Suddenly pain lanced through her back. Alea cried out but kept her course. She looked around and saw nothing. She reached around and felt the back of her silver armor. Nothing had or could penetrate it she thought. Then it wasn't her pain she was feeling. It must be Alee. He must be hurt. This has to be the work of only one person. Muerte. She's the only one mad enough to threaten another god. She had to check on him, but she couldn't stop her journey across the night sky. So she called out to Jax to check on him. Streaking up to meet her, Jax rode cross legged beside her.
" Yes Sister?"
" Something happened to Alee." She told him. " I want you to go find him. Make sure he is well."
Jax didn't know how to tell her what had happened. But he knew he had to. He couldn't hide anything from her.
"Alee is well." He said. " He was attacked by Muerte. He sleeps now. Vitale healed him."
Her anger showed on her face. Storm clouds began to surround them as they flew darkening the lands below.
" I will make that bitch pay for what she has done this day."
Thunder crashed through the clouds causing a deafening noise.
" Vitale says he will punish her Sister." Jax tried to calm her.
" No!!" She stormed. " He has to fly the skies soon. What if he can't?"
[I am fine, Alea.] She heard. [I will fly. Worry not.]
Tears streaked her face as she cried for her brother. Rain began to fall, lithely covered the land below.
[ Rest dear brother.] She told him. [I won't worry.]
" See? He's fine." Jax said." She did little harm."
" No brother. She did a lot of harm." Alea felt the pain her brother was in. She knew for him to fly, he would need assistance.
" Jax, You must fly with him in the morning. He will need your support."
" What are you going to do?" He asked.
" Watch and see."
" Alea!!" Jax called out. " What have you done?"
" She wants to be a monster." Alea said. "Now she's a monster."
From a high hill in Yadessa, Muerte watched Alea in her silver armor cross the sky guiding the moon on its way. Alea was another god she would have to deal with in her quest to become God Queen. She knew she was to be feared. As the night goddess she had dark powers that could threaten her. But once she had the spell book, none of them would matter. As she walked the hill a strange feeling fell upon her. She felt weak suddenly. And something else. She wasn't sure what it was. A craving? Walking began to tire her. What was going on? Up a head she saw a lake. Maybe a drink would help. Slowly she made her way there. Each step became a labor for her but she kept moving until she fell at the banks of the water. With the moon high and bright, she stuck her hand in to get a drink. Scooping up a drink she looked at her hands. They were old and wizened. What is this? She look at her reflection and saw and old croon with straggly gray hair staring back at her.
" WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME?" She screamed.
Her beauty was gone. In its place she saw the ancient hag she had become.
" How could this be?" She screamed out. " Who has done this to me?"
[Now you see yourself as your really are sister.] She heard. [A monster that lives on others ;ofes blood.]
"ALEA? You did this?"
[Yes, You have gone to far hag. You have killed millions for your own pleasure. Now you will do it to keep your beauty and to stop the pain and hunger from making you any more insane then you already are. You are now a monster and on you I have placed a blood curse. All you feed on will become like you. Ageless creatures of the night. One day your descendants will find peace,because of a good soul, but not you. Go forth and feed death goddess.]
" NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Muerte cried out. " This won't stop me. You hear me!! Nothing will stop me!!"
Muerte climbed to her feet and looked around. There was a walled town with a small castle beyond the lake and she could smell something in the air. The smell made her stronger for some reason. Whatever it was, it was calling to her. She gathered her strength and began to walk toward the town. Most of the houses were dark but the smell was everywhere. Suddenly she knew what it was. It was the blood of all the mortals here. It filled and gave her the strength she needed. Someone was going to die for her tonight. Slowly she made her way through the quiet town. Not a soul seemed to be awake. Muerte thought she would have to enter one of the homes when she heard a horse trotting through the gates. She covered herself with darkness and waited. Coming towards her she saw two soldiers and a man dressed in noble garb. Muerte smiled. Nobility, all the better. She stepped out in front of them and covered them all with her darkness. The horses fell dead from her dark spell and collapsed to the ground. Men scrambled to get to there feet to protect their lord.
"What magic is this?" The Baron asked. " To me my men!!"
Swords were drawn as they gathered around him. Muerte dropped her spell and stood before them. As the darkness clear they saw her smiling at them.
" Kill the witch!!" He ordered.
Charging at her the soldiers raised the swords to strike. Muerte pointed at the men and sent a bolt of energy at them. They fell into a deep sleep clutching their hearts leaving their Lord alone. Frighten by what he'd just witnessed, the Baron started to back away from her in fear. He knew his day had come.
"Be proud my lord. Your the first. And there will be many more" She said. "Tonight you will feed a God. Come to me now!!"
