Thursday, May 27, 2010

A God goes Mad. 2

Land to land, from mountain to shore. Vitale searched for Muerte. He had Jax and Rhee out searching too. Vitale found many places she had been to. All those places were bleak and depressing, like all happiness had been drained from the people. These were Muerte's countries, filled with her worshipers. He knew worship wasn't what she was after. She wanted control, control over everything she saw, and he had known for centuries that he had let her do this to them. He felt sick, because that made him just as guilty as she was. Well it ends today; no more. He would give these people their lives back no matter what he had to do.Vitale moved across the eastern land looking for his mate. He was dressed all in tans and browns, natural colors. Vitale was of medium height and he had a very strong physic with brown eyes and a very handsome face. His light brown hair moved in the wind when he heard someone calling him.
He looked back and saw a red haired young man coming up behind him. It was his youngest brother, Jax, in his long red coat. Vitale saw a clearing up ahead. He sat down and waited for him.
"Have you found her?" He asked.
"Yes." Jax told him. " She's at it again. She caused a hurricane and flattened a village on a coast up north."
" Why can't she just let people die naturally?" Vitale threw his hands up.
" You know why." Jax said. " Father wouldn't give her the underworld. So now she wants it all."
" And I have to stop her." He said. " But how? Her spells are more powerful then mine. Battling is not something I'm good at?"
" Brother I'm not as powerful as she is, but I know a spell or two." Jax tried to reassure him. "And I'll always help you."
" Jax." He put his hand on his shoulder. "I don't want you involved. I don't know what she'll do. I love her and I know she won't hurt me, but she loses control and I just don't know."
" What can she do?" He sat down next to Vitale. " I'm a god."
" You can't die. But she can make you suffer. Promise me you won't fight her."
" Maybe I can help you trap her again or something." Jax argued.
" STAY OUT OF IT!" He snapped, He stopped for a second. " I think I have an idea but I'll need help."
" Whatever you want' I'll do."
" Not from you. GO HOME!!"
Vitale swung his hand and sent his brother home. He can't help me. but I know who can. Spinning around and round Vitale became a whirlwind and moved to the west. He knew just where to go.

In a cave on a desolate island to the west. There was an entrance to a place no one ever returns from, where only the dead go. Vitale passed many spirits waiting their turn to get in. Some happy to enter, some being dragged by force.
This was the underworld, where no matter who you are, sooner or later this is where you end up. This place was ruled by his father's brother, Nestor. Muerte was the goddess of death ,but he was lord of the underworld. Rimnar hoped his mad daughter would lose her hunger for power, but it didn't look like she would. The more she killed the worse she got. Vitale walked into the cave passing everyone in the long line that went out the entrance to the cave. In the front, at a table, sat a spirit checking names. From there he decided where you go. Left and your soul was tormented for however long your sentence was decided to be. To the right and you head into the heavenly areas to your reward.Without looking up, the spirit dressed in gray noble garb asked.
" Name and cause of death?"
"God of life and I'm not dead" Vitale crossed his arms. " Where's Lord Nestor? I need to see him now."
The spirit looked up and saw who he was talking to . He jumped up out of his chair, surprised to see Vitale standing there.
" Forgive me." He said. " My job is long and tedious, and I don't always pay attention to who's in front of me."
" Maybe you should." Vitale told him.
" I'm not the one who passes judgement." The spirit told him. " Even if they're innocent. There's nothing I can do but send them on their way."
" Tell me where Nestor is and you can get back to work."
" Of course." The spirit bowed. " My Lord is with his wife in the palace. She can only be here during certain hours."
" Fine." Vitale told him. " I'll be on my own.

It didn't take him long to find the palace. He knew it would be in the heavenly area. Beautiful marble columns, perfect statues, shining fountains. Theirs was the most magnificent palace of all, fit for the lord of the underworld and his queen, the goddess of the night. He found Nestor and Alea sitting in the garden talking, when they saw him they stood. Alea smiled, but Nester didn't, he knew what upset him. He was there to deal with it.
"Welcome God of life," Nester reached out and hugged him. " What brings you to my home?"
" I think you know Uncle. My wife just sent you a lot of business, it isn't right. It's time we do something about our problem"
"Yes." Nestor said. He point Vitale to a sit. " She's gone to far sinking Tolcantia. If she keeps this up, Rimnar will get involved, and your father won't be pleasant I assure you."
Alea walked over and sat down with her husband.
" What can we do? She asked. " Muerte is a force."
" We have to bind her powers." Nestor told them, "I knew a binding spell that will strip her powers, but she's going to have to be exiled down here to a hell of her own."
" Not with out me she wont." Vitale stood up to confront his uncle.
" You love her that much?" He asked.
" Yes. I do."
" You'll sentence yourself too?" Nestor asked.
" How can I not be with her." He asked. "Who else can hold her here? Life must stay with death."
" Fine." He said. " Then you can be her jailer. I will give you the spell and you can confine her."

