Thursday, May 27, 2010

An Old One Returns. 10

Muerte was content for the moment. She had two parts of the book that would help her transform this world into her own and she could now start her plans. She planned to take control over different magical beings more powerful then her at the moment and use them. She knew there were gods still left. Gods she now could control with the spells she gained from Ganon's book. Muerte know the importance of Ganon's book. It wasn't the words, but the book that made them powerful. Each page had a subject. Holding the book or page one casts the spell and whatever the subject is, the magic makes it happen. Her only obstacle would be her father and his champions. She, as of now had no idea who they were, but they didn't know of her either. So she made for the nearest populated area and found a large house. There she took all the family and servants. The blood ran red that night. She drink from every one except the children. Them she killed, sparing them the vampire life. Once it was dark she sent anyone that had wakened out for more. She wanted to spread her curse far today, for she had work to be done. Muerte walked out into the night and looked up at Alea.
[It begins now sister. No one will be safe and father can't help them.]
[Father is a joke now. Powerless!! HA! HA! HA! HA!]
Muerte pulled out the pages she had found today. There she began the spell she planned to use many times. This spell was about controlling powerful beings.


Dark magic swirled and coalesced in the air. It looked like a fog of magic to Muerte. Soon an image appeared to her. A huge bat. The image was Cressca the Mad god. Her head was filled with information about him. Where to find his disciples, his pyramid.
" You will be first Cressca." She said. " But not the last."

Late at night Jack sat out on the balcony looking up at the moon. He knew Alea was still up there riding along and he wanted to talk tonight.
[Sister, do you know where she is tonight?]
[Yes, we have to stop her before millions die. She took a village tonight. Made monsters of the adults and killed the children.]
[Oh No!!] He sent to her. [ We have to put her back in her prison.]
[ That won't do.] The moon goddess said. [ She will escape again and then where would we be? She must be destroyed somehow.]
[ And you think Vitale will let that happen?]
[ Will he have a choice?] She asked. [She will make the world suffer if she isn't stopped.]
[He isn't ready yet. Only he has a chance against her and he doesn't even know who she is.]
[Then its time he learn. I will tell him.]
[Father forbids it. You know that.]
[I will send him a dream. I am working under fathers commands.] Alea's presence filled his mind. [ It's time he learns of her. I won't tell him who she is. Just what she is. A monster that needs to be put down.]
[I don't like it.] Jax told her. [But I will do my part.]
[Take care of him and the others.] She sent. [ They are all important.]
[ I will. Safe journey sister.]
[Always brother, Always]

Deep in his sleep Aramis saw a beautiful silver light coming toward him. He tried to look away but it was so wonderful he couldn't. Out of the center came a dark haired woman dressed in shining silver armour. She smiled as she walked toward him. He wondered why she looked so familiar to him.
"Greetings Aramis. The world is in trouble and you are our champions."
"Who are you?"He asked.
" I am Alea, Goddess of the Moon."
" Me lady? What kind of champion could I be?" He looked at her in wonder.
"The kind we need." Alea took him by the shoulder and walked with him through a beautiful garden surrounded by clouds. Aramis looked around and saw shining temples everywhere. People dressed in pure white robes laughing and sipping wine from crystal goblets. Alea handed him a glass. It was wonderful. he thought. This place looked familiar, like home and so perfect to him.
" You have been seeing a beautiful woman in your head." Alea told him. " She is a monster seeking to destroy all life. We want you and the dragons to be our champions of life."
"This place makes me feel at home so I will help you." Aramis told her. " But I just met these dragons,how do I convince them to help. That this is real?"
" Tell the blond winged one, Blessa sent you to them. He will understand."She stood and began to fade from his vision. He didn't understand, but he would do as she ask." Be careful brother." He heard her last words as he woke from the dream. He sat up and looked around. Jack was in bed on the other side of the room. What a fantastic dream he thought. He looked down and realized he was holding a crystal goblet. The wine in it smelled like heaven. The dream must have been real. He put down the goblet and knew what he had to do. He had to find the winged one. Blaze could help him. He got up and dressed leaving Jack in bed. He would tell him about the dream in the morning. Jack sat up as the door closed. Jax knew this was going to be hard for them all.
" So it begins Vitale." He said. " But how would it end."

The spell led Muerte to a deep crevice outside of a large city called Grish. She descended down into the cervice quietly on a path that twist and turned. There were many caves down here and she could sense life all around her. Muerte dressed in a plan hooded robe, she knew no one would recognize her, and a spell would mask her magic from her intended victim. On she walked. She could feel the presence of someone following her, Muerte masked herself in darkness and waited. Soon a man came creeping along after her. She could tell he meant to capture her and bring her to his master. She reached out and grabbed him and pulled him to her then bit into his throat. His body shook as she feed on him. Drained she dropped him and walked on. Soon he would wake and be one of her vampires. Soon they all would be hers. Further down she could hear chanting. It was Cressca's disciples readying the sacrifices for him. He to liked blood. What he didn't know was that his world would soon be hers to command. Muerte dropped the hood from her face and walked on to meet her victim, this god she planned to put under her spell. Around her she cast a spell that would repeal any attack her new subjects might send her way. She walked into a large cavern filled with red robed men and woman. All heads turned to look at her. Ahead of her she saw a great stone bat clutching a sacrificial table in its claws. This was his altar. There were many people lined up to the side to be used as the sacrifices to Cressca, all naked as he demanded. In a black robe, his high priest stood the holding the knife he used to send these people to his god.
"Who is this trespasser?" He pointed to her."Cease her!"
The aisle filled with disciples crowding to get to her. With a wave of her hand, she sent them flying to the side crashing into each other. On down the aisle she came. Her spell keeping them from touching her. Soon she stood at the altar. The high priest pointed at her and sent a bolt of Cressca's arcane energy at her. Muerte caught it in her hand and absorbed it. Then sent her own to strike him in the chest bowling him over dead.
"Cressca." She yelled. "Come to me!!"
High over her head the air began to shimmer. Something began to form in the air. It was a great hideous bat with massive wings flapping in the air.
"Who calls me?" It bellowed down.
"Your new master." She answered as she sent a wave of energy out to push back the crowd away from her.
" I serve no one witch." He blasted her with bolts of crimson energy from his eyes. His bolt struck her and she returned it. Cressca ducked down as he flew through the cavern. She began chanting Ganons spell as it almost seemed like time stopped. Cressca froze in the air.
" What have you done to me?!!" He screeched at her.
" Quiet. Let the spell take you." Muerte continued chanting. A magic field surrounded Cressca and he came down to the ground with his eyes all glassed over. Muerte watched him struggle against the magic, but it was no use. Gannon's spells were meant to be used against gods. He could fight all he wanted. She had control now. Muerte looked around. His disciples were massing for there next attack. She knew they couldn't hurt her. But they would make a good test for Cressca.
" Stop them." She told him. " Make them bow to me."
Cressca turned to his people and let out a loud screech. They all went down to there knees and covered there ears as they bowed to her. Cressca to bowed. She was pleased. Her power was doubled now. She would turn all of Cressca's people and send them out to make the lands over in her name. Muerte shall rule all!!!
" I am the true Goddess of death and I have a job for you Cressca." Muerte smiled " Your going to Yadessa to help a vampire."

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