Try as he might to run, his legs would not obey his commands. Instead he walked right into her embrace. He felt joy as she sank her teeth into his neck and fed. As the blood began to flowed into her, she could feel his vitality filling her body and her beauty returning. She never felt anything so good. This was no curse she thought but a gift. She would have to remember to thank Alea. After feeding, Muerte picked up her victims and took them with her into the castle. She felt a need for rest and it wouldn't do to have them discovered in the middle of town. Once in the castle, she searched for a place where she and her food wouldn't be disturbed.The lords own quarters would be the best place for them for now. No one would bother them once he wakes and gives the such orders. She still wasn't sure what the limitations of the curse were, so she had to be careful. Muerte decided this would be a good source for her. They would be staying there, just for a day or two. Then on to her next move. Her revenge.
Hours later the baron woke up. His eyes burned from all the pain of the change. His thirst raged in him as he sat up. He looked around and saw the Lady sitting in his chair. She smiled at him. He wanted to get up and drive a sword through her chest. But he couldn't.
" Welcome Baron." She said. " How do you feel?"
" Hungry." He got to his feet and walked to her.
"You are now mine. You will do all I tell you or I will show you what a god can do."
" I will obey." He told her.
" You better." She rose up out of her chair and stepped behind it. There she had the two guards. One she had been feeding from. the other she kept for him. She dragged him out and tossed him at his feet,
" Feed now."
He was horrified by the idea. But the smell of his blood was so intense. He couldn't help him himself. He grabbed the man and tore the front of his shirt away. He could see the veins in his neck throbbing. His mouth watered as he pulled him to his mouth and bit into him. The sweet blood ran down his throat. It filled him with life and energy. It was the most exquisite feeling. He drained him and dropped him to the floor.
" Very good Baron." She said. " We will be spending time together. There's something I'm looking for. The spell book of Ganon. Have you heard of it?"
" Yes." He told her. " Its hidden I believe. In many different places, the underworld being one. Fearing these spells, the gods wanted to be sure the book was never put together whole again. So a part of it was sent to hell where Nestor could watch over it. That's the safest place for it isn't it? No one returns from there, so it will never be discovered there."
Muerte got out of her chair and walked down to Baron Valkar. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and the most horrid and evil. She reached over and touched his face. It was cold as death. She liked that.
" What makes you so sure its in the underworld? And, do you know where any more of it is?"
" My people know about the old gods. We have many scholars here that study them still. I even have a extensive library with works on that subject. I can show you some of them."
" Yes, you do that." She told him. " I want you to make this land mine. All the people, make them like us. Vampires. And get me the information on Ganon. The underworld awaits."
" Something happened to Alee." She told him. " I want you to go find him. Make sure he is well."
Jax didn't know how to tell her what had happened. But he knew he had to. He couldn't hide anything from her.
"Alee is well." He said. " He was attacked by Muerte. He sleeps now. Vitale healed him."
Her anger showed on her face. Storm clouds began to surround them as they flew darkening the lands below.
" I will make that bitch pay for what she has done this day."
Thunder crashed through the clouds causing a deafening noise.
" Vitale says he will punish her Sister." Jax tried to calm her.
" No!!" She stormed. " He has to fly the skies soon. What if he can't?"
[I am fine, Alea.] She heard. [I will fly. Worry not.]
Tears streaked her face as she cried for her brother. Rain began to fall, lithely covered the land below.
[ Rest dear brother.] She told him. [I won't worry.]
" See? He's fine." Jax said." She did little harm."
" No brother. She did a lot of harm." Alea felt the pain her brother was in. She knew for him to fly, he would need assistance.
" Jax, You must fly with him in the morning. He will need your support."
" What are you going to do?" He asked.
" Watch and see."
" Alea!!" Jax called out. " What have you done?"
" She wants to be a monster." Alea said. "Now she's a monster."
From a high hill in Yadessa, Muerte watched Alea in her silver armor cross the sky guiding the moon on its way. Alea was another god she would have to deal with in her quest to become God Queen. She knew she was to be feared. As the night goddess she had dark powers that could threaten her. But once she had the spell book, none of them would matter. As she walked the hill a strange feeling fell upon her. She felt weak suddenly. And something else. She wasn't sure what it was. A craving? Walking began to tire her. What was going on? Up a head she saw a lake. Maybe a drink would help. Slowly she made her way there. Each step became a labor for her but she kept moving until she fell at the banks of the water. With the moon high and bright, she stuck her hand in to get a drink. Scooping up a drink she looked at her hands. They were old and wizened. What is this? She look at her reflection and saw and old croon with straggly gray hair staring back at her.
" WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME?" She screamed.
Her beauty was gone. In its place she saw the ancient hag she had become.
