" Rage." he said. " Come this way. Valkar awaits you."
The guards moved aside and let him pass. Tovar escorted him up to Valkar's study where he found him sitting at his desk. Rage could tell from the worried look on his face, that something serious was going on.
" Rage, come in." He said. "You to Tovar."
Together they came in and shut the door. Both men took a seat in front of Valkar.
" What the hell is going on here?" Rage asked.
" Rage, I'm not quite sure." Valkar said folding his arms.
" All I know is that my people have been disappearing. To where, I have no idea."
" How many?" Rage asked.
"Not that many. Fifty, maybe more." He said. "It's not the amount, I'ts who they are that's the problem."
[Rage, we're here.] Jandar sent to his mate as he and the others arrived at the gates to the city.
" Jandar's here with Azeal and Athene." Rage informed the vampire king. He thought the rest of this conversation should wait until they joined them in the study.
" Tovar, escort them here please."
" Yes Sire."
Tovar stood and shifted to a large crow and flew up and out the window. Rage and Valkar talked about how they finished Polan and the destruction of the dragon cave while they waited. Valkar told him how sorry he was about the deaths of his first clan.
" I have a gift for you." Rage told him. " It's from all of us in New Keanna."
Rage reached in his cloak pocket and took out a small ornate box made of gold. He handed it to Valkar. Valkar looked up at him in surprise. He didn't know what to say to his friend.
" Open it."
Valkar opened the small box and peered in. In the the box there was a gold ring with a beautiful blue gem set in it. Valkar took it out and held it up to the light. In the center of the ring, he could see a small spark of magic. He smiled at Rage as the door opened and Jandar,Azeal, Athene, and Shine the small golden dragon came in with Tovar. The saw the ring in Valkars hand and his smile.
" Thank you all for this." He said. " I'll treasure it always."
" It's for your protection." Jandar told him. "Its a piece of the Salvation stone. It has many magical properties that may be useful."
"Please everybody sit." He hugged Azeal and kissed Athene on her cheek." I'm sorry your homecoming is under dire circumstances."
Everyone sat down around his desk as he told the what he had just told Rage.
" So what's important about the missing people?"Rage asked.
" All of them have dark backgrounds in some way or another." Tovar told them.
" What's that mean?"Jandar asked.
" All of them except one has tasted human blood." Valkar turned to Athene. " Your uncle is missing."
" Oh no!! She cried. " And Father?"
" Missing as well." Tovar told her. " He was the first to disappear."
" Valkar." She said. " I have more disturbing news. Baron Valkars spirit visited me the other night."
Valkar's face flushed of all color. They all could see the fear on his face. Rage and Jandar wondered what was going on. But they had more bad news for him.
" Why would the most evil vampire to ever live contact you?" He asked.
"Because he's afraid of something." She said." Something worse then him. Have you ever heard the name Muerte?"
Valker fell back out of his chair to the floor in shock from hearing the name. Tovar rushed to help his king back to his feet. He pushed him away.
"Valkar whats wrong?" Azeal asked his guardian." Do you know who Muerte is"
They all looked at each other. None of them were really sure who she was. But Jandar told them what he knew.She was an ancient vampire resurrected by accident
"No." Valkar said as he sat back down. "She's much more then that. She's the very first vampire to ever live. She's the source of all my people, She bore the curse the caused all the hell my people have lived through. She made us undead, sacrificing all our soul for centuries. One of my ancestors managed to left our curse, but it took so many lives to do it."
" You make her sound like a demon from hell." Rage said.
"No, not quite. She's death. The goddess of death." Valkar told them. " And if she's back. Polan was a joke compared to her."
" I need to know everything you can find on her as fast as you can." Jandar told him." She is out there somewhere."
" And Baron Valkar?" King Valkar asked.
" Mags can find him." Rage had Shine on his shoulder.
" Be careful." Tovar said. " He's not someone to mess with. He's very powerful."
"What about my uncle?" Athene asked Valkar. " What are you doing to find these people?"
Valkar turned to Tovar for answers to that problem. He had put it squarely on him to find the missing.
" Lady Athene." He said. " I have to be very careful in searching for them. They may not want to be found. They may not even be missing. With all the strange things going on, I want to stay close to Valkar. The king must be protected.
" Then let me find them." Azeal said.
" And me." Athene looked over to Azeal. " I can find my uncle, And Azeal can help me. Rage please?"
Rage looked over to Jandar. He knew Jandar wouldn't want Azeal in any danger. But the boy was growing up and after the way he dealt with Velusia. He thought he could handle himself. But to be safe, he wanted one more person on this mission.
"If Valkar agrees I'll let you take on this mission. But I want one more person with you. Denner. He's on his way.
There are places in Yadessa that not many people dare to venture. On an island surrounded by a deep loch exists such a place. It's the original home of the Zlenka line. Many rulers of Yadessa had made the island the seat of there power till Baron Valkar moved his evil in. From there he spread out and made a whole country of vampires. His was the job to make the world over. But he knew a vampire world would be a dead world where nothing lived very long if he did that. So he made his place and ruled there.Now the island was suppose to be vacant, but it wasn't. There were many there. Flying in as bats, dark birds or swarms of insects. All called there by a lone vampire. Balthazar Gaelach, a cousin to the king who envied his throne gathered all these vampires here to plot against the king. Balthazar walked in the front gates and made his way past everybody lining the entry way. All of his coven were present and others of his dark order. All with hatred for the king. Everyone followed him into the main ballroom and took a seat set out for them. He walked up to the stage and looked out over everyone he had assembled there. He was a tall grim man with dark piercing eyes. He wore dark robes with a hood to make those he stalked fear him. Balthzar had been banished from from his home for his blood lust and his arrogance against the throne. There was a death sentence on him if he were to be caught anywhere in Yadessa. Valkar hated his uncle because of his views on how he thought there home line should be run. He thought they should go back to the old ways. Feeding on humans and turning as many as possible. Trying to make that vampire world there ancient goddess wished for. Things were about to change.
" Thank you all for answering my call. The time has come for us all to begin anew. It is time for Yadessa to rise and become the capital of a new world where we are the hunters and they are our prey. We shall keep them as cattle and breed them for food. The land will run red as we take what we want, as we herd them into blood camps for our children. All in our way is Valkar. We must relieve him of his throne and bring back the old days of vampire glory. The blood is the life, our life. And we will live!!!"
Cheers went all around the room as Balthazar finished and stepped down. He called his coven to him. For he had plans and they included all there, and Valkar Zlenka.
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