claimed to be, Jade would bury her deep in the center of a mountain.
Night fell and everyone at the campsite fell asleep but Jack. Being who he was, he didnt need much sleep. From afar, Valen watched. He thoughjt in the morning he would make his move and greet them atlast. Suddenly an uneasy feeling fell upon him. There was something wrong back with the others. Valen settled down and called out to Fiero. There was no answer and somehow, he didnt feel any of them. That was strange because he has felt there presense alway. Even from far away he could feel them. Valen wondered what was wrong. If somehow they had died he would have felt it. So he knew they were still alive. Valen reached out with his mind and tried to find them. He knew where the cave was so he searched the area. There was nothing there anymore. Not even the cave. How could a cave vanish? Was it caved in? Even then, Jade could get out. The earth couldnt hold her. Fiero could blast a new openning. But he would still feel there presense out there. Valen knew he had only one course left. He had to go there and see for himself. He looked back to the camp and noticed Jack in a lotus position. He was meditating, trying to find peace in himself. Valen stood and walked deeper into the forest. There he began to run. Once far enough away, he shifted to his golden form, openned his wings and took to the skies. Cool night flowed over and around him as he flew back to his home. It was so comforting to be free and in the skies again. but Valen didnt have time to enjoy flying tonight. His brothers and sister were in danger. He had to get to them fast. High over mountains he flew as fast as he could. His mind turning different scenarios of what could have happened. Soon the cave site was in view and he dropped down to land. There was nothing there. Just as his senses had told him. He searched the walls all along where the cave should have been and found nothing. This was the work of the evil he had been sensing. Somehow she had done this. Now things were even worse. Now he definately needed Jandar and Rages help. Valen jumped back into the skies. New Keanna his destination. Maybe even his salvation.
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