" How could this be?" She screamed out. " Who has done this to me?"
[Now you see yourself as your really are sister.] She heard. [A monster that lives on others ;ofes blood.]
"ALEA? You did this?"
[Yes, You have gone to far hag. You have killed millions for your own pleasure. Now you will do it to keep your beauty and to stop the pain and hunger from making you any more insane then you already are. You are now a monster and on you I have placed a blood curse. All you feed on will become like you. Ageless creatures of the night. One day your descendants will find peace,because of a good soul, but not you. Go forth and feed death goddess.]
" NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Muerte cried out. " This won't stop me. You hear me!! Nothing will stop me!!"
Muerte climbed to her feet and looked around. There was a walled town with a small castle beyond the lake and she could smell something in the air. The smell made her stronger for some reason. Whatever it was, it was calling to her. She gathered her strength and began to walk toward the town. Most of the houses were dark but the smell was everywhere. Suddenly she knew what it was. It was the blood of all the mortals here. It filled and gave her the strength she needed. Someone was going to die for her tonight. Slowly she made her way through the quiet town. Not a soul seemed to be awake. Muerte thought she would have to enter one of the homes when she heard a horse trotting through the gates. She covered herself with darkness and waited. Coming towards her she saw two soldiers and a man dressed in noble garb. Muerte smiled. Nobility, all the better. She stepped out in front of them and covered them all with her darkness. The horses fell dead from her dark spell and collapsed to the ground. Men scrambled to get to there feet to protect their lord.
"What magic is this?" The Baron asked. " To me my men!!"
Swords were drawn as they gathered around him. Muerte dropped her spell and stood before them. As the darkness clear they saw her smiling at them.
" Kill the witch!!" He ordered.
Charging at her the soldiers raised the swords to strike. Muerte pointed at the men and sent a bolt of energy at them. They fell into a deep sleep clutching their hearts leaving their Lord alone. Frighten by what he'd just witnessed, the Baron started to back away from her in fear. He knew his day had come.
"Be proud my lord. Your the first. And there will be many more" She said. "Tonight you will feed a God. Come to me now!!"
Try as he might to run, his legs would not obey his commands. Instead he walked right into her embrace. He felt joy as she sank her teeth into his neck and fed. As the blood began to flowed into her, she could feel his vitality filling her body and her beauty returning. She never felt anything so good. This was no curse she thought but a gift. She would have to remember to thank Alea. After feeding, Muerte picked up her victims and took them with her into the castle. She felt a need for rest and it wouldn't do to have them discovered in the middle of town. Once in the castle, she searched for a place where she and her food wouldn't be disturbed.The lords own quarters would be the best place for them for now. No one would bother them once he wakes and gives the such orders. She still wasn't sure what the limitations of the curse were, so she had to be careful. Muerte decided this would be a good source for her. They would be staying there, just for a day or two. Then on to her next move. Her revenge.
Hours later the baron woke up. His eyes burned from all the pain of the change. His thirst raged in him as he sat up. He looked around and saw the Lady sitting in his chair. She smiled at him. He wanted to get up and drive a sword through her chest. But he couldn't.
" Welcome Baron." She said. " How do you feel?"
" Hungry." He got to his feet and walked to her.
"You are now mine. You will do all I tell you or I will show you what a god can do."
" I will obey." He told her.
" You better." She rose up out of her chair and stepped behind it. There she had the two guards. One she had been feeding from. the other she kept for him. She dragged him out and tossed him at his feet,
" Feed now."
He was horrified by the idea. But the smell of his blood was so intense. He couldn't help him himself. He grabbed the man and tore the front of his shirt away. He could see the veins in his neck throbbing. His mouth watered as he pulled him to his mouth and bit into him. The sweet blood ran down his throat. It filled him with life and energy. It was the most exquisite feeling. He drained him and dropped him to the floor.
" Very good Baron." She said. " We will be spending time together. There's something I'm looking for. The spell book of Ganon. Have you heard of it?"
" Yes." He told her. " Its hidden I believe. In many different places, the underworld being one. Fearing these spells, the gods wanted to be sure the book was never put together whole again. So a part of it was sent to hell where Nestor could watch over it. That's the safest place for it isn't it? No one returns from there, so it will never be discovered there."
Muerte got out of her chair and walked down to Baron Valkar. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and the most horrid and evil. She reached over and touched his face. It was cold as death. She liked that.
" What makes you so sure its in the underworld? And, do you know where any more of it is?"
" My people know about the old gods. We have many scholars here that study them still. I even have a extensive library with works on that subject. I can show you some of them."
" Yes, you do that." She told him. " I want you to make this land mine. All the people, make them like us. Vampires. And get me the information on Ganon. The underworld awaits."
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