In the late evening light, Muerte sat in a field outside of her mountain palace and watched her handsome blond haired brother Alee in his golden armor end his journey across the sky. She was angry. She was a god, but her godhood wasn't fair. Her father had denied her the most important aspect of her godhood. The ruling of her own domain. The underworld should be hers, not that weak Nestor's. She was the goddess of death not him. He had no idea how that realm should be run. Not with mercy, but with a firm demanding hand. She was the one sending him all the souls, It was her causing all the disasters and plagues. Why should he be the one reaping the rewards and prestige of that position? It should be her.
She got up and rose into the sky totally blind with anger. Maybe if she went to father and demanded he place her in the role of mistress to the underworld, he would listen this time. Or maybe she she wanted more. Maybe the underworld wasn't enough, maybe she and Vitale could rules it all. He would back her and do as she ask, as long as she let his pity humans. But that would mean she would have to dispose of mother and father. Why not? He wouldn't grant her wishes. It was time she took want she wanted. To fight them she would need something more powerful then the magic she knew. Something like the spells of Gannon.
Gannon's spell book was created to overcome a branch of gods that tried to overthrow the gods in power. Those gods were brothers to Rimnar and Nestor. If she could find the hidden temple and get the book, she could master the gods. Then, not even her father could stand in her way. That's what she would do,
" Sister!!" She heard a call. " Watch out!!"
It was Alee. In deep thought she had almost flown into him and caused him to fall from the sky.
" Whats the matter with you Muerte?" He shouted at her. " Don't you know what happens if I fall? The sun falls to"
" Don't yell at me Alee." She called to him. " Just cause mother favored you and give you the sun, doesn't make you all important."
" More important then you death hag."
He turned and went on his way. He was done and it was time for Alea to take her place in the sky.
"What did you call me?" She screamed. Muerte reached out and sent a bolt of energy at him. It struck him as his feet touched the ground, Alee fell forward on his face with a scream of pain. Muerte landed and walked around Alee lying on the ground. She knelt beside him and grabbed his hair and pulled him up.
" I could cast a spell on you that would cause you unbelievable pain." She said. " I could cause you to never walk again. How dare you speak to me like that. If you weren't my brother, I'd make your suffering eternal. You'll all learn to show me some respect soon. I'll make you all bow before me."
With that said, she turned and became a raven and flew off into the darkened sky.
Seeing the whole thing from the sky, a beautiful red cardinal dropped down and became Jax. He ran to his brother and pulled him up into his arms.
" Alee, Alee!!" He reached for him and turned him over cradling him.
" I can't move Jax." He spoke weakly. " Get Vitale. Get help!!"
" I will." Jax picked Alee up and carried him into Vitale's home. He laid him on a divan trying to make him more comfortable and wiped his brow.
[ Vitale!! you must come home now.]
[ Why?] He answered. [ Is Muerte hurt?]
[No. Someone else. Hurry!!]
It only took Vitale a few minutes to get back from the underground.
" What happened to him?" Vitale asked kneeling to examine Alee. Jax had removed his armor. He sat Alee up and showed him the scar on his back. Vitale could tell he was in pain from the look on his face.
"You know who did this!" Jax was upset. " It was her. Now shes attacking us. We have to stop her now!!"
" Calm down Jax."
Vitale reached over and placed his hand on the scar. He sent healing power into Alee's back causing the pain to stop. Alee relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.
" He will be well now."
Vitale stood and led Jax outside to sit under the night sky. They could see Alea up there in her flight. Jax wondered what she would think about was.
" She didn't hurt him."
" Yes she did!" Jax said. " She just didn't permanently hurt him although she meant to. Will he be well in the morning for his flight?"
"The sun will rise." Vitale assured him.
Vitale and Jax sat on a dais in his garden. Things with Muerte were getting bad. He loved her so much but was afraid of what she might do next. His plans would have to go forward. Sadly she wasn't leaving him much choice.

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